The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 309: Island War

Chapter 309: Island War (2)
"I'm going! The real version of Nicklaus?" An Qianxi was surprised, biting Apple's mouth, still feeling a little unbelievable, "Wait, wait, I still don't understand, even if he is a mixed race, why? Is your father not mixed up? Or are they actually half-brothers? Oh, oh, I’m still a bit confused. Don’t vampires not be able to reproduce? You are already a miracle, don’t you think your family is full of children? Miracle? Speaking of which, how was your family born?"

Yan Feimo chuckled, and he also felt that An Qianxi's words were correct. Their family really met with such a chance, which made people sigh.

"About our family, this matter is simple and complex, and everything can be traced back to my grandfather's generation more than 1000 years ago."

300 years ago, Yan Feimo’s grandfather was still a normal human being at that time. He and his wife had a son and a daughter. They had a very good relationship, and the children had grown up to be smart and filial to their families. The family lived happily. It is bliss.But Yan Feimo's grandmother was always in poor health, and died of illness before she was [-].The young widow, who is also a nobleman, has always had a special liking for Yan Feimo's grandfather. She thought that she would have a chance when his wife died, and she would greet and care for the whole family.But I don't want her to not only be ungrateful, but also fall in love with other women in the end, which makes the widow very sad, and when she is sad, she feels resentment.

No one knew that the widow turned out to be a witch, or a powerful witch.The witch was already scary at that time, and the blackened witch is even more terrifying. Anyone who threatens that she can't get it will never get it.He used magic to kill the woman that Grandpa Yan Feimo fell in love with, so that he would not be able to get the love in his heart.Frustrated, he cast a curse on the family, cursing them to live forever, live on blood, and become vampires living in the dark without seeing the sun. This is the reason why Yan Feimo's family became vampires.

"Tsk tsk, the love of a crazy witch is really scary." An Qianxi shook her head when she heard this, and lightly raised her hand, the fruit core was accurately put into the trash can, hooked Yan Feimo's neck and said, "I will understand the next thing, Your grandfather fell in love with the wolf girl later, right? Then by coincidence, the one-in-a-thousand or even one-in-[-] chance was met, and the vampire and werewolf combined to give birth to the hybrid Ferges, right? "

"Hmm, that's it." Thinking about it this way, the blood of my family is really amazing, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle family, "It is also because of these miracles that our family is the pillar of the blood family. The Elder, Father and Figers are princes."

"Well, isn't your identity, Yan Feimo, a descendant of the royal family? Is your grandfather a real royal family or did you just make up a cover?"

"True royalty."

"Tsk tsk, so it really is, honorable, honorable." An Qianxi curled her lips, did she think she was really superior?
"Wife, madam, what expression do you have? Don't you think about the old concept of being right? When did you care about this? Besides, there are ancient people in the noble history books." Yan Feimo pinched An Qianxi's nose , full of doting, "My dear madam, as a husband, I obey you. How can I compare with you in honor? You are the queen of your husband!"

"Well, that sounds good!" An Qianxi twitched her brows lightly, and two sweet kisses were a reward, then she seemed to remember something, and said seriously, "Actually, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, and listen carefully for my husband."

"Absolutely... Figes said that I was the only one in the organization back then, and I believe he didn't bother to lie to me."

"So what do you mean?"

"The supernatural person appeared after me." An Qianxi pondered for a moment, and expressed her doubts, "In addition to confirming his identity, I also want to confirm one thing. There is an experiment on the island. Laboratory, I don’t know what the specific research is, it is also the top secret on the island, no one will know except him and those researchers. I knew the existence of this laboratory before, but I have never paid much attention to it, even if he regularly When dealing with some crazy people, I just treat them as insignificant people and never ask more questions. Now that I think about it, do you think your mother's disappearance has something to do with him? Could that laboratory put your mother... ..."

Yan Feimo's hand tightened, his eyes turned cold, An Qianxi hurriedly held his hand and gently comforted him: "That's all I said, I'm not sure. But we must be mentally prepared for the worst, right? If this is the case, then those crazy people are obviously research failures, and the later supernatural beings are all man-made."

"Qianqian, thank you." Yan Feimo hugged An Qianxi tightly, his body was still trembling, and he intuitively thought that this was already a fact.

"Thank me for what?" An Qianxi gently hugged her back and sighed, "It's a pity that I am a sheep in the mouth of a tiger today, let alone exploring the secrets, even I almost got caught by myself..."

"No, your news is very important. Even if those supernatural beings are not his creations, it must be uneasy to gather these people secretly. Although I have never had contact with him, the clan has a good reputation for him, but that was not the case in the early stage. "As if thinking of himself, Yan Feimo couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, "The mixed blood is powerful, but he is also excluded by others. He can sit on the position of the prince, but the hardships during this period are like me, but I don't hate it. You Having gotten along with him, I understand his temperament to some extent, do you think he will be a person who repays evil with kindness?"

An Qianxi remained silent. Indeed, Figes was not a good person, even if he was special to him, it could not change the fact that he was bloodthirsty and ruthless.

"So we have to take precautions. I have to inform my father. Regardless of whether my mother's disappearance has anything to do with him, I will explore that island again, and I must do so quickly." Yan Feimo called after finishing speaking. The phone call, of course, was to his father.

Within two days, a suave, yet suave brown-haired man appeared in Yan Feimo's manor. Without waiting for notification, he went straight to Yan Feimo's bedroom without knocking on the door. The first thing he said was: "Mo'er, is what you said true..."

A pillow flew towards him, interrupting the man's questioning. Yan Feimo growled with a dark face: "My lord, do you still understand the rules?"

While talking, the thin quilt wrapped the person in his arms, covering the blushing spring, but he forgot that he was now bare chested.

"I'm your father!" The man waved his hand, and the goose feathers in the soft pillow were flying all over the sky, but he paused when he raised his eyes. what.He coughed dryly and raised his hand to say hello, "Hi! Beauty, did that brat bully you?"

"Don't respect the old!" Yan Feimo pressed An Qianxi's head, and by the way, raised the thin quilt a little bit to cover the shoulders that were exposed because she arched out to watch the excitement, "Sleep well, Don't pay attention to that rascal!"

(End of this chapter)

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