Chapter 379

"No need, brother Wuyou, I think it's pretty good now." In fact, being an assistant to a writer star is a very difficult job, and now Hua Wuyou is the most popular writer, so Xiao Tang is deeply attached to Hua Wuyou. Worry-free light has raised wages several times.Although I am preparing for marriage recently, I am a contented person.

"Oh, don't worry, you are my assistant, and you often run up and down for me. I should speak for you and help you raise your salary. I have already spoken. If you refuse, then I will How embarrassing."

But now it's just the two of us, if we don't say anything, no one else will know, Xiao Tang was about to refuse, but was interrupted by Hua Wuyou, "Okay, it's settled like this .”

Hearing Hua Wuyou's firm tone, Xiao Tang knew that it would be useless for him to refuse any more, so he had to accept it silently, hoping that Hua Wuyou would not create any problems for him in the future, "Okay then, thank you Brother Wuyou gone."

Hua Wuyou nodded in satisfaction, and continued, "Xiao Tang, it's better for me to treat you well."

Xiao Tang nodded mechanically, always feeling a little uneasy, as expected, he still couldn't be greedy for petty gains.However, although Hua Wuyou is usually a bit naughty, and he has given himself a lot of problems when he presses for manuscripts, the staff is indeed very good. As far as he is concerned, his salary is already the highest among other assistants. up.

"In this case, shouldn't you work hard?"

Xiao Tang nodded fiercely again, Hua Wuyou smiled, "Alright then, I will leave this matter to you."

Xiao Tang was about to nod, when he suddenly realized, he said to Hua Wuyou with a bitter face, "What's the matter?"

"I have something very important to go to Seattle now. The meeting will be temporarily postponed. I will leave this matter to you. I will agree to any request from the company. Now you will represent me Go talk to the management of the company about this matter." Hua Wuyou patted Xiao Tang on the shoulder with a look of entrusting a heavy responsibility, "I believe that your ability will be able to solve this matter well, what I want to say It's all over, now you go first, I want to see my ticket."

As Hua Wuyou said, she hugged her computer to her lap and began to look at it. Xiao Tang was still in a daze and didn't react. Hua Wuyou glanced at Xiao Tang from the corner of his eye. He also knew that he was not kind. , but I really chose to do this because I had no other choice.

"No, Brother Wuyou, I can't decide this matter, you are making things difficult for me."

Hua Wuyou glanced at Xiao Tang, "Isn't this difficult problem left to you? Is it still left to me? If you can't even do this little thing, how can you be my assistant?"

trifle?Xiao Tang's face twitched when he heard these two words, is this a trivial matter?So what is a big deal?
"Okay, okay, I'll leave this matter to you. I believe in your ability."

"No brother, if I say that to the people in the company, I will definitely be scolded to death, so don't make things difficult for me." Xiao Tang said with a sad face, he would definitely be scolded to death by the company's senior management.

Hua Wuyou listened to Xiao Tang's words, put down her computer, and said helplessly to Xiao Tang, "Xiao Tang, you have been with me for so many years, so you naturally know my personality. I am not an irresponsible person. You also know that I really have important things to do, that's why I asked you for help."

Xiao Tang has been working with Hua Wuyou for several years. Although Hua Wuyou is sometimes self-willed and has a childish temper, he is indeed a responsible person. No matter how hard it is, he will hand in the manuscript on time. , no matter how tired you are, you will be in the best state at the meeting.

"But if you really have a reason, you have to let me know." Having said that, Xiao Tang moved closer to Hua Wuyou, and asked gossipingly, "Tell me first what reason made you do this , Otherwise, I will not help you this time, I will do it."

Hua Wuyou glanced at Xiao Tang, pondered for a while, "Do you still remember the girl you saw at the meet and greet with a child who came to me, she broke up with me, I'm going to Seattle this time , just to chase her back."

Xiao Tang stared blankly at Hua Wuyou, "I didn't expect you to be so infatuated."

"It's the first time I've been tempted by someone, and I don't want to give up this relationship like this. No matter why she wants to break up with me, I have to ask her face to face, otherwise I will always feel uneasy in my heart, so You must help me this time."

Listening to Hua Wuyou's words, Xiao Tang couldn't help but feel admiration for Hua Wuyou. His status, which he has worked so hard for so long, may be because of his decision this time. All his previous efforts will be wasted, "You understand What are the consequences of your decision? If the company does not help you solve this problem, all your previous efforts will be in vain. Do you know these consequences? Can you bear such consequences? "

"I've thought about all of this, and I know what the consequences of doing this are, but I didn't do it for those vain status and money, even if I am no longer what I am now, as long as I can still write , I don’t feel regretful at all. If I lose her because of the meeting, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Xiao Tang hesitated for a moment, "I know, I will try my best, but I can't guarantee that the result of this matter will be satisfactory."

Hua Wuyou took Xiao Tang's hand gratefully, "It's all right, no matter what the outcome is, I've already made up my mind. Thank you very much. When I come back, I will definitely treat you to a big meal."

"You must work hard, otherwise my sacrifice will be in vain." Xiao Tang said worriedly, his future is really worrying.

"I certainly will."

After Xiao Tang closed the door and left, Hua Wuyou immediately bought a plane ticket for the next morning, and went to Seattle earlier by herself, maybe she could meet Kitty earlier.

After sending text messages to Lan Chuchu and Gong Qianxia, ​​they turned off the phone, maybe Gong Qianxia and Lan Chuchu would make a series of fatal calls to themselves later.

As soon as Lan Chuchu received the text message, she secretly said that it was bad, and quickly called Hua Wuyou, but was told that the phone was turned off, so she hurriedly called Gong Qianxia.

"Qianxia, ​​have you also received a text message from Wuyou?"

"Did you receive it too?"

(End of this chapter)

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