Chapter 333 Gong Asaxia's Threat
Kitty stood on the edge of the table and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hi everybody."


The single men around seemed to want to show off in front of Kitty. Although Kitty didn't like this kind of behavior very much in his heart, after all, he was not very familiar with him, but he didn't have much disgust.Gong Qianxia could see that Kitty was not very happy, but those people couldn't tell or didn't care at all, glanced at her mouth, said goodbye to Tintin, then stood up and said to Kitty, "Kitty, let's Let's go, I'm done eating too, and I just want to ask you something." After finishing speaking, he walked out of the restaurant first.

Kitty walked out of the restaurant with Gong Asaxia, and was relieved only in the elevator.

"Thank you." Kitty said to Gong Qianxia, ​​"To be honest, I really don't know how to deal with such problems. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I really don't know how to get out."

Gong Qianxia just smiled, "It's okay, we are colleagues, we should help each other, besides, you are with Wuyou now, if I don't help you get rid of those people's harassment, you don't know How did that guy play with me. Hey, but, those colleagues don’t have any evil intentions, they just admire you very much, and seeing you in the restaurant today, naturally, it’s a bit out of line.”

Thinking of the scene of those people surrounding Kitty just now, Gong Qianxia felt a headache, why does it feel like seeing a group of brainless fans.

Kitty seemed to be reminded of what happened just now, and laughed out loud, "I know, I didn't pay much attention to this matter."

"That's good."

The two went upstairs after chatting casually, and Gong Qianxia looked at the remaining documents on the table without taking a break. If she didn't hurry up, it might not be finished so quickly.

"Kitty, I think there is something wrong with this document, you ask the people below to verify it again, and submit a new report within today."

Kitty took the document in Gong Qianxia's hand, opened it, looked at it, and frowned, "This matter is my negligence, originally this document was indeed problematic, and the chairman had asked me to bring it up before." I got it, but I somehow forgot about it, and got mixed up in it again." If Gong Qianxia was a little more careless and signed the document without seeing what was inside, it would bring millions to the Wenren Group of loss.Although a few million is just a trivial matter for Wenren Group, it will definitely make other partners question Wenren Group's ability, and it will be difficult to talk about future cooperation.

Gong Qianxia looked up at Kitty, "Okay, you don't have to blame yourself anymore, people are not sages and sages can do nothing wrong, now that all the problems have been found out, there will be no more problems. Now Hurry up and do the things I entrusted to you, and you will make up for it."

"Yes, I see, I will do it right away."

Kitty walked out with the document in her hand, and came back within a minute.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Miss Wen Renjing is here."

Gong Qianxia froze for a moment, how could Wen Renjing come?She remembered that several members of the Wenren family didn't come to Wenren Group very often, they only came at work report meetings, but today is not a report meeting.

"Forget it, let her come up, I have my own way."

Wen Renjing definitely didn't know that Wen Renshi had been hospitalized, and she would be very surprised if she saw that the person sitting in this position was herself.Gong Qianxia remembered that when she broke into Wen Ren's study not long ago, she was talking with Wen Renjing. At that time, Wen Ren said to find time to talk about it, so she guessed the purpose of Wen Renjing's visit today. She came to find Wen Renshi, so she called Wen Renshi to find out why she came here today.

Wen Renshi was not surprised at all when he heard the news that Wen Renjing went to Wenren Group, but simply explained the matter to Gong Qianxia, ​​and wished her to hand over the documents in the cabinet to Wen Renjing .

Gong Qianxia had just hung up the phone when she heard a knock on the door, "Come in."

At first, Wen Renjing was wondering why Wenren's voice had changed. The voice from the office didn't sound like Wenren's. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Gong Qianxia sitting in that seat and looking at it coldly. Own.I don't know why, Gong Qianxia's eyes gave her a chill in her heart, but she still went in bravely.

"Why? You are here, where is the chairman?" Wen Renjing looked at Gong Qianxia who was sitting on the chair, and asked.

Gong Qianxia smiled slightly, "The chairman has something to do recently, so he handed over the company to me to manage, just tell me if there is anything."

Wen Renjing looked at Gong Qianxia for a long time, then stood up, "Forget it, I will go to find Wen Renshi by myself, I'll go first." Wen Renjing was about to leave the office as she said that, but she just stepped into the office. Gong Qianxia stopped her as soon as she started.

"Wait a moment."

Wen Renjing turned around and looked at Gong Qianxia suspiciously, "Is there anything else you need?"

Gong Qianxia took out the documents in the drawer, "I should be the one who asked this question. You came to the company today, probably because of this."

He threw the document in his hand in front of Wen Renjing, "Aren't you curious about what's inside?"

Wen Renjing looked at Gong Qianxia, ​​then at the things on the table, reached out to take them, and casually opened them.But when I saw it for the first time, I was stunned, this...

"How did you have this thing? What do you know?" Wen Renjing looked at Gong Qianxia angrily, as if wanting to eat her.

Gong Qianxia chuckled, "You seem to have forgotten one thing. I am the acting chairman now, so I know everything you want me to know and what you want me to know."

"You..." Wen Renjing looked at Gong Qianxia in horror.

"I'm not interested in the agreement between Ms. Wen Renjing and the chairman, or the cooperation or your brother's affairs. But I can understand and recognize the current situation. Now Wenren Group is managed by me. Yes, during this period of time, you'd better not give me a little trouble, otherwise... I won't let you go. "

Wen Renjing looked at Gong Qianxia's cold gaze, and couldn't help feeling cold all over. The current Gong Qianxia is different from before, and she didn't expect it to change so much.Didn't the scene I saw at Wenren's house last time explain the problem?Even she entered the study without knocking, but Wen Renshi didn't get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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