Chapter 338 Civil Affairs Bureau
Lan Chuchu looked at her mother in surprise, shook her head, and said helplessly, "I'm not anxious, it's because I'm thinking about things that I suffer from insomnia, Mom, you think too much."

"It's not because of this, it's because of something."

Lan Chuchu's hands paused, and she continued to drink her porridge, "I called Neil yesterday."

Mother Lan was also a little shocked. She glanced at Father Lan and didn't know what to say.She also knows about Lan Chuchu and Neil. The two children grew up together and have always had a good relationship.At first everyone thought that they would definitely be together, although they also felt very sorry, but this is the children's own choice, so even if they are parents, they can only accept it.

"Chuchu, Mom just asks about your affairs, but I still want to tell you. Since you have chosen Mingfeng now, and you are going to get married soon, you have to keep a good distance from Neil. Anyway, Neil is your ex-boyfriend, no man can accept the existence of his wife's ex-boyfriend as if nothing happened."

"I understand, I'll take care of it, don't worry." It's impossible for Lan Chuchu to know what Lan Chuchu said, but I've known Neil for so many years, it's impossible for me to be too indifferent to Neil all of a sudden. , still have to take your time.

"Mother can only tell you so much. After you get married, you don't talk about anyone anymore. You still have to consider Mingfeng's feelings about everything."

"I see."

Lan Chuchu received a call from Su Mingfeng, asking him to bring his ID card and household registration book to go out.

"What are you going to do so suddenly?" Lan Chuchu asked Su Mingfeng in a daze.

"Don't ask so many questions, you can take your things out now, I'm at your door." Su Mingfeng hung up the phone after saying this.

Lan Chuchu looked at the phone that was hung up, and originally wanted to call back, but after thinking about it, she felt a little silly, so she hurriedly looked for something.

"What are you going to do in such a hurry?" Mother Lan asked with some doubts as she watched Lan Chuchu rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things.

"I have something to go out first." Lan Chuchu said and went out with her things.

Sure enough, he saw Su Mingfeng at the door of his house, and quickly sat on it.

"What do you want me to do with these things?"

Su Mingfeng took the things in Lan Chuchu's hand, smiled, "I have brought everything, then let's go." After putting away the things in his hands, he drove off directly.

"Hey, where are you taking me?"

"Civil Affairs Bureau."

"What? Civil Affairs Bureau?" Lan Chuchu looked at Su Mingfeng in surprise.

Su Mingfeng turned his head, looked at Lan Chuchu amusedly, stretched out his hand and rubbed Lan Chuchu's hair, "We're getting married soon anyway, isn't it a matter of time before we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, have you forgotten?"

"No, I know, but don't we have an appointment to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau the day after tomorrow, why do we have to go there today?"

"I couldn't wait any longer, so I asked someone to help us advance the appointment time. I feel that time passes so slowly now, and I can't wait for tomorrow to be the 14th."

"Tch, I'm just glad that tomorrow is not the 14th." Lan Chuchu pointed at her dark circles, "Have you seen, such big dark circles, if I get married tomorrow, I don't want them. Also, after I'm going to have a good rest for the next few days, don't bother me, you know, you can either decide on the wedding by yourself, or you can talk to me in the afternoon or evening. Well, it's such a happy decision. "

Su Mingfeng turned his head to look at Lan Chuchu's face. It was true that the dark circles under his eyes were so heavy that even foundation couldn't cover them. "Did you not sleep well last night? The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy."

"Well, I called Neil last night, and he said that he would come back to our wedding." Lan Chuchu said to Su Mingfeng.

Su Mingfeng was silent for a while, then said leisurely, "Chuchu, have you ever regretted being with me?"

"Why do you ask that?"

Su Mingfeng smiled wryly, "Maybe it's because I'm too unconfident. In fact, I never thought that you would choose me before. I actually didn't know what I said to Neil. I always feel that , Neil is much better than me, and I seem to be a bit unworthy of you."

Lan Chuchu seemed a little shocked, she never knew that Su Mingfeng had such thoughts.

Seeing Lan Chuchu's eyes, Su Mingfeng smiled slightly, "I haven't told you about these things, think about where I used to go, there were a lot of women, but now I'm in your hands, Thinking about it, I really feel a little unwilling. But now I have much more confidence."

Hearing that Su Mingfeng said that he was unwilling to fall into her hands like this, Lan Chuchu reached out and grabbed Su Mingfeng's ear, "What do you mean? Do you regret it?"

"Ah, it hurts, let go quickly." Su Mingfeng patted Lan Chuchu's hand, "My ear hurts to death, you are murdering your own husband."

"Tch, I murdered you so that I can find my next spring." Lan Chuchu triumphantly withdrew her hand, and sat quietly in the passenger seat, "I won't make trouble with you anymore, just drive hard."

"Hey, I found that I'm really used to you too much, and I want to find the next spring, and I told you that there is no way."

The two were noisy, and soon reached the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.Today is not a special day, so not many people come to apply.

A girl next to her looked at Su Mingfeng carefully, and whispered to her boyfriend, "Look at how handsome he is, why did I meet you?" The girl said complainingly, but her tone was There is obviously a coquettish meaning in it.

"What's wrong with being handsome, is there anyone who treats you so well like me?"

Hearing her boyfriend's words, the girl's face turned red all of a sudden, she thumped her boyfriend's chest coquettishly, and then the two of them joined hands to take pictures.

Su Mingfeng looked at the backs of the two walking away, smiled vaguely, and proudly said to Lan Chuchu, "See, people say I'm handsome."

Lan Chuchu gave Su Mingfeng a white look, "Then did you hear what that man said? What's the use of being handsome."

"Tch, you are not very happy in your heart, am I treating you badly? Hmm? Tell me how I treat you badly." Su Mingfeng said jokingly, holding Lan Chuchu's neck roughly.

"No, no, you are very good to me, let me go first." Lan Chuchu pushed Su Mingfeng's hand, really ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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