Chapter 385
Su Mingfeng looked at Lan Chuchu helplessly, and then glanced at the shoes on her feet. The scene of her struggling in the pile of shoes just now came to mind again.

"No, I think it looks pretty good."

"You are definitely playing me off. How good are these shoes? I can't even remember the year I bought them. I must have bought them when I was young and ignorant." Lan Chuchu was indignant Said, the dislike of himself back then is also very obvious.

"I really didn't perfuse you, I really think it's not bad." Glancing at the pair of shoes again, it seems that they are not as bad as Lan Chuchu said.

"Oh, forget it, discussing fashion with you is killing my brain cells. I really don't understand why I brought these shoes here when I moved." Lan Chuchu shook her head, deeply worried Feel helpless about your behavior.

I must have had my head caught by the door at the time.

"But don't you also have to thank you for bringing these shoes here? Otherwise, are you going to wear slippers to go out today?"

Hearing Su Mingfeng's words, Lan Chuchu froze for a moment, "You seem to be right, well, let's not worry about it for now."

Su Mingfeng drove the car with peace of mind, and listened helplessly to Lan Chuchu's low-pitched complaints about how bad it was without makeup. Thinking of the way she looked at the things on the dressing table just now with a sad face, she burst out laughing come out.

Lan Chuchu climbed on the dressing table and bid farewell to her lovers one by one, "My dear friends, after I triumphantly return, I will reward you heavily, and during my absence, you must support each other."

Lan Chuchu not only compares her shoes to a harem, but also compares her cosmetics and beauty artifacts to the founding ministers, whoever is easy to use can be reused, and it took a long time to say goodbye just now.

The two bought a set of skin care products that pregnant women can also use when they arrived at the mall, and then moved to the shoe area.

"Mingfeng, why do you think flat shoes are so ugly?" Lan Chuchu held Su Mingfeng's arm, looking helplessly as she walked. Could it be that she had worn high heels for too long, which caused her interest in flat shoes to disappear? up?

"Uh... It's hard for me to say that, I think it's pretty much the same in my heart." Su Mingfeng scratched his hair, it was really difficult to go shopping with a woman.

Even when encountering tens of millions of cooperation cases, Su Mingfeng can negotiate calmly, but when it comes to Lan Chuchu's issue, he always feels that he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"How can it be the same? There are thousands of differences. In this world, high heels are really the most beautiful thing. There is no one."

Su Mingfeng gave Lan Chuchu a sideways look, "Didn't you say that lipstick is the most beautiful thing in the world?"

Lan Chuchu froze for a moment, pretended to be stupid, and said, "Is there? Did I say that? Why don't I remember?"

Su Mingfeng was helpless, he couldn't say anything about Lan Chuchu anyway, and now the pregnant woman is the biggest, who let him have his own child in his belly, naturally he had to let her do everything.

"Okay, maybe I'm remembering wrong."

"Then you must have misremembered." After the two went around for several times, Lan Chuchu reluctantly accepted the two pairs of shoes. He couldn't just wear this pair of shoes on his feet for such a long time, so he just let it go. will be just fine.

After buying all the shoes, I handed them over to Su Mingfeng, and Lan Chuchu dragged Su Mingfeng's arm into the baby store.

"Mingfeng, children's things are so beautiful."

Su Mingfeng looked at the little clothes in Lan Chuchu's hands, and couldn't help laughing. He began to imagine what his child would look like wearing them.

Lan Chuchu couldn't put it down to the things in the store, and wished to buy everything back, but after thinking about it, the child is less than two months old, and it's too early to think about these, so she obediently put it down, the most urgent thing now is Buy a radiation suit.

Anyway, it was worn inside, and no one could see it, and there were not many styles of anti-radiation suits, so Lan Chuchu quickly solved the problem of the clothes, and the two went home.

"Isn't it too early now?" Lan Chuchu looked at her watch, it was only four o'clock, and it was still early for dinner.

Su Mingfeng drove the car seriously, and said to Lan Chuchu who was next to him, "Don't worry, there may not be enough time, you have a baby now, and you may not know what my mother will do when you get home later." It's nagging, and maybe my mother-in-law will come over later, and it will be a fierce battle."

Su Mingfeng's metaphor made Lan Chuchu amused, "How can you say that about your mother, besides, I think my mother-in-law is very good, so how can she be nagging."

Su Mingfeng glanced at Lan Chuchu who was smiling innocently, "Then you will see later whether I know my mother or you know my mother." Long before Su Mingfeng married Lan Chuchu, Ye Qianwen was thinking He was thinking about holding his grandson, and nagging Su Mingfeng every day. Now that Lan Chuchu is really pregnant, isn't this a chance.

Lan Chuchu strolled and said with all her heart, "Just compare, I'm afraid you won't succeed." While talking, she flipped through the things she bought just now, and changed the shoes in the car.The pair of shoes I wore when I went out were not only outdated but also a bit tight, making them uncomfortable to wear, so I went back home without much shopping today. According to my previous combat effectiveness, even wearing Hentian Gao can casually walk for a day of.

It was only 04:30 when the two returned home. Ye Qianwen knew they were coming when she heard the movement, and quickly stood up to meet them.

"Oh, Chuchu is here, come here and let mom see, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I still miss you all the time."

Lan Chuchu smiled and sat down beside Ye Qianwen, took out a box from her bag, "Mom, this is the bracelet I bought for you during our honeymoon with Mingfeng, see if you like it."

Ye Qianwen reached out to take it, didn't open it at all, and praised repeatedly, "I like it, you don't worry about it, why do you think about me as an old lady when you go out for honeymoon?" She turned her head and said to Su Mingfeng, "You Look at you, it's better to marry a wife than to have a son, my daughter-in-law knows to go out and think about me."

Su Mingfeng was speechless. Every time she went on a business trip, she would buy gifts for Ye Qianwen, but she either disliked her poor appreciation or wasted money. Now that she hacked her account, Lan Chuchu said she liked the things she bought without even looking at them. Incredible.Su Mingfeng shook his head secretly, thinking that he will have a hard time in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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