The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 266 Yan Feimo, You Are Playing With Me

Chapter 266 Yan Feimo, You Are Playing With Me (1)
This guy, isn't this guy following Yan Feimo's big mouth?Still a band.An Qianxi grinned, Yan Feimo, why don't you show up yet?Let her see your unknown side.

"Smelly man!" Alice's eyes turned cold, and she raised her hand, bats were flying all over her body.

"It's just a few tricks to come and go, it's really disappointing." Yasha spat, and rushed forward as soon as he moved.

"Puff puff puff" was the sound of the bat's corpse falling to the ground, and the old god Yasha was shaking his legs: "What else can I do?"

"I don't know how to live or die!" Alice disappeared into the spot in a flicker, and when she reappeared, she was in front of Yasha, her eyes met, and she smiled.

"Damn it, I won't be fooled again this time." He raised his foot and kicked it, although he missed it, he also escaped Alice's hypnosis.

"Asura, did you see that? That's all she has, and I've figured out the trick."

"Why are there so many nonsense? You should figure out the routine, kill her and go to the master to ask for a reward."

"Just wait and see how I show off—"

The contempt of the two made Alice feel angry, so little skill?Dare to underestimate yourself?The ice green eyes dimmed in an instant, and when he lifted his hand, the dead bats on the ground flapped their wings and gathered together, forming a huge bat with one mouth, sharp fangs still dripping with sticky liquid, flapping its wings He swooped towards the two of them.

"Fuck me, play fit?" The two rolled on the spot, Yasha rolled his eyes, and there is a big move, you think it is an island country animation?

"Now I'll show you what it means to be capable!" Alice smiled and waved her hand. The big black bat couldn't hit it with one blow, but it was extremely flexible. It turned over and sprayed black air at Yasha.

"Fuck you, is it still a poisonous bat?" Yasha quietly disappeared while speaking, and his big words seemed a bit early.

The lawn on the ground has quickly turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, isn't it poisonous?Not too toxic.

Shura Mei frowned, and the scimitar in his hand flew out again, but the bat spontaneously split into two, dodged the scimitar, and then merged into one again, with poisonous gas in its mouth. If this continues, the master's lawn will be completely destroyed. destroyed.

"Haha, ask for a reward? Call your master out." Looking at the helpless two people, Alice laughed triumphantly from the sidelines.

With a "bang", the huge bat tilted its body, screamed and fell to the ground, dissipating into ashes in an instant.Alice's smile stuck in her throat, and she looked up in disbelief.

The tall and straight man leaned against the door, turned the pistol in his hand twice, stepped forward slowly: "Looking for me?"

"Yan Feimo!" Alice came back to her senses and her eyes lit up. "Sure enough, he is the man I like. He has some skills. What kind of bullet did you use just now?"

"Try it and you'll know." Yan Feimo had no smile in his eyes, and raised his hand to shoot.

"You—" Alice didn't dare to stand there to be used as a target, and quickly dodged, "You, you actually shot at me?"

"Otherwise?" After the words fell, he raised his finger lightly, and the broken branches and gravels in the flower bed floated up one by one and pointed at Alice, without any room for negotiation, he lightly raised his fingertips.

"Want to run?" The invisible Yasha raised his foot and kicked again, the kung fu of Yin Ren was first-rate.

"Ah—" A tragic cry suddenly broke out, and Alice fell to the ground, "You, who are you?"

yes?Who is it?An Qianxi also heard Yan Feimo's answer with her own ears, but was shocked by Yan Feimo's glance whether it was intentional or unintentional, she shrank and quietly disappeared.Fortunately, fortunately, it is far away, this big tree is enough to hide, and it is night, so it should be hard to see clearly.However, for Yan Feimo, who is so keen, it seems that this place is not suitable for staying for a long time.But... I have gained a lot today, and it is probably close to ten, Dun Ye.

His heart moved at will, and he quickly withdrew when Yan Feimo turned around.

"Miss, you are back, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just made it clear to others, man, he's not the only one, I'm glad I discovered his true face early, let's go back."

"Okay miss, please get in the car."

Leaving in the dust, this time I drove much faster than when I came.

"Master, how should we deal with her? Just let it go."

Turning around, Yan Feimo raised his hand: "It's only three things, throw it out."

"What are you doing in a daze? Master told you to throw it out."

"it's me again?"

"You want me, a woman, to be a coolie again?" Shura Meibai glanced at her, and quickly moved her body, breaking Alice's neck, "Hey, I'll take care of it for you. If I can't bite you, I won't be able to hypnotize you. Drag it out."

"Hey—" Yasha looked up to the sky and sighed, "I was born to be miserable."

He grabbed Alice's hair and dragged her again like an animal. He bumped and bumped all the way, and threw him a hundred meters away from the village: "Damn it, I have to wash my hands again!"

The night was dark and the moonlight was like water. In the quiet alley, a figure seemed to be strolling leisurely, but moved extremely quickly, as if he was extremely familiar with the streets and alleys of country E, walking freely.Not long after, he flashed into a dark alley with familiarity, not paying any attention to the menacing looking men in this alley, turned two corners and stopped in front of an inconspicuous small apartment.The white and delicate finger bones knocked rhythmically on the door a few times, and the door creaked and opened a gap. A one-eyed brown-haired middle-aged man glanced through it, but was caught by the deliberately lowered door. The brim of the hat blocked the line of sight, and I couldn't see clearly. I only knew that there was a person in front of me, alone, not tall in stature, and male and female were indistinguishable.

The one-eyed man didn't ask much. Everyone is a person who understands the rules. Anyone who can find this place and knock on the door accurately is obviously an insider no matter who comes.Whether it's acquaintances or strangers, it's just word of mouth in this industry, otherwise he wouldn't be so low-key and come to his door in the middle of the night. Just do your part.

In just two or three seconds, the door was opened, and the person was invited in, and then the door was closed tightly, as silent as when the person came, but there was something strange inside.

The four walls are full of various models of firearms. Bullets and grenades are piled up in the alley, as long as there are all famous and new weapons here, you can see everything here, just like a small arsenal.

The corners of An Qianxi's lips under the drooping hat were curved beautifully, and she paced back and forth in front of the guns, touching a few from time to time.Nothing has changed, everything here has not changed, whether it is people or things, it is the same as when I came here in the previous life.

An Qianxi didn't talk nonsense, and directly put the cash box in her hand in front of the small window in the barred room, and said concisely to the familiar face: "An M200 sniper rifle."

(End of this chapter)

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