Chapter 324
Mingxu, you must bless her mother until Qianxia bears the responsibility of Wenren Group alone, and you must also bless Qianxia.

Wenren held the photo of Wenren Mingxu on the table and prayed softly.Since finding Gong Qianxia, ​​Wenren seems to feel that the distance between himself and Wenren Mingxu is much closer.

Assistant Chen, who was standing aside, saw Wenren's tired look, and couldn't help persuading him, "Chairman, please take a rest first."

Wen Renshi frowned, and waved his hand at Assistant Chen, "I'm fine, have you got the report from the previous inspection?"

"It's already come out." Assistant Chen's voice was a little cautious. Originally, she wanted to wait until the Chinese New Year was over before telling Wen Renshi, but she asked first.

"What did the doctor say?" Wen Renshi asked lightly, as if he didn't care.

Assistant Chen looked at Wen Renshi with some embarrassment, "That..."

Wen Renshi glanced at Assistant Chen, "Speak directly."

"It has been diagnosed, but the doctor said it is still in the early stage, and it will be better if it is operated as soon as possible."

Wen Renshi was taken aback when he heard Assistant Chen's words, "Okay, I understand."

Seeing Wen Renshi's appearance, Assistant Chen couldn't help persuading him, "Chairman, let's perform the operation as soon as possible."

Wen Renshi rubbed his brows, "I see, let's talk about this matter later, the most urgent thing now is to handle the family affairs well. Remember to keep this matter a secret, if other people know about it, they still don't know about it." How many things are going to bother me."

"I understand. Everyone has arrived, so we can go down."

Wen Ren stood up and walked out of the study, "Let's go, I also want to see how big a storm they can make."

Assistant Chen followed Wenrenshi down the stairs. He has worked in Wenren Group for nearly 30 years. It can be said that he knows Wenrenshi better than anyone else. Wenrenshi has contributed more to Wenren Group than anyone else. .The current world of Wenren Group is basically all brought down by Wenren.So she cares more about the future of the Wenren Group than anyone else, so she is more cautious about choosing an heir than anyone else.

When Wen Renshi went downstairs, everyone was already there. Wen Renshi went to his seat first and sat down, and the others took their seats one after another.

"Chairman, today is Chinese New Year's Eve, why didn't your granddaughter see anyone?" Wen Renjing's mother said mockingly.

Everyone became quiet all of a sudden, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that someone would dare to speak like that.But Wen Ren's heart is very light, she must be doing this because of her son's affairs, even Wen Renjing tugged at her mother's arm, motioning her to stop talking.

Wen Ren's face didn't change, he still ate his food quietly, and said slowly, "Qian Xia has her own business, so I can't come here. Besides, have you all forgotten what happened last time?" ? I haven't pursued that matter yet, do you want to settle the ledger today?"

Wen Renshi's words hit Wen Renyun's heart like a heavy hammer. She didn't know why Wen Renshi didn't pursue that matter at first, maybe it was because Gong Qianxia was not that important.Originally, in the eyes of those businessmen, profit was the most important thing, and nothing else mattered.But in order to live in peace of mind, Wen Renyun could only help to excuse him against his will.

"Chairman, don't be angry. Jing's mother is only worried about her son, so her tone is not very good. Don't worry about her so much. Today is the Chinese New Year. Let's have a good meal to celebrate the New Year. .”

Wen Renyun winked at Wen Renjing, motioning for her to help persuade her. Few of the people present were clean, so naturally she didn't want to cause so much trouble for herself, and naturally she didn't want Wen Renshi to get angry .

Wen Renjing pulled her mother's arm reluctantly, and said to Wen Renshi apologetically, "Chairman, I'm really sorry. I apologize to you on behalf of my mother. Ever since what happened to my brother, my mother has I worry about it every day, that's why I offended you today, so don't be as knowledgeable as us."

The people next to him were also persuading each other, telling Wen Renshi not to get angry, and that everyone should live in harmony during the Chinese New Year.

After listening to all the words, it was not easy for everyone to be so united, Wen Renshi just smiled quietly, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's forget about this matter, I don't care about it. But Jing, you still have to be careful." Communicate with your mother, right? My own children can’t manage themselves, why are you yelling at me? Besides, your brother did this. If he didn’t suffer a little bit, he is really lawless Your brother has completely embarrassed our Wenren family. I can understand your brother’s desire to make a career out of it. If you don’t have that ability, then don’t try to be brave. If I let your brother learn more about it, you don’t have to worry about what the juniors in the family think of me in the future, your brother will naturally be released after a while.”

Wen Renjing didn't say a word but just clenched her hand secretly. She still doesn't have the ability to fight against Wen Renshi, so she can only endure.

The others fell silent. Everyone knew about Wen Renxiong, and also knew what Wen Renshi was doing behind the scenes.In fact, everyone understands that there is no impenetrable wall in this world, so everyone knows it well, but they haven't broken it down.

Assistant Chen stood quietly by the side. Over the years, he had been by Wen Renshi's side all the time, and he even knew Wen Renshi better than anyone in the Wenren family.Looking at the struggle on the stage with cold eyes, Wenren's family is too big, there are too many conspiracies, and too many struggles.

On the surface, it seems that everyone is getting along in harmony and harmony, but there are always constant struggles behind the scenes.

On the contrary, Yan Chaomu's family is truly harmonious and warm. Before the Chinese New Year, Yan Zhende had all the servants on vacation, and the family only needed someone to cook, so Yan Chaomu naturally took on this important task.There are only three people in the family, so the New Year's Eve dinner is also very simple, and they are all home-cooked meals.Yan Chaomu was busy in the kitchen, and Yan Zhende took Gong Qianxia to play chess with him, but Gong Qianxia's card skills were really bad, so she kept losing.

"Qian Xia, you can't give me water, you have never won before." Yan Zhende packed up the chess, ready for the next game, still muttering in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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