Chapter 15

After landing, Li Xingyun did a survey.Finding himself brought to a small island by sea caterpillars, he panicked looking at the endless sea around him.

By the way, didn't I find a map in the cabin below?

Thinking of Li Xingyun, he took the map out of his own space. This map was a good thing at a glance. After soaking in water for so long, it didn't fade or rot.

He started counting from where he appeared on the bottom of the sea, and he turned right first, the angle was about 60 degrees.Then go straight and come to the wreck.

Then from the back of the sunken ship, it was taken around by sea caterpillars.

"Damn it, the sea caterpillar took me on a small path, so I just ran away and didn't remember anything at all."

Li Xingyun scratched his head vigorously, but still couldn't remember anything.

"What should I do? Am I going to be trapped and die on this island? Or should I go back and meet Ba Boerben?"

At this time, the sea caterpillar crawled onto the map, and a light blue energy was input to the map from its tentacles.

In the next second, the map flew up from his hand and slowly became larger.Finally, it became nearly the size of a person before it stopped growing, and at this time there was a small dot on a small island flickering on it.

Li Xingyun quickly compared it, and the terrain of this small island seemed to be very similar to the one he was on.

This... is really amazing. My map even has a navigation system. It really is a good thing.

He took a look and found that the East Bay was to the west of him. It wasn't that long on the map, but he didn't know how far it really was.

But another place on the map caught his attention, and that was Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace marked on the map is in the northeast of the island where he is located, a little farther than going to the East Bay.

And Li Xingyun remembered that Ben Boerba said when he started to eat his soul that his body had the blood of the dragon clan.Although it can be very thin.

He checked the weather, and it should be morning, which means that Geng Baoguo had already set off, and Zhang Feng might not be in Jianye anymore.

Even if I return to Jianye City, I have completely lost the opportunity to go to the Tang government, but now that I have the blood of the dragon clan in the fairy clan, I might be able to go to the Dragon Palace to apprentice.

Who knows if Dragon Palace will accept him because of his bloodline, so Li Xingyun decided to go to Dragon Palace to try.

Now that he had decided to go to the Dragon Palace, Li Xingyun didn't hold back, and immediately started cutting trees on the island to make a raft.

Although he can't drown in the sea now, but because he can't swim, he has to rely on sea caterpillars to move.If he ran into danger halfway, he would become a drag, so he wanted to be a raft.

20 minutes later……

"Well, the raft is ready." Li Xingyun looked at the thing he called the raft in front of him with satisfaction.

It is said to be a raft, but it is actually two logs tied together with plants, and it seems that they don't know how long they can last.

However, Li Xingyun didn't intend to do too much, as long as it can provide him with a rest.Rest on it when you are tired, and continue on your way when you are rested.

As for the food, Li Xingyun is not worried at all, there is Bigu Pill in the newly opened points mall, 10 points a bottle.There are 10 pills in a bottle, and each pill can keep people from being hungry for half a month.

And it was also effective for sea caterpillars. Li Xingyun didn't dare to look for plant fruits on the island. If he accidentally ate poisonous ones, it would be over.So he directly exchanged a whole bottle of Bigu Dan, enough for him and the sea caterpillar to go without food or drink for more than 2 months.


Half a month later, Li Xingyun was lying on a log like a dead dog.

"Fuck, it's so far away."

Li Xingyun complained weakly, he thought it would take a week at most, but now it has been almost 20 days, and he has only traveled half the distance, he is really speechless.

It seems that the vortex is so powerful that it can actually sweep him to such a far island.


The sea caterpillar rubbed against his head, as if to encourage him.

"Xiao Mao, don't touch me, let me rest for a while."

After living at sea for half a month, Li Xingyun could only talk to this sea caterpillar who could only 'tweet'. If it wasn't for this sea caterpillar who seemed to understand what he said, he would almost go crazy.

Moreover, Xiao Mao was responsible for dealing with all the monsters in the water along the way. For Xiao Mao, who was already in the early days of Acquired, he had no opponents in the Eastern Sea Region not far from the Dragon Palace.


Xiao Mao continued to rub against his head, Li Xingyun was a little upset, he patted Xiao Mao's head helplessly, and said, "Don't disturb me, let me rest for a while, and then go on my way later."

But Xiao Mao still refused to let go, and continued to poke his head: "Jiujiu..."

"Alright, alright, I'll get up, let's go on our way." Li Xingyun got up helplessly, picked up the board he called pulp, and was about to continue on his way.

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong.Why is there a shadow on my body, I looked back carefully.Two monsters holding sledgehammers are standing on the water and watching him silently.

And they were still able to speak out, one of them asked, "Where are you going?"

"A monster!" Li Xingyun turned pale with shock. Among the monsters he had seen, Ba Boerben was the only one who could talk, but at least he didn't look scary.

But the head in front of me has long red tentacles, the two eyes are not on the face, but on the tentacles, and there are many feet on the body, plus a yellow sledgehammer in the hand, it looks like How hideous how hideous.

When they heard Li Xingyun's words, their expressions changed drastically, and they cursed angrily: "What monsters, open your eyes and take a good look. We are the sea patrol shrimp soldiers of the East China Sea Dragon Palace."

The other person looked at Li Xingyun with an unkind expression, and said to Xia Bing next to him, "Xia Yong, I think this kid must be a spy. Let's catch him quickly and torture him."

Li Xingyun was overjoyed at first when he heard that the two were shrimp soldiers from the Dragon Palace of the East Sea, but when he heard that the second shrimp was going to arrest him as a spy, he was frightened and immediately shouted: "I came to the Dragon Palace to apprentice."

"Apprenticeship?" The two shrimp soldiers stared at Li Xingyun seriously with their tentacled eyes.

Li Xingyun nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I came to Donghai Dragon Palace to learn from my teacher."

Then the two shrimp soldiers looked at each other and laughed.

"Hahahaha... This kid actually said that he came to apprentice? You really laughed me to death."

"I think she is a spy, but this spy's brain is a little tricky, and she dared to say that she came to apprentice. Don't you know that Dragon Palace only accepts disciples from the fairy clan?"

The two shrimp soldiers laughed at Li Xingyun unscrupulously, their bodies trembling from laughing, Li Xingyun was afraid that they would shake his eyeballs out if they laughed so intensely.

Seeing the mocking expressions of the two of them, Li Xingyun was embarrassed for a while, but he still insisted on saying, "I really came to apprentice, I have the blood of the immortal race."

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(End of this chapter)

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