Chapter 374 Meeting an Acquaintance
Kitty simply ate lunch, cleaned herself up, and then went to the meeting place.There were still many people at today's meeting, and Kitty sat quietly in her seat.

Hua Wuyou stood on the stage, and the process was almost exactly the same as last time. There were many fans in the audience, but everyone was still very energetic and screamed loudly.

The voices of fans calling Hua Wuyou's name filled her ears, Kitty looked at the person standing on the stage, and suddenly felt that the distance between the two was so far away.The two of them were still watching a movie together yesterday, but today I sat under the stage and watched that person from a distance. In the future, maybe I can only see that person on TV, or read it from his new book. To his shadow.

The meeting went smoothly. Kitty watched Hua Wuyou step off the stage, knowing that he was going to attend a party held by the company, so she walked out with the flow of people.Surrounded by young girls, they are still discussing the meeting just now, and their emotions are still not slowed down by the joy of seeing Hua Wuyou at close range.

Hua Wuyou arrived at the dinner party in his assistant's car, and Hua Wuyou sat in the back seat, playing with his mobile phone.My conversation with Kitty was still on the text message at noon. At this time, she should still be on the way home, but I still couldn't help sending her a text message.

"Driving carefully on the road, text me when you get home." After waiting for a long time without receiving a reply from Kitty, the car had already arrived at its destination.

"Worriless, let's go in, everyone has already arrived, just wait for us."

Hearing Xiao Tang's words, Hua Wuyou put away her phone, and followed Xiao Tang into the restaurant.After a while, Kitty should send herself a text message when she gets home.

Kitty looked at the text message Hua Wuyou sent, thought for a long time, but still didn't reply him, from now on.I have to start adapting to a life without flowers and worries.

Hua Wuyou had dinner with the company's leaders, but she was obviously absent-minded. She looked at her phone from time to time, but she never received Kitty's text messages on her phone. Could something be wrong?

"Are you home? Why didn't you text me?"

As soon as I sent the text message, I heard the voice of the company president.

"Come, come, worry-free, let me toast you. This meeting is very successful. I believe that the meeting in the next few days and the meeting in other cities will also be very successful. You are now The most popular writer in our company, I must toast you."

"President Li is serious." Hua Wuyou raised his wine glass.

When the party was over, Hua Wuyou checked that it was past ten o'clock in the evening, but she still hadn't received Kitty's text message.I couldn't help but feel a little worried, and after sending everyone away, I followed Xiao Tang into the car.Called Kitty, but no one answered.

"Could it be that you're already asleep?" Silently put away the phone, let her have a good rest, tomorrow I can rest for a day, and then I'll go find her.

Kitty looked at the phone that kept ringing, and the photo of the incoming call was the group photo that Hua Wuyou forced Kitty to take together.Hua Wuyou hugged Kitty's shoulders from behind, resting her chin on Kitty's shoulders, both of them smiled and looked at the camera.

I looked at my phone, turned it on mute, threw it directly beside the pillow, turned over and didn't want to look at it anymore.

The next morning Kitty got up early to pack her luggage. Many things had been sent back directly by herself. Now there were only a few carry-on luggage left, and it only took half an hour to pack them.

Kitty called the previous real estate agency. She bought this house to find a place to live, and she probably won't need it now.

"Hello, I have already contacted you before... I have a house in my hand, and I want to ask you to help sell it... The price doesn't matter, you can just do it as you see it, just deal with it as soon as possible... The house I'll send you the address later, and I'll leave the key with the doorman downstairs. Come and find them directly, and I'll say hello... Well, I'll trouble you then, there's nothing particularly important If you don't, then don't call me, and please don't reveal my information...Okay, goodbye."

Putting down the phone, I checked the time, it was almost 10:30, I bought an air ticket at [-] o'clock, and it was almost time to go to the airport now.

Close the door, drag the box and leave.The car was handed over to the agency yesterday, so I can only take a taxi to the airport.

Standing in the lobby of the airport, watching the passengers coming and going, I was stunned for a while, and then went to check-in.Just as she was about to queue up for the security check, she heard someone calling her name. Kitty thought for a while that no one knew she was coming to the airport, so she ignored it.Just as he was about to move forward, he saw two people appearing in front of him.


Kitty looked at the person in front of him, he seemed to be Gong Qianxia's friend, and she still had a little impression, "Miss Lan?"

"Yeah, I thought I was wrong just now, but I didn't expect it was really you." As he spoke, he bumped Su Mingfeng's elbow beside him, "What did I say, I read it right, right? You also said I was wrong."

"Yes, yes, it's my fault."

Kitty looked at the two people in front of her, feeling a little guilty, "I heard that you guys went on honeymoon, did you have a good time?"

"Very good, thank you for your concern." Lan Chuchu glanced at the suitcase that Kitty was pulling, and asked curiously, "Where are you going? Are you alone?" Looking behind Kitty, she seemed to be No one else I know.

Kitty was stunned for a moment, the one who should come will always come, "Uh... because of something about Wenren Group, I need to go on a business trip. Qianxia is quite busy during this period, so I entrusted me to go."

"Oh, that's right, but if your company is on a business trip, are you alone?"

"They've already gone in first, and I'm a bit late because of some business delays." Kitty looked at her watch, pretending to be very anxious, "Okay, I won't tell you, I'll go in first. You guys You must be very tired after playing outside for so long, and you have been on the plane for so long, go back and rest early, I'm leaving first."

"Uh good bye."

Lan Chuchu frowned as she watched Kitty leave in a hurry.

"Hey Mingfeng, don't you think Kitty looks a little strange today." Lan Chuchu looked at Kitty's back and said to Su Mingfeng next to him.

Following Lan Chuchu's gaze, "Is there? I don't think so."

(End of this chapter)

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