Chapter 308 Partnership

"Oh, sister Jing, don't be as knowledgeable as my little sister. I was too busy a while ago, so I forgot to contact sister Jing. It's my fault, it's all my fault, how about it, Let me invite Sister Jing to dinner to express my apologies."

"You don't need to eat. I've been busy recently, so I don't think I have much time." Wen Renjing said in a slow voice, "Call me if you have something to do, just tell me straight up, don't go around the corner." Wen Renjing doesn't want to talk nonsense with Wen Renyun at all, and if the matter is settled sooner, her brother can be released earlier.

Wen Renxiong was engaged in smuggling in secret before, and he himself persuaded that it was high-risk, but he insisted on not listening, saying that he wanted to make some achievements to make Wen Renxiong look up to him. Who knew, he was reported and arrested. It's time to get hungry.Wen Renshi didn't allow anyone to release him on bail, so he made a deal with himself, acting in a scene with Wen Renyun, and then Wen Renxiong could come out.For the sake of her brother, Wen Renjing had no choice but to agree.

"Sister Jing still knows me so well. I really need some help from Sister Jing. I heard that brother Xiong was arrested, but the old woman refused bail. Sister Jing must be very anxious."

Wen Ren listened to her with a calm expression. The old woman was what Wen Renyun called Wen Renshi in private, and he didn't know how Wen Renshi would feel when he heard the recording, but just based on Wen Renshi's The kind of experience that has been in the business world for so many years is not impressive at all.

"How did you know about this matter? There are only a few people who know about this matter." Wen Renjing pretended to be surprised and said, probably Wen Renshi told her that Wen Renjing had already I guessed it, but I didn't expect to know more other things unintentionally, "Could it be that the chairman told you?"

Wen Renyun on the other end of the phone smiled slightly, "Sister Jing, are you stupid? Other than you, brother Xiong and the old woman who know about this, who else would know, it must be helping The people that Brother Xiong put up the line with, I know those people."

"Do you know those people?" Wen Renjing was a little surprised. How could Wen Renyun know those people? Could it be that she has done this kind of thing too?

"Sister Jing, don't overthink it." Wen Renyun explained, "It was one of my classmates who was inside, and I also knew it unintentionally. They said that there was a very rich man, I asked them to cooperate. I was a little curious, so I asked the name, who knew it was Brother Xiong."

Wen Renjing listened to Wen Renyun's words, but did not expect that Wen Renyun would know about this matter. The so-called family scandal should not be publicized. Now that Wen Renyun knows about this matter, there is no guarantee that she will not threaten herself in the future, so she must eradicate it.

"Really? I thought the chairman told you."

"How come, how could the old woman tell me that kind of thing, how about it, sister Jing, let's cooperate together."

Finally getting to the point, Wen Renjing asked curiously, "What kind of cooperation is it?"

"Then you agreed to work together?"

"Let me listen to you first. If the risk is too great, wouldn't it be a desperate move?"

Wen Renyun smiled, and said with a hint of a smile in his voice, "Sister Jing, are you kidding me? I'm not a fool. For such an important matter, if I tell you all the arrangements when the time comes, you I regret not cooperating again, and tell the old woman all the plans at that time, then I will not be worth the loss, you think I am stupid. You promise me, and I can tell you all the plans. "

Wen Renjing thought for a while, this Wen Renyun wasn't that stupid, he seemed to have some brains, but he didn't need to be on the right track.

"All right, I promise to cooperate with you."

"That's right, then we can be regarded as partners now, let's have a happy cooperation. I think so, isn't there a new perfume coming out of Wenren Group recently? I heard that the old woman spent a lot of money on it. The price is publicized, and the hottest celebrity is invited to endorse. So I plan to add something to the perfume production line. When there is a problem with the perfume, the Wenren Group will definitely fall into panic. The old woman will be too busy at that time. Then we can take advantage of it.”

"But the perfume production line has a strict supervision mechanism, and the final inspection is also very strict. How do you add things?" Wen Renjing just thinks that Wen Renyun is too bold, and such an idea can be thought of out.

"Don't worry about this. I have an inside line in the factory. I will find a way to tamper with the line that is inspected at that time, so that they can't check it out. Besides, I have deliberately kept a hand. If the time comes If you don’t get it in the factory, it’s not like there’s a chance during transportation, so don’t worry.”

Wen Renjing frowned, "You have already planned everything, what else do you need me to do?"

"Well, of course you have the most important role. You have to help me steal the formula of the new perfume, so that I can contact my recipient and find the most suitable thing to add to it."

"What did you say?" Wen Renjing couldn't believe her ears, she asked herself to steal the perfume formula, it was such an important thing, how could Wen Renshi put it casually, and how could it be so easy to steal It is clear that he wants to send himself to death.

"Are you crazy? How could I steal the recipe, I won't do it."

Their conversations were recorded verbatim and sent to Wen Renshi, but Wen Renjing still needs to act, otherwise how could Wen Renyun fall into the trap?
"Sister Jing, after thinking about it, only you can do this. Among all the people, the old lady likes you the most. When Gong Qianxia didn't show up, you were the heir. It was cultivated, but now. Think about it for yourself, are you willing to let that Gong Qianxia snatch everything that should belong to you? I believe you can do it."

Wen Renyun's words reminded Wen Renjing that although Wen Renshi treats her pretty well now, at least much better than others, her current status is much worse than before.She is not reconciled, but what can she do, the Wenren Group has the final say, not to mention that she has no ability to fight against Wenren.

"I see, I will get the formula, you just wait for the news."

"I knew that Sister Jing was the one who understood the truth the most. The little girl is waiting for news from you at home, Sister Jing. Be careful in everything."

(End of this chapter)

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