The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 296 Don't Do to Others What You Don't Want To Do To Others

Chapter 296 Don't Do to Others What You Don't Want To Do To Others (2)
An Qianxi's troublesome scene, which is not considered a noisy scene, is accompanied by Yan Feimo and Gu Zirui is in charge. It is definitely a strong alliance.The Yin family was very happy to watch the play. After listening to Yin Han Xixi's narration, Mr. Yin even slapped his thigh and laughed.And Mr. An just turned a blind eye and let his granddaughter shine there, and he was even more satisfied with Yan Feimo from the bottom of his heart.

Some families were happy and some were sad, An Qianxi's camp was naturally proud, but Mu Yanbin and An Zihui were not so comfortable.In front of so many riches and honors, not to mention making a fool of myself, I have to thank others for their "sincerity" with a smile on my face, I almost vomit blood.Before they got home, the faces of the two of them were frosty in the lounge, and the two watches in the watch box ticked away leisurely, as if laughing at the loss of face of the two of them.

After understanding the intention of the two of them to send the watch, Mu Yanbin's knuckles turning white while holding the watch box, cursing himself with naked elegance that he didn't know it?What a shame.Seeing that he was about to throw the watch box angrily, An Zihui stopped him.

"Yanbin, why bother? An Qianxi will get revenge, we have expected it? I know you feel uncomfortable, but seeing you feel uncomfortable makes me feel even worse. It's all my fault, if I'm not an illegitimate daughter... I'm the one who got involved It’s all my fault for killing you and making you suffer humiliation in front of everyone. I know you can’t swallow this breath, so why not? I’m not reconciled, what did I do wrong? I'm an illegitimate daughter, so I'm going to be stared at all the time, so I can't love you well?" An Zihui held Mu Yanbin's hand tightly, looked at the pair of expensive watches and smiled wryly, "If that's the case, Yanbin, We can't be depressed, otherwise they will be more proud? Feng Shui turns around, ten years in the east of the river and ten years in the west of the river, I don't believe how long she can be arrogant! The more they suppress us, the more we have to cheer up. In my opinion, You are a good man upright, no worse than anyone else."

"Zihui..." Mu Yanbin held An Zihui's hand instead, feeling a little peace in his heart.

"Yan Bin, we have to endure, no matter what is said outside, we have to endure. You have to remember that you are the elegant young man in the capital, and you cannot lose your position because of An Qianxi's provocation. Didn't she say that she might not return to China these few years? Then in the past few years, you have to accumulate experience, accumulate your own strength, and make yourself really strong. No matter how powerful Gu Zirui is, and no matter how rich Yan Feimo is, this is always the capital. As the saying goes, a strong dragon can't beat a local snake, and no matter how powerful they are Capable, your Mu family and our An family have a deep foundation, the Mu family is always yours, and the An family... the old man is getting old, my dad is on our side, Xiao Ye is just a puppet, now you and my two families are married , after all, the An family is not yours too? If you bring in the good friends you know on weekdays, are you afraid that you will not be able to beat a few outsiders?"

Mu Yanbin's eyes flickered a few times when he heard the words, and he naturally understood what An Zihui said, but although Yan Feimo had exposed his family background, they still didn't know how strong that background was: "Gu Zirui is indeed capable, a rising star in just a few years can We have to defend ourselves in the capital. As for Yan Feimo, I am a little bit afraid, because I don't know how strong he is."

"Hehe, what happened after the nobleman? It sounds scary, maybe he has some capital, but if he is really strong, he will come out to show his face and act as an actor? Maybe it's the end of the battle?" An Zihui sneered, picked up the watch and went to the bath As soon as Yanbin put it on his wrist, he also put the smaller one on his wrist, "If this is our shame, then we should remember the shame in our hearts and spur ourselves all the time. After all, it is a limited edition. It is a pity to lose it. Since they gave it away Why don't we pick it up? Wearing it, wearing it, is also a silent declaration. And if you think about it again, uncles and aunts have treated An Qianxi well since childhood, right? Isn't it obvious that she doesn't care about the past when she makes such a fuss now? Undoubtedly, you are slapping the Mu family in the face. This is an expression of ungratefulness. Do you think uncle and aunt have no idea? After all, it is your parents, it is impossible to really turn your elbows out, right? You and me In the past few years, I have studied honestly, worked diligently, and made a good gesture. Not to mention whether it is for our future, at least for the future of the Mu family, right? As long as the uncle and aunt change their minds, they will naturally help themselves People, do you think this makes sense?”

Mu Yanbin has completely calmed down now, he understands these principles, why does he need a woman to teach him how to behave?But An Zihui is not someone else, but the person who will make a quilt with him in the future, and her partner. Saying such words can be regarded as a model of a good woman.What did mother say at the beginning?Say she is not as good as An Qianxi?That's really a mistake. An Zihui is able to support her so strongly, isn't she the virtuous wife behind her?

"Yes, you are right. Zihui, from now on we will go hand in hand and never leave."

"Well, never leave!"

During the Chinese New Year, An Qianxi took Keruien and others from house to house and all over the capital, allowing them to experience the Chinese style to the fullest, and not forgetting their business while they were having fun.

Under the management of Zhang Qing, the Fule Club is famous and impressive, making money every day, and An Qianxi appointed him to expand the business. Anyway, if you have money and willfulness, how can you stick to one place in business?Naturally, it will bloom everywhere.As for the Snow Wolf Gang, they can be said to be the leader of the group of dragons in the underworld now, and they are echoed by everyone.An Qianxi transferred part of the money from the E-country securities company to Li Canran, combined with the original funds of the three gangs and the money An Qianye earned from investing secretly, and began to flex her muscles.In addition to drugs, shady deals, planning and investment in various industries, and took Jin Xina to Qingshui Yaju.

"Nana, Xiaoyue is a master hacker, and you are a genius in mathematics. You two are familiar with each other now, right?"

"Well, Xiaoyue treats me very well."

"A family should naturally love each other." An Qianxi smiled brightly, "Nana, the securities company in country E is on track. Although we will go back to school after the Chinese New Year, but now that communication is advanced, you and Xiaoyue Stay in touch, I need your full cooperation."

"Miss An, tell me, what do you need me to do?" Yue Lingyi was very excited, but at the same time very solemn, thinking that the coming days would not be easy, she had to redouble her efforts.

"Xiaoyue, your task is relatively heavy. On the one hand, you can't delay your studies. On the other hand, you have to help me investigate the major securities firms in China, and hand over their data sorting and classification to Nana. After Nana graduates, I plan to let her Come here to develop and establish your own base. On the other hand, you have to start keeping an eye on the Mu Group. I want all their detailed information, public and non-public, the future direction of the company, investment direction, financial assets, etc., the more detailed The better. Of course, this is a process of continuous stalking, you can't take it lightly for a moment, as long as they have any new moves by the Mu family, you have to tell me, in other words, you are a secret commercial spy, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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