Chapter 377

"Mingfeng, please check Kitty's flight information for me first. Wuyou and I will go and have a look. Let's talk about it when we come back. Thanks for your hard work." Lan Chuchu kissed Su Mingfeng's face, and then talked with Hua Wuyou We went out together.

Originally, Hua Wuyou wanted to drive by herself, but Lan Chuchu refused.

"The car, I'll drive." Lan Chuchu put Hua Wuyou on the co-pilot, and sat in the driver's cab, "There may be a little traffic jam at this time, you can just take a rest. Look at your dark circles, It’s almost on your chin. Don’t fall down before you find Kitty’s whereabouts. found in the shortest possible time."

Hua Wuyou looked at Lan Chuchu gratefully, "Chuchu..."

"Hey, stop, stop, I can't stand you anymore, if you dare to say those two words to me and Qian Xia, see if I don't smoke you, peel your skin and drink your blood. We have known each other for many years, now I Both Qianxia and Qianxia have settled down, your business is our business, your happiness is our happiness... Uh, no, it seems that I shouldn't say that, oh, don't worry, anyway, you know what I mean. It's gone." Lan Chuchu turned her head and said to Hua Wuyou, "Now, close your eyes and let me sleep, I'm so scared when you open those two tubes, don't stare at me."

Hua Wuyou smiled, although Lan Chuchu's words were a bit vulgar, but Hua Wuyou still knew that she was doing it for her own good.

"Chuchu, since you won't let me say those two words, then I'll just say one word."

Lan Chuchu gave him a slanted look, "If you fart, let it go."

"Chuchu, you're already married now, it's better for you to be a lady, look at how Mingfeng, who is so rude like you, can stand it...ah, it hurts..."

Hua Wuyou rubbed her head, Lan Chuchu's hands were too heavy.

"Who made you talk nonsense all day, I kindly help you, and you still speak ill of me now."

"Why did I just say bad things about you? What I said was the truth... I was wrong, so I won't say anything." Hua Wuyou saw Lan Chuchu's outstretched hand, and begged for mercy.

"I can't keep your mouth shut even if you sleep."

"I won't talk anymore, I'll sleep and I'll sleep." Hua Wuyou hurriedly closed her eyes, pretending to be sleeping.

Without Lan Chuchu and Gong Qianxia, ​​I really don't know what to do. As the saying goes, if you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, it's useless to be in a hurry.

There was a little traffic jam on the road, and the agent on the way had already called and said they had arrived.

Before knocking on the door, Lan Chuchu specially reminded Hua Wuyou, "You must ensure that you stabilize your emotions. You should try to talk as little as possible. I will be responsible for anything that happens. You just have to trust me."


Seeing Hua Wuyou nodded, Lan Chuchu knocked on the door, and heard footsteps coming from inside, and then the door was opened.Sure enough, it was a strange man whom he didn't know, with shoe covers on his feet, he seemed to be someone from an agency company.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, there is a little traffic jam on the road."

"It's okay, it's okay, please come in." As he said that, he dug out two pairs of shoe covers from the shoe cabinet beside him, "I'm sorry, I have to trouble you to use the shoe covers, you also saw that this house is the previous one. The master has been decorated, and it is inconvenient to clean.”

"It's okay, we understand." Lan Chuchu put on the shoe covers by herself, looked at Hua Wuyou who was standing on the side, and saw him staring at the room in a daze, distracted, knowing that he must be thinking about the past again After those things, he pushed him with his hands, and said in a low voice, "Why are you in a daze, quickly put on the shoe covers."


Hua Wuyou changed her shoe covers and walked into the living room.

"I don't know your last name, you can just call me Xiao Wang."

"My last name is Lan."

"Hello, hello, Ms. Lan, this is the house we listed on the Internet. I just got this house this morning. You saw it just after putting it on the Internet. It seems that you and this house are real. It's fate."

Lan Chuchu frowned, saying that, the house was handed over to the agent before Kitty left today.

"Yes, we are also very satisfied with this house, we all like the design of the lighting room."

Hearing Lan Chuchu's words, Xiao Wang burst into laughter, "Miss Lan, you have a good eye, you are a very tasteful person."

"Oh, by the way, why is this house so cheap? It's much cheaper than many houses around here. It can't be...something happened."

Lan Chuchu said in a low voice, maybe this intermediary knows something about Kitty, and may come up with something useful.

When Xiao Wang heard this, he quickly waved his hands, "There is no such thing, Miss Lan, our company will guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with this house."

"Then why is it so cheap? We sincerely want to buy this house, but if you don't tell us the truth, the deal will be impossible." After speaking, Lan Chuchu took Hua Wuyou's hand and prepared to buy it. Walk towards the door.

"Hey, Miss Lan, don't be in a hurry, let's talk about it slowly." The intermediary Xiao Wang stopped Lan Chuchu and the two and placed them on the sofa, "Miss Lan, you have to talk about this for the sake of it." Well, if I don't do this business, I won't give you face. To be honest, the previous owner of this house seems to have gone abroad. Anyway, he left in a hurry, so this house is just a random place. The price we give, you see, if this kind of house has not been cleaned for a long time, it will not be sold at a good price. If someone is hired to clean it every once in a while, the company will not pay that money, so we just thought Get out as soon as possible. You see, as soon as you called, there were a lot of calls asking about this house, and I rejected them all. "

Hua Wuyou was about to speak when Lan Chuchu stopped her.

Lan Chuchu continued, "But your price might be too low, you should call the owner to confirm."

"No need, the owner has given us full power to deal with it, so you don't have to worry about it at all."

"No, you'd better make a phone call. If there is any problem in the future, it will be too troublesome to make trouble, and we don't want to make things so troublesome, so please ask us first."

The intermediary Xiao Wang hesitated for a moment, but still took out his mobile phone, "Then let me ask first, please wait a moment." Then he took his mobile phone and walked to the balcony.

(End of this chapter)

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