Chapter 325
"Stare at me again and I'll kill you!" Jin Mao smashed the gun on Mu Yanbin's head while speaking, "If you are a smart person, be honest."

Mu Yanbin protected An Zihui and dared not speak again. This group of people had guns in their hands, and they were not good men and women.

"I don't know who I offended and bothered you so much?"

The golden retriever snorted and glanced at the two of them, then turned to look at his brother and said with a smile, "These two guys don't know what to do, it's so funny!"

The golden retriever smiled, and several people laughed along with it, naturally it was ridicule.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? You'll know when you get there." The golden retriever didn't have time to spend with this couple of dogs, so he leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest as soon as he finished talking.

The main altar of the Snow Wolf Gang, the two were pushed out of the car, the hall was really lively.

Li Canran was sitting in the main seat drinking tea leisurely, Jin Xuyang was slowly cleaning his gun on the left, Feng Langyun and Feng Langxiao were playing chess.Others separated on both sides, and closed the door as soon as they saw someone coming.

"Come?" Li Canran smiled lightly, and put the teacup on the table.

Jin Xuyang raised his eyes and glanced: "Is this the two adulterers who don't know each other?"

"Aren't they those shameless men and women!" Feng Langxiao held the chess piece in one hand, turned his head and smiled, "What are you looking at? Don't you know me? Brighten your dog eyes and watch carefully!"

Mu Yanbin naturally knew who Li Canran was, and so did Feng Langxiao, but what did he hear?Snow Wolf Gang Fengyun Hall?When did Fengyun become part of the Snow Wolf Gang?

"General!" Feng Langyunma took a step to approach Feng Langxiao's veteran.

"Fuck! Brother, are you cheating? I said a word, and you beat me?" The chess piece in Feng Langxiao's hand suddenly fell, and he stared at the chessboard with wide eyes, "I'm going, I'm really forced to die ? You must have tampered with me while I was talking, don’t count!”

"Get lost! Don't pull me to play chess with you!"

"Don't tell me, it's my mouth that's twitching and twitching. Then let me regret it, okay?"

"Regret your sister, how many times have you said that you have regretted it? I can't play chess with you, so go away."

"Oh brother, don't be so heartless..."

"Have you had enough trouble?" Jin Xuyang couldn't see it anymore, the two brothers almost blew his head off.

"Oh, it's important, let's not talk about it." Feng Langxiao chuckled, turned to look at Li Canran, "Boss, please."

Mu Yanbin understood somewhat this time, and this matter must have something to do with An Qianxi, his eyes darkened: "Did An Qianxi ask you to kidnap us?"

"Can you call my wife by her first name?" Feng Langxiao was unhappy, and rushed forward to kick Mu Yanbin's chest, "Kidnapping? What are you worthy of our kidnapping? Today Son, our Snow Wolf Gang brought you to our headquarters to see my wife’s face, otherwise you can still live until now? If I do it, you will be an eunuch, she, it’s her turn to throw it on the street to feed the dog!"

An Zihui was so frightened that she shivered and shrank behind Mu Yanbin, tears streaming down her face: "Yanbin..."

"Are you scared now? Wasn't it courageous when you hurt my wife?"

"An Qianxi is your wife?" Mu Yanbin was a little puzzled, but the man in front of him called smoothly, and An Qianxi did seem to have some friendship with him.With a mocking smile, "Yan Feimo seems to have Guan Su, and now it's you again, she really knows how to attract bees..."

This time Feng Langxiao didn't need to do anything, only a gunshot was heard, the gun in Jin Xuyang's hand was already in Li Canran's hand, the bullet slashed against Mu Yanbin's face, leaving a bloodstain, the original smiling face was replaced by a cold look , I opened my mouth coldly: "Keep your mouth clean, it's not your turn for Li Canran's baby sister to make irresponsible remarks!"

younger sister?Mu Yanbin was already shocked by the sudden bullet, but the sound of his sister shocked him even more. This can no longer be described as surprise, it was naked horror.

"Are you scared?" Li Canran sat in a high position, and glanced at her disdainfully, "Did you ever think about how she felt when you designed to frame her? That's right, how would you feel if you were bullied by a girl? It's nothing but unwillingness It's just resentment!"

"Boss, these two are not good things, and that An Youjun is not a good thing. You think that if you charge my wife with a crime of unfilial piety and drive her out of An's house, you can rest easy? Let me tell you, An's family is in my wife's eyes. It doesn’t even count as farts. What’s a mere An’s family? With your Mu family, my wife can crush you to death like ants with a finger.”

Li Canran stepped down from the high position, stood in front of the two of them, bent down suddenly, and brushed Mu Yanbin's collar: "You are well-dressed, why is your heart so vicious? Miss An warned you all earlier. Don’t think about it, why don’t you listen to me? She is my younger sister, but she is actually the head of the entire Snow Wolf Gang, do you understand?”

"Boy, be careful. Don't think about the nonsense that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. In the face of absolute strength, even struggling is unnecessary." Li Canran patted Mu Yanbin's face as he said, and stood up, "Girl An is going abroad Don't you stop it? You have to push your nose and face and cooperate with that bastard An Youjun to suppress An girl. Do you really think that An girl knows nothing? It's nothing more than cooperating with you to give you a little sweetness. I'm not afraid to tell you, the land Yin Hanxi deliberately raised the price to trap you. Those residents also got our backing to add trouble to you. As for the security, hehe, don’t you know that it’s our company? You, Master Mu, are burning too much money, so we won’t take it No use. Haunted? Do you think you can live in peace after buying that piece of land? If you want to make trouble in Dali, you will be troubled by it. How does it feel now?"

"You, you... An Qianxi is so ruthless!"

"Cruel?" Li Canran turned around and kicked again, this kick made Mu Yanbin vomit blood, "You should thank Miss An for her mercy, if it wasn't for your parents' face, your Mu family would have lost to you You still say she is ruthless?"

"Boss, this man is a wolf-hearted thing. He didn't cherish his wife who was so good to him before, and he got together with his sister-in-law. To be honest, my wife is not interested in your dirty things. But you just do it, and you have to do it one after another. Framed my wife, if it wasn't for my wife's ability, she would have been killed by you long ago, and you still have the nerve to call her cruel?" Feng Langxiao grabbed Mu Yanbin and raised his hand to scratch his ears, "Don't be ashamed If I beat you, I would think it would dirty my hands!"

"Mu Yanbin, I came to you today to give you a clear warning. Don't be ignorant. An An is not something you can afford. An An said that she just wanted you to spend money to buy a lesson. She didn't intend to force you to Mu Yanbin. The family is at a dead end. It's only a few billion, and you can make more money. If you still don't know how to repent and want to fight An An—" Li Canran stepped on Mu Yanbin's heart, and looked down with pity, "Don't do anything with An An, I will let An An do it. You are a ghost and you will not live in peace! You are a smart person, you know how to weigh the interests, and you should make yourself weigh it carefully if you want to lose face."

(End of this chapter)

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