The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 330 The Grand Finale

Chapter 330 The Grand Finale (4)
"A will? A joke!" An Youjun laughed at this time, a will?That will has already been resolved by myself, and I looked at it contemptuously, "Dad suddenly became ill, and there is no time to make a will at all. I wonder where your will came from?"

"An Youjun, do you really think that money can buy everything? Lawyer Li has worked for grandpa for many years, and he has always kept himself clean. Wealthy people can't be promiscuous. When you bought him with money, it was just a show in front of you. You Do you think you have really solved that will? Grandpa does everything right, just in case there are two wills, do you need me to ask Lawyer Li to come and confront him?"

"You call him here, who knows if the thief shouted and caught the thief bought him and made a fake will to beat him up?" An Youjun refused to admit it, with an expression of what you can do to me.

An Qianye shook her head: "I really can't cry without seeing the coffin!"

While speaking, there was a commotion at the door, and An Youjun frowned and shouted sharply: "Who is making noise outside?"

The door opened with a bang, and a man and a woman wearing sunglasses came side by side, followed by crackling flashing lights, and even the media came.

An Qianxi took off her sunglasses with a smile: "My good father, I haven't seen you for two years, so don't come here without any problems!"

"You, you unfilial daughter, no, you are not my daughter, I don't have a daughter like you. What are you doing here? Drive her out, drive her out!"

"What are you doing? Of course you are here to take over the company, right dear?" An Qianxi tilted her head and looked at Yan Feimo with a clever smile.

"Hmm, I'm here to take over the company." Yan Feimo followed the good advice.

"What qualifications do you have to take over the company?"

"An'an is not qualified, what about me?" The voice sounded like a bell, and a person walked out from behind the two. Although his hair was gray, he was full of energy and spirit.Mr. An looked at An Youjun who looked like a ghost, "Why don't you recognize me after two years?"

"Mr. An, you, you are still alive..."

All the shareholders stood up and bowed respectfully to An Zhengpeng.

"Thank you for your hard work, I am still alive!" Mr. An stepped forward, An Qianxi and Yan Feimo took the old man's hand from left to right, and invited him to the main seat.Mr. An raised his hand, "Everyone, please sit down."

"Grandpa, sit down." An Qianxi said, standing behind Mr. An, turning her head and smiling mockingly, "My dear good father, is your expression a ghost?"

"Now you say I am qualified?" An Zhengpeng was not angry, "Or are you going to say that I am a fake? Do you want to get a DNA test?"

"You, you, how, how is it possible..."

"How can you still be alive?" Mr. An snorted, "You killed your wife and daughter, and even your father. How could I die so easily?"

"No, it's impossible. I saw you dying with my own eyes and sent you to bury myself."

"Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. I'm Ai Yue, the attending doctor of Mr. An." Eric walked out of the crowd unhurriedly, of course still in disguise, with a gentle smile, "Now The technology is advanced, and I am an authoritative doctor, so my medical skills are naturally top-notch. An Youjun, I just gave Mr. An an injection of medicine to slow down the beating of the heart, so what you see is just an illusion. As for the burial, hehe, we will be there that night I found a dying old man with a similar body and appearance to Mr. An, and put on some makeup to make it look like a real one. Besides, you are planning to murder Mr. An, so you don't dare to identify it carefully. But Mr. An is getting old, and you give him daily Mr. An couldn't bear the medicine, so Ms. An took Mr. An to Country E to recuperate for two years. Now that she is healthy, she will naturally come back to expose your crimes. How about it, did I make it clear? Do you have any questions? "

Naturally, Eric wouldn't mention fake death pills and grave-digging, and no one would believe him if he said it. If he wasn't regarded as a monster, he might be said to have ulterior motives, which would mess things up instead.

"Hey! Poor my girl An, who endured the humiliation for me, an old man, and was kicked out of the An family after being stigmatized as an unworthy descendant. How could there be such a father in this world? How could I have given birth to such an inhuman child like you?" Son? It's an anecdote to tell the story." Mr. An said as he took An Qianxi and An Qianye's hands, "Fortunately, fortunately, I have such a good grandson. I have suffered for you for so many years. Now the truth is out , An Youjun, what else do you have to say?"

"I, I..." An Youjun stepped back a few steps, unable to believe that the perfect plan he had carefully planned for many years turned out to be nothing but a dream.

"You don't need to say anything. If you want to say it, you can leave it to the court." Mr. An waved his hand, "Xiao Ye, hand over all the evidence to the police, and Skynet will not miss it! It is estimated that the time is almost here, and the police should hurry up." Arrived."

Several policemen in uniform came in from outside the speaking room, put handcuffs on An Youjun, and took him away.

"Okay, now that the dust has settled, I officially announce that starting today, An Qianye and An Qianxi are the leaders of our Anshi Group, the two chairman..."

"Grandpa, can't I be too busy for you? I don't want to be the chairman of the board. My brother is your grandson and should inherit the An family. I just need to be a rice bug."

"You girl, don't you become the chairman? Are you still a little? It's a securities company, an organic farm, a resort, a real estate company, and a casino. I can't count them all. Shall we settle down alone?"

drink!Everyone exclaimed, An Qianxi has such a great ability, but she has done so much in secret?This achievement is what they, the veterans who have been in the business circle, are not ashamed of.

"I don't care, I don't care, although those who are capable will work harder, but I am not omnipotent, and I will be tired, okay?"

"Are you tired? I've never seen a boss as idle as you. You take care of all the people under the hood. You just sit and collect the money, just like a shopkeeper..."

"Oh, grandpa, how can you do everything yourself when you are a boss? Then what do I need employees to do? I use my brain, don't you know that using the brain is the most laborious?"

"Then you can continue to use your brains to be the treasurer of An's family!" Mr. An hit An Qianxi's head with a thud, "You two, brothers and sisters, can bring An's family to a higher level."

"Follow Grandpa's words." An Qianye held An Qianxi's hand without any objection.

"Brother, just get used to grandpa. I don't care, I'll get a name, and I'll leave everything in the company to you." After speaking, he took Yan Feimo's hand, "Honey, let's go. Brother, You save the aftermath."


"Smelly girl, don't you wait for me, an old man? You want me to go home alone? Grandpa is old and his bones are too hard to walk." Mr. An smiled angrily, but he walked after him like flying.

(End of this chapter)

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