The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 285: Invincibility

Chapter 285: Invincibility (2)
"You..." Hearing this, Alice was even more unwilling. She dared to feel that she was being played around all the time without knowing it. Damn it!
"Farewell to me, dare you say that you don't hate me to the bone? If I were really just an ordinary person, I would be the one lying on the ground now, and I can't die anymore." An Qianxi raised her foot and gave another shot Kicking, a mouthful of blood sprayed out of Alice's mouth, she turned sideways in disgust, curled her lips and turned around, "I know you have always been competitive, and you feel ashamed to lose to a human, so you hit me. Geng Geng Yu Huai’s feeling is uncomfortable, do you feel restless every day? By the way, I’m quite bored waiting, isn’t it just such a trivial matter, if you want to come, hurry up, solve it early and let everyone feel at ease. I have no choice but to fuel the flames and force you to act first."

"Baby, so you took advantage of our feelings for you?" Beata felt wronged, and let it go for the first time, but he didn't want to be used as a bargaining chip. Is this retribution?

"Yes, I used you all, but don't forget who was wrong with me in the first place." Aren't feelings just for taking advantage of?What's more, the other party is a vampire with no good intentions?An Qianxi continued to explain, "Alice thinks very highly of herself, thinking that she has always been a princess held in the palm of her hand, and she is used to enjoying herself aloft. Feeling frustrated has already made her feel unbearable, let alone being threatened and warned by her own people? In order to return me, a mere human being who is worthless in her eyes, her self-esteem does not allow her to be so useless, and she can hardly sleep or eat without this resentment."

"But you protect me too carefully, she has no chance to attack, but it is because of your constant protection that makes her even more angry and stimulates her determination to kill me." An Qianxi said eloquently, as if Speaking of a story that has nothing to do with her, the wind is light, "So she adopted the combat method of getting close to the enemy. Under your strict protection, if I don't release some water, how can she get the bait? So there is today's deception. She didn't expect that all of this was done on purpose by me, including being held hostage by her on purpose. Corin, Beata, I can see your thoughts on me today, and I am very moved. But I will not do it for you. Apologizing for taking advantage of your affairs before, it was just the price you paid for your previous misdeeds, and it was evened out. But..."

An Qianxi stood in front of the two, the sincerity in her eyes could not be faked, she raised her hand and smiled slightly: "I promise you to be my knights, are you willing?"

Without even thinking about it, Beat took An Qianxi's hand and kissed it, then knelt down on one knee: "Baby, you didn't dislike me, I am willing, one hundred willing!"

An Qianxi's words undoubtedly affirmed the sincerity of the two of them. Keruien shook his head with a light smile, and also knelt down on one knee and kissed the back of An Qianxi's hand: "An, speaking of wisdom, in front of you I am Ashamed of myself, Corian is convinced!"

An Qianxi smiled with satisfaction, and helped the two of them up: "Okay, from now on I got two loyal and good helpers, and they are also two handsome guys. They have made a lot of money."

Beat touched An Qianxi's soft and warm hand, and a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes: "Are you really a vampire? Also, why didn't I know Eric had a daughter?"

Eric chuckled: "This is really a long story, I will tell you slowly later, but with this daughter An An, my life is worth it."

"Impossible, impossible, Eric, how could you have a daughter?" Alice couldn't believe it, and the person in front of her said she was a vampire, but she was actually a person, right? "Could it be that and that Chinese woman...hahahaha, even knowing that she is a married man, Eric, you are still living with others..."

"Papapapapa" slapped Alice's face several times in succession, the speed was amazing, An Qianxi took a look at it pityingly, "It's really a dog that can't spit out ivory! You are not allowed to insult my father and my father." Mother, the love between the two of them is the purest and most touching in the world. It is a great pity in the world that we are separated today, and you cannot tolerate dirty words here. Why can’t he have a daughter? From the moment I was born, my Daddy's blood flows in my body, and I am his daughter. Although Daddy and my mother have not been able to unite, in my heart, I am the crystallization of their love and the witness of their love."

"For a person like you who doesn't know what time and true love are, you will never understand, and it would be a waste of time to say it." An Qianxi stretched out her hand, "It's really dirty to beat you, but no Can't play fast."

Corian understood, and quickly handed over a handkerchief. An Qianxi took it and wiped her hands carefully, and threw it on Alice's face: "Alice, I thought you would care about the kindness of your family, but I didn't expect you to really hold a grudge against Corian and Beata, and even wanted to kill them. Are you worthy of saying that you are of the same race as them? I am really ashamed and sad for you! Call me a scourge? I think it is a disaster for you to stay in this world."

"Daddy, I said earlier that she is not so innocent on the surface. You think she is just a child who has not grown up. She has no evil intentions and has been protecting her. Yes, the old saying says that human nature is kind, but She has long lost her humanity. You have seen everything today? How did she treat the people? Daddy, get rid of her as soon as possible. .If you still miss the old friendship and are reluctant to do it, I will come!" Raised the gun and pointed it at Alice's heart.

"No, don't, I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong!" Alice begged for mercy with tears in her eyes, and crawled towards Eric, "Eric, it's my fault, I was just infatuated for a while, I was blindfolded by jealousy Heart, now I regret it. Really, I don’t dare anymore, I will be honest in the future. Corin, Beata, I’m sorry, I’m sorry..."

Beat stepped forward and kicked: "Who are you sorry for?"

"An'an, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for all of you. I really know I was wrong, so just give me a chance. Isn't your country saying that you are forgiving and forgiving? I have the heart to repent, at least give me one Is it a good chance to turn over a new leaf, okay?" Weeping bitterly, where does he still have the arrogant appearance before?
"Pretentious!" An Qianxi snorted coldly, looked back at Eric who was a little loose, and knew that her father was moved with compassion: "Daddy, some people are not worthy of sympathy, and there will be endless troubles after letting the tiger go back to the mountain!"

"Eric, you are a wise man in our clan. Although you have no position, everyone in the clan respects you. Even the elders value you. They will discuss any major decisions with you. What did Ann say? Wrong, now is indeed not the time to be soft-hearted, think about the increasingly fierce ethnic disputes. If Alice..." Wouldn't there be endless troubles?Corian took a step forward, feeling murderous.

"No, no, I won't, I won't, just now I was talking in anger, if I don't have the protection of my tribe, I will not be far from death. I don't know how to measure, and I won't act recklessly, I won't Betrayer of the tribe. Eric, believe me, please believe me, just give me one chance, once, just once, and I will definitely change my past." Alice hugged Eric's leg tightly again, as if grasping It was the last straw, "I'm a Hui clan, and I don't move around anymore, even if it means throwing me in a dark room to be guarded, can I face the wall and think about my mistakes?"

(End of this chapter)

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