The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 333 The Grand Finale

Chapter 333 The Grand Finale (7)
Qi Xiangxiang sat on the edge of the bed and greedily looked at Yan Feimo who was still awake, his eyes were full of fascination and satisfaction.Gently raising her hand, just about to outline the charming outline that fascinated her, her blue eyes suddenly opened.

Qi Xiangxiang paused with her outstretched hand. Even though she knew that the man in front of her was weak, her cold blue eyes still made her shiver involuntarily from the bottom of her heart.

"Count, I have been waiting so hard for this day!" Qi Xiangxiang withdrew his hand, but slowly approached Yan Feimo, "Do you know? I have loved you for a long time."

Yan Feimo almost frowned: "Love me?"

I raised my eyes and looked around a few times, the implication was obvious, this is the way you love me?

"I love you, I really love you. I don't want to hurt you. Look, I just drugged you. You'll be fine after a while..." Qi Xiangxiang explained eagerly, and looked around , "Look, I specially prepared this soft bed for you, as well as the flowers. You are an earl, an earl admired by all, how can I bear to hurt you?"

"Really?" Yan Feimo's tone was flat and calm, but in Qi Xiangxiang's ears, it became a condemnation.

"Really, do you want me to show you my heart?"

"Then take it out."

"..." Qi Xiangxiang was suddenly at a loss for words, and couldn't believe that Yan Feimo said something that made her heartbroken so easily, and her eyes turned red, "Count, take a good look at me, I am sincere to you."

"I already have a lover."

"Is that bitch?"

"No, Qianqian is my treasure."

"Haha, hahahaha! Your treasure? An Qianxi is your treasure?" Qi Xiangxiang smiled and burst into tears, hearing his beloved say his name, but he didn't say it to himself. Feeling, indescribably sour.His eyes turned hard, "An Qianxi? Earl, you were deceived by her. She is not An Qianxi, she is a murderer with bloody hands. I am An Qianxi, and I am the one who misses and misses you." , An Qianxi who only follows you wholeheartedly."

Yan Feimo looked at it with pity, and then with a hint of disdain.An Qianxi who followed him wholeheartedly?Then what is Mu Yanbin?Ridiculous.

"Don't you believe it? It's okay, you will believe what I say in a while. I'll prove it to you. You listen carefully here." Qi Xiangxiang got up resolutely and opened the door.

When they walked to the dilapidated and large hall, those few people were still "chatting".

"You're in good spirits. Are you still in the mood to joke around at this time?" Qi Xiangxiang raised his head with a cruel smile on his lips, "Speaking of which, are you really overly afraid or are you bold? I admire your courage when you are in danger. Messed up."

"Smelly woman, what did you arrest us for?"

"Smelly woman? Do you have a stinky mouth? I'm a lady!" A stone hit Feng Langxiao's face with his raised hand, and a new mark was added in an instant, "The purpose of arresting you? You will understand after a while It’s almost time, and it’s time to arrive.”

"You really want to threaten my wife with us."

"Your wife?" Qi Xiangxiang looked at her strangely, "What a shameless woman, she even cheated on her. Damn it. How could the Earl like her?"

"Shut your dirty mouth, my wife is not your turn to make irresponsible remarks. What are you? You can't compare to my wife with a single finger. Bah!"

"You can only play lip service, and you will feel better later." Qi Xiangxiang was too lazy to argue with others, and looked at Guan Su, "Master Guan, I feel sorry for you, why is that woman so ignorant? Are you right?" She is single-minded, but she abandons you like a shoe, tsk tsk..."

"I am willing, you are not qualified to talk about An An."

"An'an? Haha, An'an?" Qi Xiangxiang bent over with a smile, raised his hand and pointed, "Idiots! A bunch of idiots! Are you still complacent after being lied to for so long?"

"An Qianxi? I ​​am An Qianxi!"

"He's really a lunatic. Look, he's out of his mind and fantasizes that she's my wife. Hey! Crazy girl, go to the doctor when you're sick. There are still beds in the asylum. Do you want me to apply for one for you?"

"Shut up!" Qi Xiangxiang glanced in vain, then turned to look at Cheng Shishi, "Shishi, Shishi, have you been with me for so long and still don't understand what kind of person I am? That woman is just a strand of hair The ghost has taken over my body, and you didn't realize it? Are you still my good sister?"

"And you, what's your name? Yes, Yue Lingyi, aren't you my little follower? You always put me first, why did you even get fooled by that woman? You still say you are loyal to me? This is Your faithful performance?"

"Hmph! No matter who you are, in my heart, Miss An will always be my Miss An, and my loyalty is only given to those I recognize."

"Papapapa" applause, Qi Xiangxiang smiled again: "That woman is so clever, she has brainwashed you all, and she doesn't believe what I say? What about you? An Qianye, my good brother!"

An Qianye took a complicated look, and she was really estimated by herself!

"You stop, don't make mistakes again and again."

"Did you hear that? Did you hear what he said? Did you see his eyes? It really is my brother, and only blood relatives can perceive me as the real An Qianxi." Qi Xiangxiang walked in front of An Qianye, and Hold An Qianye's chin, "But my good brother, how did you treat me? Ever since that bitch came in, do you still regard me as your own sister? You protect her everywhere, lick her You flattered her and Mu Yanbin with a frowning face, and didn't take me seriously. Is that how you treat your brother? And since you know that's not An Qianxi, you still defend her? You really make me sad!"

An Zihui had already woken up. After hearing such words and looking at the crazy woman in front of her, everything became clear.That's right, besides An Qianxi, who else would have such a great hatred for herself?Although all this sounds unbelievable, at this moment she believed it, completely believed it.Suddenly he smiled wryly and shook his head, did he feel that all his previous resentment was placed on a stranger?No wonder, no wonder that An Qianxi turned a blind eye to her, no wonder Mu Yanbin stood by her side and said good things for her these days, it turned out that everything was just her mediocrity.

"An'an, my brother was sorry for you before, but my brother also had difficulties. But you should also reflect on what you did wrong? Seeing you step by step astray, my brother's heart is bleeding. Always ask yourself, when you were a child, that cute Where did the kind An An go? Do you think I don't feel sad? My greatest wish is to follow my mother's last wish and protect you..."

"Protect me? An Qianye, who are you fooling with this? Protect me and you're not on my side? Protect me and you're always protecting her against me? Protect me and I'll hold my hand and say I'm hopeless? I clearly see the disgust in your eyes, as a brother hates a sister, you still keep saying that you want to protect me? I have never heard of this kind of protection!"

(End of this chapter)

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