The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 304 Susu, I have been waiting for you for a long time

Chapter 304 Susu, I have been waiting for you for a long time (3)
"I'm afraid life would be worse than death!" Chu Wu covered his mouth and snickered, it was a great shame for a man to be suspected of being incompetent.Besides, who is the master?Anyone in this world can be incapable, the master is an invincible existence, so what, what is an injury?
"I was wrong, I was wrong, don't tell the master, you just think I farted just now..."

"Bah! It stinks, I think you are a fart!"

Yan Feimo's words set off layers of ripples in An Qianxi's heart. She did not expect his thoughts to be so delicate, so delicate that she, a person who didn't know how to be moved, felt so emotional that she couldn't help re-examining herself.It seems that after rebirth, I am more like a human being. Whether it is Yan Feimo or her "friends" who were just used to take advantage of them, I have been sincere to them without knowing it. Is it because she infected them or did they change? lost her?
Yan Feimo was right, she had special feelings for Absolutely, in her eyes, a man should be like him, although mysterious, but with extraordinary ability and extraordinary.From being grateful at the beginning to looking up later, she once thought that as long as she worked hard, she would always catch up with him. She wanted to stand by his side and walk side by side.She didn't know if this emotion of hers was the liking people said, she just wanted to get closer to him, if Yan Feimo hadn't appeared, maybe she really admired that man.But now she realizes that the feeling she had before was admiration, and what she felt for Yan Feimo was love.

Having confirmed her intentions, An Qianxi smiled calmly, and Yan Feimo took care of herself, so should she do something in return?Thinking about the past few years, he has been giving constantly, and I have done almost nothing for him except to feed him some blood, and the blood feeding is also because he blocked a bullet for himself.

Thinking of this, An Qianxi found a sunny day and went to sea alone.

Although it was still winter, the weather was very good. The warm sun made people feel warm, and the calm sea was blue. An Qianxi drove a speedboat on the sea.

"Hehe——" An Qianxi opened her voice comfortably against the sea breeze. It has been a long time since she has been swimming freely in the vast sea alone like now. This feeling is really sad and exciting after a long absence.

With the coordinates set by herself, the speedboat is getting closer and closer to the destination, and An Qianxi's heart is also agitated. I don't know if it will change?With a chuckle, he slowly circled a few times on the seemingly empty sea.

An Qianxi lingered in this water area, which attracted the attention of the monitoring room.

"Inform the master that this woman is a bit unusual." The internal staff have never met An Qianxi, but they just think this woman is very suspicious. If they circle the same water area, they are either nervous or they know the secret here. Such important news must be forwarded. head report.

When the man got the news, he had some expectations in his heart. Could it be her?Feeling impatient for the first time, he quickly came to the monitoring room with a spin.

It's her, it's her, she's here!

The corner of the man's mouth curved into a slight smile, and the temperature around him became even warmer in an instant.

Everyone had never seen the master laugh like this before, so they couldn't tell what it was like, they just felt that it was very different from usual.In the past, the master would also laugh, which was ridiculously cold, and under the smile was often lore.But today, is this a sincere smile from the heart?He couldn't help but looked up and looked at the screen again, could it be because of this woman?Master knows this woman?

"Master..." He swallowed the words again, and it's better not to say the next word, otherwise the one who makes the master unhappy is himself.

"Ah! Master, it's that woman!" The woman who came with the man obviously didn't know how to look at her face, her pretty face was full of murderous intent, "Master, this woman is sneaky, I'll kill..."

The man's eyes shone slightly, and he raised his hand to grab the woman's neck: "Have you forgotten the fate of the shadow? Let me hear such words again—"

The fingers tightened suddenly, and the woman's face flushed instantly.

"Get off!" The man let go, turned his eyes down to the screen again, and the corners of his lips curved again, as if the cruelty just now was just an illusion.

The woman coughed and thanked her thousands of times: "Thank you, master, for not killing me!"

Lian crawled out of the monitoring room, thinking of An Ye's fate, his scalp tingled.What are the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?When I got there, I felt that life was worse than death, and I would never talk nonsense again.

An Qianxi wandered around for a few times and finally stopped: "Jue, you should see me now, right?"

An Qianxi muttered to herself, coming here alone was a gamble on the unbearable look in the man's eyes at that time, then she opened her mouth to say a few words silently, and suddenly a small island full of vitality appeared in front of her eyes.

An Qianxi breathed out, it seemed that she had made the right bet, the formula for entering the island has not changed, does it also mean that he is waiting for her?

It's no wonder that Yan Feimo and the others couldn't find it here. How could they have thought that there was a small island hidden by a spell?This shows how cautious and meticulous KING's mind is.

When An Qianxi set foot on the island, she suddenly became calm. This small island that she had always lived in, which could be called her home, now set foot on this familiar land again, and suddenly felt as if she had been in another world.Think about it and shake your head, isn't it?I have been reborn.

Walking on the small island with ease, laughing at those unchanging organs, how many bones have been buried here?I'm afraid it's too many to count.

Arriving in front of a modern building, An Qianxi walked in openly. It was obviously intentional to make her get here smoothly, so what was she afraid of?Just go and ask to understand.

The man looked at An Qianxi who entered the building majestically and smiled again. This girl's temperament really hasn't changed at all, she is still so confident and fearless.Press a button casually, turn around and walk away.

Under An Qianxi's twists and turns, a door in front of her suddenly opened, huh?Something weird?Then take a look at what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd!

When I entered the door, I could smell the tangy fragrance. When I looked up, the room was very big without any extra decorations. There was a big vase by the window, and the plum blossoms in full bloom in the vase.

Plum blossoms, lingshuang fighting snow, strong and proud.An Qianxi's favorite is plum blossoms, he still remembers them!

An Qianxi's heart twitched slightly, was this prepared for her?His heart warmed, and a gleam of water flashed in his eyes.I vaguely remember that every winter, he would pick fragrant plum blossoms for her to decorate her room.Later, he simply found an open space on the island and planted it with plum trees, which aroused the envy and jealousy of everyone.He is really the most special to himself.

Thinking of this, An Qianxi sighed quietly, then raised her eyes, and saw a crystal coffin, in which lay a figure faintly, and the figure was covered with red plum blossom petals.

what's the situation?An Qianxi's heart was beating violently, and she walked over involuntarily, as if someone was calling her from the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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