Chapter 602 What are you happy about?

Hua Wuyou was surprised, this woman wouldn't be so happy after falling out of love, and she seemed to be so interested in his love life, and now she was happy, "Lan Chuchu, are you stupid? happy!"

"Hua Wuyou, I'm joking at you. Finally, a woman fell in love with you, but you don't like her. I really want to meet that girl. Why don't we pick up Xiaobai from school in the afternoon, and then we can take the opportunity to watch her?" Behold your admirer!"

Hua Wuyou looked at the two women across from him smiling happily, he was at a loss, he seemed very interested in Teacher Xu and the others, and in a blink of an eye he forgot that Lan Chuchu was the victim.

In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon, and Lan Chuchu said that she would pester Gong Qianxia to go to school with her, Hua Wuyou stood up and tidied her clothes, "Chuchu, I'm here to care about you today, since you're fine, then Can I retire with success, as for the next thing, I..."

The man raised his hands to express his surrender. If Lan Chuchu got in touch with Mr. Xu, he didn't know what would happen, or maybe Lan Chuchu betrayed him in order to get revenge.

Gong Qianxia shook her head helplessly, seeing Lan Chuchu's fickle appearance, she knew she was fine, and the three of them went downstairs talking and laughing, Lan Chuchu had been wearing loose clothes since she was pregnant, so her stomach was temporarily She still can't see it, but she knows that if she continues, she will be discovered sooner or later, so she said slowly after getting into Gong Qianxia's car, "Xia Xia, accompany me to rent a house tomorrow!"

The two were stunned at the same time, and then they both understood something, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified, Gong Qianxia looked at her, " really decided?"

Lan Chuchu nodded, her arrogant nature does not allow anyone to take the initiative to break up with her, especially Su Mingfeng, the man she likes so much, now said to calm down, the meaning of breaking up is already obvious, but Su Mingfeng Ming Feng did not speak out.

The car stopped at the entrance of the kindergarten, Hua Wuyou couldn't tell, but he still drove to follow them, but he stopped the car far away, and only watched Yan Xiaobai come out from the car.

Lan Chuchu stood by the car and looked at Yan Xiaobai, a young woman appeared beside him, who seemed to be very kind and concerned about him, Gong Qianxia stepped forward to pick him up and took him into the car.

Yan Xiaobai looked at Lan Chuchu, although she had a faint smile on her face, he could still see if Lan Chuchu was really happy, he greeted her, who knew that Lan Chuchu gossiped and asked him if the woman just now was Teacher Xu.

Yan Xiaobai nodded, Lan Chuchu looked at her for a while longer, and then got into the car, Yan Xiaobai saw Hua Wuyou following behind the car and looked at her again, "Auntie Chuchu, could it be Uncle Hua? Have you found out that you like Teacher Xu?"

Lan Chuchu shrugged, God knows what that Hua Wuyou is thinking now, it's not bad if someone around him likes him, and he still puts on airs like this, does he really want to be a bachelor for the rest of his life?
Yan Xiaobai gave her a blank look, she didn't worry about her own affairs anymore, now she cared about others, this woman is really fickle, and people are caught off guard.

"Xiaobai, will Auntie treat you to dinner tonight?"

Yan Xiaobai gave her a white look, this woman seemed to be really lost in love and stupid, "Auntie Chuchu, your money is as much as my father's, you treat me to dinner?"

Lan Chuchu was embarrassed, Yan Xiaobai was blatantly contemptuous of her, "Yan Xiaobai, even if your family is rich, you don't want to do this, I'll treat you to dinner."

Gong Qianxia didn't approve of her doing this, Lan Chuchu was venting, she didn't really let go, and asked the driver to drive back to the villa, but Lan Chuchu insisted on refusing to go back, and asked the driver to drive to the bar.

She wanted to drink to vent, but she didn't really let go of it. The superficial disguise gradually emerged as night fell, and she still couldn't let go of this relationship.

Yan Xiaobai looked at the bar and looked up at Lan Chuchu. Apart from being fickle, this woman could be described as a lunatic, and she actually brought them to this kind of place.

In order to protect Yan Xiaobai, Gong Qianxia didn't let him in, but Yan Xiaobai said that he had grown up, and Gong Qianxia couldn't twist him.

Lan Chuchu ordered a lot of wine, Gong Qianxia and Hua Wuyou were taken aback, "Lan Chuchu, are you okay, you are not fine, why do you want to drink now!"

"Yeah, drink if you're not happy!"

Hua Wuyou suddenly laughed, "Hehe, you are really strange, the sequelae of your broken love are long-lasting, and it's only now that it's happening!"

Lan Chuchu took a look at him and wanted to drink at the same time, Gong Qianxia pressed her hand, "You can drink, but you have to think about it!"

She is still pregnant with the child, and Lan Chuchu never said that she would give up the child from the beginning, so she reminded her that she hoped that she would not do things that made her regret.

"Xia Xia, don't stop me. Do you know what that bastard Su Mingfeng told me? He said we need to calm down and give each other space. Don't you think he wants to break up with me?"

Lan Chuchu burst into tears, and it was a lie to say that she was not uncomfortable. She originally thought that Su Mingfeng would say a few nice words to coax her, and even listen to her explanation, but now that man doesn't listen to her explanation, and dares to speak out Her, this made the proud Lan Chuchu intolerable.

Hua Wuyou also knew her willful nature, and seeing her seriousness, she sat beside her, "Xia Xia is right, you have to think about it, it's not like you hurt the child in your belly with this glass of wine. Just kidding!"

Yan Xiaobai sat on the side, he didn't have any impressions or opinions on this place when he came here for the first time, looking at this woman Lan Chuchu, the two people around him were trying to persuade him, he felt that Lan Chuchu was an idiot and a brain-dead.

"Auntie Chuchu, does Uncle Su Mingfeng know that you do this, or I should say that you are doing this for someone to see, you are such a big person, and there is a baby in your belly, can you be more responsible? !"

Yan Xiaobai's words stabbed Lan Chuchu like a sharp sword. Who was she doing this for? Such a decadent life didn't seem to be what she wanted to see. She put down her wine forcefully, "Xiaobai, thank you, Auntie has decided to take good care of herself and the baby, I want to keep the baby!"

She nodded firmly, Gong Qianxia and Hua Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, and then Lan Chuchu looked at so many opened wines, then looked at Hua Wuyou, "Since you have ordered so many, why don't you waste it?" , drink it up!"

Hua Wuyou was speechless, "Lan Chuchu, are you stupid!"

Lan Chuchu stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Okay, okay, for the sake of my lovelorn and being a single mother, can you stop talking about me like that, when I move, I will treat you to a big meal."

(End of this chapter)

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