Chapter 278
"Master!" The six people below said respectfully.

Without raising his eyebrows, the man said coldly, "After you get back, go to the execution hall to receive your punishment."

Obviously very dissatisfied with the performance of the six people, Yu Luo was still in the air, and he raised his hand, but there was nothing in his hand, but the air was shocked, forming a strong current to press towards Yan Feimo.

This man is not simple!Yan Feimo tilted his head, and a strand of broken hair paused in midair for a second before drifting away with the air current.

While Yan Feimo tilted his head, he raised his hand slightly, and a few leaves swished towards the man like unsheathed sharp knives.The man turned sideways in mid-air. If there is slow motion, it can be clearly seen that the turned body avoids the criss-crossing leaves, and the avoidance is perfect.But Yan Feimo made a move, even if it was testing the waters, it should not be underestimated. One of the leaves seemed to have its own consciousness, and when the man avoided it, it suddenly reversed and sliced ​​towards the man's face.

The man obviously didn't expect the leaves to turn, and barely avoided it, but his ears were cold, and a bloodstain appeared at the right moment.

With just one move, the two are evenly divided.

"Good skill." The man praised without hesitation, with sparks of excitement jumping in his eyes.

"To each other." To get Yan Feimo's praise, one can imagine how strong the opponent is.

Landing at the same time, and shooting at the same time, exactly.I saw two black shadows coming and going to form a dazzling phantom, and it was impossible to tell who was who, which made the injured man amazed.What is a strong man, this is it!
In a trance, the two of them have gone through no less than a hundred moves, and neither of them got the slightest advantage. If the fight continues like this, the outcome will be hard to tell.The man already has calculations in his heart, and now it seems that he is outnumbered, and the opponent is an absolute master, and he also possesses supernatural powers, so it is not suitable to love fighting.At that moment, his eyes sank, his five fingers were spread wide, and his nails seemed to have grown three inches, so he just grabbed it with a wave of his hand.

Yan Feimo frowned, werewolves?With that strength and sharp claws, most people would be crippled without dying. They didn't dare to be careless at all. They leaned back and retreated rapidly.

The corner of the man's lips curled up, and five bright lights could be faintly seen on the long nails in the night sky. It was actually just a false move to claw down.

"Still withdrawing?" With a wave of the cloak, the six of them threw down a few smoke bombs as they said.

When the smoke clears up, where are there still people?
"He ran really fast." Yasha finally showed his real body and looked back, "My lord, that man is so good at fighting with you, what's the reason?"

count?The five people on the ground looked up instantly, the legendary half-blood earl?Today is really lucky.

Yan Feimo smiled without saying a word, stepped forward, and threw out a few bottles of ointment: "Don't be careless in the future."

"Thank you Earl for saving your life." Amber took the lead and knelt down on one knee, covering his heart with one hand, "The Earl saved our lives today, and I will keep it in mind. If there is any order in the future, as long as we can do it, we must All the best to help."

"The same blood clan, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Yan Feimo Xu gave a hand, "Amber, you are a warrior of the Bruhe clan, and seeing you today really deserves your reputation."

"The earl's demeanor is eye-opening. Although we, the Bruch family, don't care about world affairs, we respect the strong most. The earl is a well-deserved strong man, and he is benevolent and righteous. Amber bows down."

"The battle between the blood clans has never stopped, but I don't know that there is another mysterious force now. Amber, remind your clansmen to be careful when you go back." After speaking, he seemed to remember something, "On the first day of the new year, the sensor gave Amber , it’s better to have a precaution in the future.”

"Yes, master." Chu Yi took out an object that looked like a lighter from his arms, and handed it over respectfully.

Yan Feimo took it and stuffed it in Amber's hand: "This is their special supernatural sensor, which is only effective for supernatural beings. For the time being, I can only give you one. It is difficult to have one, and the materials are limited, but like you Soldiers who lead by example can make them do more."

"Great kindness, Earl!" Amber held the sensor tightly in his hand, raised his eyes with respect, "Count, the turmoil in the blood clan is indeed becoming more and more intense, and everyone knows about our clan. If it weren't for our clan's bravery , I am afraid that they have long since perished or become puppets of other clans. Thanks to the Earl’s great favor today, Amber will tell the elders when he returns. The entire blood family is what everyone expects, and if the Earl doesn’t think we are vulgar, we, the Bruch family, are willing to look up to the Earl.”

As Amber said, he knelt down again, and the four people behind him also knelt down.

The reason why Yan Feimo did not ask for anything in return for his kindness was that he was waiting for this sentence, and helped Amber up: "It is my honor to have a warrior like you. Not to mention my protection, we are both blood, and should have Watching and helping each other. It is the misfortune of the blood clan to see the constant disputes among the blood clan and the displacement of the same clan. Although I have no intention of leading the entire blood clan, I am here for the conflict. I hope that all clans can coexist peacefully. I have received your wishes, But the matter is important, your clansmen are used to being free, and I am afraid that you will be more restrained if you join me, I don't want you to lose your instincts."

"Count, only a real leader can say such selfless words. You have a big heart and are a natural leader. Usually, those groups who want to win us over will do everything for their own selfish desires, so we would rather die No. But seeing the Earl’s heroic demeanor and demeanor today, we yearn for and respect him. If it were you, our clansmen would all agree. Don’t you think so?”

"What Lord Amber said is exactly what we think, Earl, as long as you nod, we will follow forever." The four spoke in unison, their eyes full of respect.

"Count, you just said that you came here for the blood clan's struggle. Why don't you be thorough and lead the blood clan and set the rules. It is also a means to control violence with violence for the sake of peace. At least uproot those rebels who have evil intentions, otherwise the blood clan will never be peaceful." Day." Amber's voice was decisive and sincere, as if not convincing Yan Feimo was really a loss for their tribe.

"Master, Amber is right. If you want to do it, do it thoroughly, once and for all." Shu Luomei naturally knew Yan Feimo's intentions, and answered the words at the right time.

"Yes, my lord, it's not because of your ability that we've been with you for so long, but because you have the ability to be a leader, you can clearly distinguish rewards and punishments, and convince people with virtue. There is an old Chinese saying that those who win the hearts of the people win the world, you have Capable and popular, becoming the king of the blood clan is well-deserved. Only you can have a peaceful day for the blood clan, isn't this what you have been looking forward to?" Yasha followed closely to persuade.

"Count, please accept the sincerity of our Bruhe clan for the blood race." Amber put his hands on his heart and bowed respectfully.

"Amber, you are sincerely sincere, and I can't take it so lightly. The elders will say that I have no respect for elders." Yan Feimo chuckled and raised his hand, "In this case, in order to express my sincerity, I have to personally express my sincerity." Just go and meet your elders."

(End of this chapter)

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