Chapter 395 Louis' Aid
Hua Wuyou followed Louis back to the car first, and Louis said first, "Let's go back to your hotel first, I'm almost exhausted from rushing here early in the morning, and I urgently need to catch up on sleep."

Hua Wuyou was stunned for a moment, although it seemed bad for him to drive them away now, but wouldn't it be bad to just go back to the hotel with him like this.I am very grateful to Louis for his help, but the rest is my own private matter, so it is not convenient to talk to Louis.

Louis glanced at Hua Wuyou, seeing that he didn't want to say anything, he said amusedly, "Even if you don't want to say it yourself, I know where you live." Then he told the driver to drive.

Hua Wuyou looked surprised, "Do you know where I live?"

"Of course I know. I have checked your itinerary every day when you came to Seattle. Although this is not right, it is your personal privacy after all, but if I want to help, I must understand that you are a clean person. It won't cause me any trouble. I'm a businessman, and the last thing I like is trouble, so I hope you can understand."

What else can Hua Wuyou say, she has done her such a big favor, it is impossible for her to care about such a trivial matter.

"No, this is indeed what it should be. Thank you so much for this incident. I will definitely thank you after I have dealt with this incident."

"If you don't mind, tell me the purpose of your coming here. Maybe I can help you." Louis just checked Hua Wuyou's itinerary roughly, and didn't investigate many things in depth. What Hua Wuyou said might be even more different.

Hua Wuyou was a little hesitant, not saying there was anything wrong, but he and Louis had only known each other for a few minutes, so this was his own private matter, can you tell him?And that Leo is also a rich man, maybe he will know Louis.

"Do you know Leo, the young master of Yuanshan Enterprise?"

Louis thought for a long time before he said, "I know Yuanshan Enterprise, and I also know that Yuanshan Enterprise has a young master, but I don't know the Leo you mentioned."

Hua Wuyou thought that since Gong Qianxia could ask this person to help, it meant that she had full trust in him, and there should be no big problem.

"I came here this time because of my girlfriend's affairs. I heard from their servants that their company had some financial problems, so her mother married Yuanshan Enterprise in order to help the company tide over the difficulties. I'm here. That's what I came to Seattle for."

Louis showed some embarrassment. He only thought that Hua Wuyou had quarreled with his girlfriend, so he came to Seattle to coax her. Who knew it was because of this.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to mention it."

"It's okay. It has nothing to do with you. It's a matter between us. No matter how others help, some things can't be changed."

Louis looked at Hua Wuyou looking out of the window, with exhaustion and sadness that couldn't be concealed on his face, it must be someone who loves very much to have such an expression.

"I don't intend to inquire about your affairs, but I know that you recently had a few meetings in H City, but you put them all down because of your girlfriend's affairs. I admire your courage very much, so this time your Busy, I will help you, if I am here, the matter between you will be settled quickly."

Hua Wuyou was a little surprised that Louis would know about her affairs, but after thinking about it, maybe Gong Qianxia told him, or maybe he sent someone to investigate. Although he didn't have much contact with him, he also knew that Louis should be a pretty It is not easy for a person with status to investigate himself.

"Won't this trouble you?" If Louis can act, maybe he can solve this matter quickly. Although Hua Wuyou doesn't like to owe favors to others, those are not the most important things now. Kitty's business is what matters.

"It's okay, can you tell me what you plan to do next first?"

"I want to go back to the hotel to take a shower and change clothes, and then go to Kitty's house. I believe that as long as I don't give up, I will be able to wait until she comes to see me."

Louis rolled his eyes, how could this Hua Wuyou be so stupid, he really responded to that sentence, "I said, why are you so stupid, don't you have a saying called 'people in love have negative IQs', I see this A sentence is used to describe you. You have to think about the main reason for this matter first."

Hua Wuyou thought for a long time, but still shook her head.Louis sighed, and said patiently, "Think about it, because Kitty's company has financial problems, Yuanshan Enterprises can take advantage of it, so Kitty's mother will agree to Yuanshan Enterprises. Asked, I believe she must be very unwilling, and then Kitty will tell you to break up and return to China. Therefore, the main reason is the funding problem of Kitty’s company. Let’s start directly from the most important This is the fastest and best way to solve the problem.”

Listening to Luis' analysis, Hua Wuyou couldn't help sighing, she was really dazed, she couldn't figure out such a simple thing, and wasted so much time, even went to the police station for a day trip a trip.

"But now that we've found the problem, how do we fix it?"

"It's not easy. Since Kitty's company is short of money now, let's send the money over."

Although he knew that Louis really wanted to help him, but he was just a small writer and didn't make a lot of money at all.What's more, the company's cash flow problem is impossible to solve without tens of millions, even if I want to but can't.

"Maybe I'm going to disappoint you, Mr. Lewis. This way doesn't work. I'm just a writer, and I don't have that much money to help a company solve its financial problems."

"Did I tell you to pay for it? I have plenty of money, and I don't like breaking up other people's couples, so I will take care of this matter to the end."

Hua Wuyou felt that something was wrong, even if Louis felt that it didn't matter, he couldn't accept it.Hua Wuyou was about to reject Louis' kindness, but was interrupted by Louis, "Okay, leave this matter to me, I know you don't want to accept my help, but it's not you now Your face is important. What's more, I'm a businessman, and I won't do things that don't benefit me, so you don't need to worry at all. "

(End of this chapter)

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