The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 280 The Identity Revealed

Chapter 280 The Identity Revealed (1)
Seeing the man fall asleep peacefully, Corian got up: "Beate, you are too much!"

No wonder he vaguely saw a figure leaving in a hurry when he came. It turned out that Beater had come and sucked Ann's blood?Unforgivable!
He left as quietly as when he came, but with a little more anger, Corian gently closed the window before jumping off.

An Qianxi immediately sat up from the bed, touched her neck after being carefully bandaged, and looked up at the edge of the window: "You are really a gentle and considerate gentleman, but it's a pity that you all have bad intentions for me. So I'm sorry, Let's have a good fight between the three of you, don't be too intense. Oh heh heh heh..."


Emma, ​​another one?Looking up, isn't it Eric?With this appearance, he really felt overwhelmed, knowing that he had been tricked by himself.

"Hey Daddy! Why are you here?"

"Ghost girl, dare to plot against Daddy?"

"Hmph, who told you not to report it? My calculation is harmless."

"You—" Are you still reasonable?With a glance, he saw the cloth strip on An Qianxi's neck. This is... quickly stepped forward, "Who did it?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, the fun has just begun!"

This appearance, dare to make it yourself?
"You girl, that's not the way to use bitter tricks. Do you know that your blood is very precious? There will be no next time!"

"Follow me, Daddy, there will never be a next time. I'm tired and I'm going to bed. You've also lost your temper today, so go back and rest."


"Beate, why are you looking for me so late?" Half asleep and half awake, Alice was startled when she realized that there was a figure beside her bed. Alice was horrified, and the opponent grabbed her back as fast as lightning, and only then did she realize that it was Beate.Look at the coldness in those eyes, Alice is inexplicable, the visitor is not kind, but what did she do to make the person in front of her angry?

"What do you think?" Beata's amber eyes had long since lost their usual bright smile, and she grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her violently, tearing her off the bed mercilessly.

"Rude!" Alice flipped over on the spot, stood up with her hands, and rubbed her sore wrist, "Why are you so crazy at night?"

"Are you crazy?" Beate snorted sarcastically, glanced at the sleeping students on the other side, turned around, "Come out."

Alice sat lazily on the chair, looked at Beata who was domineering and sneered at her: "Are you afraid of waking me up when you come to me aggressively? What kind of gentleman are you pretending to be? If you have something to say, just say it here, or get out of here !"

"Alice, don't forget your identity. Living with others is just to hide your identity and live a normal life. If you do whatever you want without any scruples, it will only cause turmoil. Don't rely on your own ability to cause trouble everywhere."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Beate, it's rare, it's really rare, you can say such a righteous thing? But why do you accuse me? Have you forgotten the time when you started killing yourself?" Alice thought it was funny, beautiful Eyes raised slightly, "Am I causing trouble? Then you're going to talk about what I'm causing?"

"That was all in the past, and now the times are different, and we can no longer be as barbaric as before. As a vampire, who hasn't had a dark moment? In order to survive in this world, it is necessary to properly abide by human rules, so I have always I am trying to change myself. But what about you? After hundreds of years, you have been used to doing things your own way, pretending to be innocent, and you know what you have done behind your back..."

"Okay, okay, what's the tone of this lesson? Who do you think you are? Of course I know what I did, but it's also measured. I didn't even say anything about me. Doesn't that mean it's harmless. Since it's harmless, To whom do you show your face of provoking teachers and asking crimes?"

"Alice, you don't know that restraint is all due to the great elder's love for you. Do you really think that all the clansmen like you? It's just tolerating you for the sake of the great elder. Now there are constant disputes among the various clans, and the great elder is not free. Let me control you, if you are always so lawless, something will happen sooner or later..."

"I am lawless?" Alice jumped up and glanced at the person who turned over on the bed, "Okay, then go out and tell me, I want to hear how I am lawless!"

The two came to a remote open space one after the other, one was resentful and the other was brooding.

"Beate, you got angry at me out of nowhere today. If you don't give me a reasonable reason, don't blame me for being ruthless!" With a raised hand, bats flew all over him, forming a whirlwind and yelling at Beate in the dark night.

"Falling and ruthless? Don't tell me how wronged you are. Since when have you ever talked about reason and affection? When you were soft, it was not all for your own benefit?" How could Beata not understand Alice's heart?Seeing her raising her hand and threatening, she smiled, "If you hadn't done something wrong, would you be so angry when faced with my reprimand?"

"You—" It's okay if Beata didn't say anything, as soon as he said Ellie's anger came to his heart, he waved his hand, "I think you came here deliberately to find trouble today, Black Bat Swarm, go, here I will teach him a lesson!"

A large group of bats got the order and rushed towards Beata, roaring.Beata snorted coldly, the aura around his body changed, his clothes automatically stopped in the absence of wind, his toes lightly stopped in mid-air, his right hand swished several crosses, and several dazzling white lights were like lightning strikes rushing towards him. The swarm of bats, the bats that were struck screamed and fell to the ground one after another.

"Don't you know that my lightning is specially designed to kill you? How dare you invite a swarm of bats to die? Others may give you some face, but I, Beater, don't care about face or shame. You hurt my sweetheart, don't give it to me. Do you think I am joking about teaching you a little blood?" During the speech, there were a few more lightning bolts, which rushed towards Alice.

Hurt his sweetheart?When did she attack An Qianxi?While dodging, he also rose from the ground, and slashed at Beata's neck with a sharp knife in his hand: "Don't say I didn't hurt her, so what if I did? A mere human woman is worth your blow to me ? Don't you forget that we are members of the same ethnic group, are you going to be my enemy for that An Qianxi?"

An Qianxi, it's An Qianxi again!Yan Feimo seriously injured himself because of her, and now even his clansmen are willing to fight him because of her, hateful!
"What about human beings? You think you are noble and don't take anyone seriously, but have you also forgotten the fact that you were once human?" Beata raised his head and flashed, grabbing Alice's hand as he fell. Pulling down the leg violently, "Do you think you are the princess of the clan because you are so beautiful and you are so scheming to make the elders happy? Pooh! In my eyes, you are nothing, not even a single hair of a doll! I think you didn't get any benefits from Yan Feimo, so you made your idea on the doll's head? Let me tell you, with me here, don't even try to touch her!"

(End of this chapter)

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