Chapter 350 Taken Away

Hua Wuyou's new book is also getting ready to be put on the shelves, and the signing event is also being prepared. Due to the popularity accumulated in "Disillusionment" last time, the tickets for the signing event were quickly sold out.

Of course, although Hua Wuyou was very busy during this time, he still remembered the matter about the father he had promised before.He ordered the assistant to deliver the ticket to the father. Hearing the news from the assistant, the child should be very happy.

In fact, the father didn't care at all. For a busy person like Hua Wuyou, even if he sincerely agreed to deliver the ticket, he would probably forget it when he was busy, so he didn't expect much.But I didn't expect Hua Wuyou to still remember.

Hua Wuyou closed the computer and rubbed his temples. He has been busy with too many things recently, and he is indeed a little tired.Although I used to be very tired when I was rushing to draft, but things are not piled up like this now, and I can't even touch the ground when I am busy.

Kitty came out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup in his hand, seeing Hua Wuyou's movements, he put the thing in his hand in front of his table.

"I just learned the soup I made for you online. I don't know if it's good or not. You should try it first." Walking around behind him, he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his temple.

Hua Wuyou looked at the bowl on the table, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, took a taste of the soup, nodded, "Not bad, it seems that you are still very talented in cooking."

Kitty just smiled and massaged him without saying a word.Recently, Hua Wuyou was very tired, and he saw it, so he wanted to make some soup to nourish his body.After a while when the new book comes out, I will definitely be busier, so I can take advantage of this time to take a good rest recently.

"I'm very tired recently, should I go to rest early?"

Hua Wuyou felt that she had relaxed a lot, so she took Kitty's hand, "No, I feel refreshed when you're here."

Kitty smiled, "You are the only one with poor mouth."

"Hey, can you go to my autograph meeting? Didn't you say you didn't go last time?" Hua Wuyou looked at Kitty expectantly. If you see the person you love, you will definitely feel happier.

Seeing Hua Wuyou's expectant face, Kitty still didn't want to disappoint him, so she agreed, "I will go." Forget it, ask Gong Qianxia for a vacation, and she will agree.I have never asked for leave before, but I still don't want to disappoint Hua Wuyou.

"That's good, it's done. I'll wait for you when the time comes. I know you're busy with work, so you should tell Qianxia earlier, lest there be any urgent matters to ask you to go, if not , I’ll go and tell you about it.”

"No need, I'll talk to Qianxia when the time for your autograph event is fixed." Kitty gestured to Hua Wuyou for a bowl on the table with her chin, "Don't you say it's not bad, drink more Bar."

Hua Wuyou smiled awkwardly, "I actually want to tell you, in fact, this soup has no taste."

Kitty looked at Hua Wuyou in shock, took a sip from the bowl, "It's really tasteless, did I forget to put salt? Then why did you say it's not bad?"

"I'm not thinking about you doing this for the first time. I want to give you a little confidence. It looks really good."

"Then why are you telling me it's tasteless?"

"Because you asked me to drink a little more, although I don't want to disappoint you, but it's really a bit unpleasant!" Hua Wuyou looked at Kitty with an innocent face, she really didn't do it voluntarily, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Kitty gave Hua Wuyou a blank look, "You have many reasons." After saying that, she returned to the kitchen with the bowl in her hand.

Hua Wuyou looked at Kitty in the kitchen with a gentle face.After work, there is such a person who cares about his health and makes soup for himself. This is the life I yearn for.

Yan Chaomu also took his subordinates to the United States on a business trip. Gong Qianxia took care of Wenren Group's affairs with peace of mind, and forgot about Gao Lang's disappearance.

This day, Tiangong Asaxia finished her company work, stayed in the office for a while, and it was almost 7 o'clock when she left.

He took out his car keys and was just about to get in the car when a pair of hands stretched out from behind covered his mouth and nose.Gong Qianxia just struggled twice before passing out

At the last moment of losing consciousness, Gong Qianxia only had two words in her mind, "Oops."

When Gong Qianxia woke up, she found herself in a dilapidated house, and there was a musty smell in the room, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Looking carefully at the scenery outside the window, it should be night now, and I don't know what time it is and where it is now. The reason why I inhaled the drug just now, my mind has been feeling groggy.

This room is obviously a single man's room, and the clothes that can be seen everywhere don't look very cheap, but if it is a person of status, why is it in such a place?She really couldn't figure out who she had offended to have what happened to her today.

With the light coming in from under the door and the faint voice, Gong Qianxia could tell that the person who kidnapped her must be outside.

Hearing a sound of footsteps, the door was opened by someone from the outside, and when she saw the man's face, Gong Qianxia was slightly startled.

It was Gao Lang. It turned out that he hadn't fled the country. Everyone knew the reason why it was dark under the lights, but he didn't think of going there.It turned out that he was hiding in City H, but the police certainly wouldn't have thought of this place. After all, Gao Lang was also a young master who was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. This is probably the first time he has come to such a place in his life.

Gao Lang walked towards Gong Qianxia with a strange smile.Gong Qianxia pretended to be calm and looked at Gao Lang, "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Gao Lang smiled, and sat down beside Gong Qianxia, ​​"You don't know what I want to do, do you need me to tell you again?"

"I have already said that Gao's problem cannot be resolved smoothly even if I come forward."

"It doesn't matter, even if you don't want to help me, why did you give such an order to others, and let me fall into the situation of betrayal?"

Gong Qianxia was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that Gao Lang already knew what she was doing.

"Also, that old Wenrenshi is in the hospital now. Although I don't know exactly what's going on with her, I think it's much easier to get rid of her than when she was in the company."

(End of this chapter)

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