The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 328 The Grand Finale

Chapter 328 The Grand Finale (2)
Mu Yanbin paused, raised his head and said firmly: "Love! I can understand why she did this. What she wants is a warm home and the same dignity as you, but the words "illegitimate daughter" overwhelm her. I can't breathe so that my mind is distorted, just like I resent you and distort my mind. But she has never done anything sorry to me, even if she is with me to embarrass you, it can't negate her love for me Love. I know I was wrong, and I want to make amends. If you save the Mu family, you save me and her. She will understand that everything before is just mediocrity, and she will no longer feel resentment. Please give us a change Opportunity."

"If... Forget it, there are no ifs in this world." An Qianxi shook her head with a light smile, and raised her hand to give her a hand, "Mu Yanbin, it is her blessing for An Zihui to have your love, I hope she can cherish it." .I hope you remember what you said today, and I hope you can return to the original you in the future, and everything in the past will disappear.”

"An, An An..." Mu Yanbin raised his hands to hug the person in front of him, but he finally let go. He was so insignificant in front of her that he was no longer qualified to hug that smiling person, even if I can't touch it even if I am grateful, the man's tears fell again, "Thank you An'an, sincerely."

"Hey, although you should really be grateful, even though I said that everything is gone, it doesn't mean that I regard you as a friend, but as I repay the kindness that your parents have shown me for caring for me over the years."

"Anyway, I want to thank you."

An Qianxi shrugged her shoulders without denying it, and returned to the topic: "Don't tell your uncle and aunt about this matter for now, you go to An's house first, stay with An Zihui, and An Youjun must never mention it, just stay with your lover That's fine, but you have to make a statement that you won't break the engagement. As for the other things... I'm afraid she won't do anything."

"What do you mean?" Mu Yanbin had completely calmed down at this time, and he knew what An Qianxi was planning with a quick turn of his head, and he was immediately admiring him from the bottom of his heart.

"Mu Yanbin, your brain is actually really good. I said how good it was for you to use it all on revitalizing your family business before?" An Qianxi said. Mu Yanbin couldn't help but bowed her head in shame. It's crazy to think about it, as long as you don't like her, she will make a big fuss. If she wants to make a fuss, let her make a fuss, and the bigger the better, but you have to spend a few days in prison first, and you have to be wronged Zihui will be the bait once."

"You mean..."

"I said that she is already crazy. Even if you do what she wants, she will not let An Zihui go. As for the will understand in due time." An Qianxi did not explain, and continued, "You Since begging me is of course believing me, then don’t ask anything, I have my own plans for the next thing. As long as you know that when the truth comes out, it’s time for you to wash away your grievances. Not only will the Mu family not be affected, but also because of you This is the so-called death and survival, understand? But first, I have to deal with the matter at hand. Well, there is nothing else you can go back to .”

Mu Yanbin bowed deeply to An Qianxi, then bent over to everyone in the hall, then turned and left.

"Honey, that kind of person deserves it. It's not a pity to die ten thousand times. Why do you still help him?"

"I said, I just repay his parents' kindness to me."

"My wife, you are so great!"

Yan Feimo got up, pulled An Qianxi and left without looking back: "Let's go home."

"Hey, why don't you leave just after I come? Don't leave, don't leave, let's have dinner together."

"Qianqian, she won't miss you." Yan Feimo hugged An Qianxi and whispered, ignoring Feng Langxiao's yelling behind him.

"Wouldn't it be better to save me from going to her?" An Qianxi raised her head and glanced at Yan Feimo, "Monster, how can you only talk about me and leave out yourself?"

Huo Meigui, no, maybe it's more appropriate to call it An Qianxi. Unsurprisingly, someone was reborn just like me, and was reborn at the hands of my deadly enemy. Interesting, interesting.

"Then I have to wrong myself and let her manipulate me!" Is it the original An Qianxi?interesting.

"Let her be at her mercy? Humph..." An Qianxi groaned twice and glanced in vain, wondering if that guy has been coveting you for a long time?

"Qianqian's jealous expression is so cute!"

"Why am I jealous? If I were a man, that kind of beauty would not be in vain."

"Oh, my husband's taste is not that strong." That's a crazy woman, isn't she?Yan Feimo hugged An Qianxi and winked, "Honey, my husband's childish body is dedicated to serving you."


"Chairman, Mr. An has been actively contacting other shareholders these days. This is a photo." Qi Xiangxiang took out a stack of photos from his bag and handed them to An Youjun. The people in the photos are An Qianye and his colleagues. The photo of the meeting of the major shareholders, it seems that they are talking happily.

An Youjun was already devastated by the Mu family's divorce and An Zihui's scandal. Regardless of whether An Zihui was murdered or not, An's image has been greatly damaged. Now seeing An Qianye's secret meeting with shareholders Photos, I feel very uncomfortable.Dare to love yourself for raising a little white-eyed wolf?Is it because he thinks that he does not have enough authority or thinks that he has grown up and his wings are hardened, so he secretly wins over the shareholders? Is this a rebellion?
"Chairman..." Qi Xiangxiang looked at An Youjun with an unhappy expression, and handed him a cup of tea with concern, but he sneered in his heart, father and son turned against each other, An Qianye has been ignoring him for so many years Abduction, let An Youjun abandon your son, you deserve it.

"You've done a good job." An Youjun looked up, "Hey, I didn't expect my son to be as caring as an employee. I really failed as a father."

"Chairman, everyone knows that you take care of your family and care about the company, and you are also kind and amiable to the employees. Everyone admires you. I am very glad that I can work in An's. I have learned a lot here, but it is a pity that I lost my Father, it hurts my heart to see Mr. An like this. How lucky would I be to have a father like you? How, how could he treat you like this? Reporting to you, you won't blame me for being troublesome, right?" Qi Xiangxiang had tears in his eyes, wringing his fingers anxiously, for fear that the person in front of him would be kicked out of An's Group if he was unhappy.

"Why is it troublesome? It shows that you are upright. Our company needs employees like you who are dedicated to the company. Don't think too much about it." An Youjun smiled kindly to calm Qi Xiangxiang's emotions.

"Chairman, then this matter..."

"He's still too young, young and full of vigor. Can I safely hand over the company to the current him? Think about it, and notify the major shareholders that an emergency board meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss the dismissal of President An Qianye." An Youjun said. Weary, he leaned back on the chair, rubbed his temples, and said again with a look of hatred and distress, "People will not grow if they don't stumble. I hope he can understand my good intentions. As long as he can reflect deeply , and work diligently in the future, the An family will always be handed over to him."

(End of this chapter)

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