Chapter 381 People Who Miss Each Other
As soon as Lan Chuchu woke up the next morning, she saw Su Mingfeng walking in with a document, "Chuchu, I have already found Kitty's phone number. Last night, Xiao Wang from the agency received a call from Seattle, USA. The phone call, we suspect that it should be from Kitty, and we are looking up the phone number now, and they will notify me as soon as they have news."

"Really?" Lan Chuchu immediately got up from the bed, took the document from Su Mingfeng's hand, opened it and saw that there was indeed a phone number inside, "Do you still need to check it? Let me do it. "

Lan Chuchu edited the phone number into a text message and sent it to Hua Wuyou. Seeing the successful message displayed on the phone, she immediately called Hua Wuyou.

As soon as the call was connected, Lan Chuchu said excitedly, "Wuyou, hurry up and read the text message I sent you. Mingfeng and the others found a call, and they suspected it was Kitty's phone number. You use the hotel's landline Call and try to see if it is Kitty's phone number. I don't know how long it will take for Mingfeng to find out. I don't think you can wait, so you can call and try it yourself, Kitty You can still hear the voice."

"Of course I can hear Kitty's voice. I'll try to make a call now. Thank you for your hard work."

"Okay, okay, don't say polite words, remember to call from your hotel phone, I'll hang up first."

Lan Chuchu hung up the phone, and now she was waiting for good news from Hua Wuyou.

"Chuchu, why did you let Wuyou use the hotel phone?" Su Mingfeng put the things on the bedside table, hugged Lan Chuchu and sat down.

"You are stupid, Kitty is such a smart person, she will definitely remember Wuyou's phone number, if Wuyou calls from her own phone, then Kitty will definitely guess that Hua Wuyou already knows her contact information and address .If Kitty really wants to hide from Wuyou, maybe she will change her phone number, so that it may be more difficult for us to find out about her in the future. If you use the hotel phone, at least it shows Seattle's phone number , so that Kitty will not be suspicious, as long as she answers the phone, there will be a show."

Su Mingfeng looked at Lan Chuchu in surprise, "I didn't expect my wife to be so smart."

"That's natural." Lan Chuchu cast a sideways glance at Su Mingfeng, and said proudly, "However, no matter how smart people are, they are sometimes confused. Otherwise, how could I marry you? It's a mistake."

Su Mingfeng pressed on Lan Chuchu with a smile, and scratched her itch with his hands, "Why do I sound like I'm cursing me like this? Ah..."

Lan Chuchu smiled and twisted her body, trying to throw Su Mingfeng off her body, "I was wrong...I won't say get off quickly."

Su Mingfeng was still pressing on Lan Chuchu's body and was unwilling to go down. Lan Chuchu's expression changed, and she stretched out her hand to push Su Mingfeng's chest, "Get down quickly...I feel bad."

Su Mingfeng also noticed that something was wrong with Lan Chuchu, and immediately got off her body. Looking at Lan Chuchu's pale face, he asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Why is your face so pale? Am I holding you down?" gone?"

After a while, Lan Chuchu felt better, and sat up with Su Mingfeng's support, "I don't know what's going on, I just felt a little out of breath, I took a rest It'll be fine, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Are you really all right? Why don't we go to the hospital to have a look? I'm not worried about you."

Lan Chuchu looked at Su Mingfeng's worried expression, and knew that he was worried about his physical condition, so he nodded, "I see, I will go to the hospital to see, you can just do your thing with peace of mind, recently Isn't the cooperation with KW Group coming to an end, let's work hard."

Su Mingfeng thought for a while, then continued, "Do you really not need me to accompany you to the hospital?"

"No need, I'm not a child anymore, and it's not that I don't know the way, I can handle it myself, don't worry."

Seeing that Lan Chuchu insisted not to accompany her, Su Mingfeng had no choice but to go along with her, "Okay, then you must go, and then tell me the results of the examination."

Lan Chuchu angrily grabbed Su Mingfeng's face, "Understood, am I that disobedient? Don't believe me that much."

At this time, Hua Wuyou, who was far away in Seattle, was holding the note in her hand, and she had to memorize the number on it, and she might hear Kitty's voice soon, even though the two were only separated for a few days , but it seemed like a century to her.Looking at the scenery outside the window, the night view of Seattle is very beautiful, but I stayed here for a day and wandered around, but I didn't feel like wandering at all until I found Kitty.After walking outside for a long time, I came back to the hotel. I couldn't sleep, so I just stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After calming down her excited mood, Hua Wuyou used the landline in the room to dial the suspected Kitty contact number on the note. When the beep sounded, Hua Wuyou felt her heart beating faster. It's bursting.

The moment the connection was made, Hua Wuyou's heart jumped directly to her throat, "Hello, this is Kitty." A familiar voice rang on the other end of the phone. Although it was in English, Hua Wuyou still recognized her. The person on the other end of the call was Kitty, and when the other party was about to continue speaking, Hua Wuyou immediately hung up the phone.

He was afraid that he couldn't help but agreed, he was afraid that he would fly to Kitty's side immediately, and asked her why she left him, and wanted to ask her why she abandoned him so cruelly .But I was also afraid that if I opened my mouth, I would scare her away again. If she hid further away, if she hid all the news about me, so that I could never find her again, then I would regret it even more. .

I sent a text message to Lan Chuchu, asking them to check the address where the number is registered, that is Kitty's phone number.

Kitty simply thought it was a harassing phone call, and didn't pay any attention to it. She took her clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Just now, my adoptive mother told me that she arranged for me to meet with that rich young man tomorrow, and reminded me to let that young master lose his temper. Kitty secretly twitched the corners of her mouth. She has been a proud person since she was a child. Even if she encounters difficulties at work, she has never bowed her head to anyone. But this time, she has to apologize to others because of the family business. Can it be done well.

If Hua Wuyou...

Kitty immediately interrupted her own thinking, and said that she would stop thinking about him, but she couldn't help but think of him again.Holding the book signed by Hua Wuyou, Kitty gradually fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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