Chapter 611 My Dad Is Yan Chaomu

Everything is still their guesswork. As for Yan Chaomu himself, they have never met before. The only time they attended Gao Yating's birthday party was actually Hua Wuyou's. Bai is Yan Chaomu's son, but they are so low-key that no one knows.

Fortunately, the news of Yan Chaomu and Gong Qianxia's marriage has been released in the previous news, and they also know that Gong Qianxia is Yan Chaomu's mysterious wife. Now that they are lucky enough to meet them, the faces of the Gao family couple are full of joy.

Yan Xiaobai already had the intention of the other party, although he was a bit shameless, he still told them politely, "My father is Yan Chaomu."

The two couples were stunned at the same time, but it was not difficult to see that they had already guessed it earlier, and now that it was confirmed by Yan Xiaobai, they smiled kindly.

"Sure enough, the Yan family's education method is better!"

Gong Qianxia didn't say much, chatted casually with them, and told them that Gao Yating is also a well-behaved girl, so their Gao family's tutor is not bad.

Yan Xiaobai and Gao Yating are two children studying the fish in the pool. Most of the time, Yan Xiaobai is explaining like a teacher. Gao Yating listens carefully and occasionally asks questions. Although Bai was patient, he still suggested Gao Yating to go back and read the books carefully. These were all taught by the teacher in class, but it was a little bit of a stretch, so she didn't understand anything.

Gao Yating blushed and was a little embarrassed, but now she really likes Yan Xiaobai more and more, and she obeys his words.

Gong Qianxia had no choice but to find an excuse to take him away, "Xiaobai, didn't you treat her too much just now, don't do this in the future!"

Yan Xiaobai nodded, his attitude towards Gao Yating is considered good, he never likes to talk to people, he is already polite to Gao Yating, Yan Xiaobai doesn't care so much, Gao Yating can only be regarded as him people who don't hate.

Back at dinner time, a buffet feast was held in the lobby of the hotel. Parents and children were already eating. Gong Qianxia took Yan Xiaobai over. First, she saw Teacher Xu, and Yan Xiaobai held her hand. Tell her that Teacher Xu will definitely ask about Hua Wuyou when he sees her, Gong Qianxia shakes his head at him, not to speak behind his back like this.

"Xiaobai, Mrs. Yan, how are you doing today?"

Gong Qianxia nodded, this kind of parent-child activity is a kind of enjoyment for her, she can reveal her heart to Yan Xiaobai, and Yan Xiaobai also told her a lot, it is rare for her to walk into Yan Xiaobai's heart world.

"Mrs. Yan, I don't know Mr. Hua recently..." Mrs. Xu showed a shy look in the middle of her words, probably Gong Qianxia had understood what she meant, and Yan Xiaobai on the side was complacent, Suddenly his guess was right.

Gong Qianxia politely said something about Hua Wuyou being very busy, Teacher Xu nodded knowingly, telling them to have fun, and then went to the bathroom.

Gong Qianxia gave Teacher Xu a sympathetic look. Hua Wuyou said that she didn't like that woman, so he didn't want to give her the wrong impression, and didn't want to hurt her.

Gong Qianxia's expression was complicated, and Yan Xiaobai's expression was helpless. It seemed that Teacher Xu could only be sad alone this time.

"Mom, do you think Teacher Xu will be very sad?"

Gong Qianxia smiled helplessly, and took his hand, rather than letting her see hope, it is better not to give her hope as soon as possible, Hua Wuyou has made it clear that she will not develop with Teacher Xu.

Yan Xiaobai didn't understand why Hua Wuyou was clearly single, Teacher Xu was not bad, why he didn't like it, Gong Qianxia didn't explain so much, the two simply ate something, Yan Xiaobai felt bored and they went back Room.

Gong Qianxia washed up, Yan Xiaobai took her phone and thought for a long time, whether to call Yan Chaomu or not, this made him a little entangled, if Gong Qianxia found out, he didn't know how to explain it.

Suddenly the phone rang, Yan Xiaobai looked at the word "Husband" displayed on it, and immediately burst into joy. It seemed that Yan Chaomu was not so stupid as to know to call her during the cold war.

"Mom, mom, your call." Gong Qianxia came out while washing her face, Yan Xiaobai didn't answer her call, and handed the phone to her, Gong Qianxia answered, "What's the matter?"

Her tone was still a little angry, and there was still foam of facial cleanser on her face, the timing of Yan Zhaomu's call was wrong.

Yan Chaomu knew that she was angry and he had nothing to do with her. Who told him that he was thinking about this woman now, so he took the initiative to call, and when he heard Gong Qianxia's tone, he became inexplicably angry, "I miss my son!"

Gong Qianxia said softly, handed the phone directly to Yan Xiaobai's hand, she turned and went into the bathroom.

Yan Xiaobai was at a loss while holding the phone. What did he and Yan Chaomu have to talk about? He was obviously thinking about his mother, but he insisted on being stubborn.

"Dad, Mom is washing her face."

Yan Xiaobai talked about Gong Qianxia as if he could read his mind, but Yan Zhaomu didn't stop him, his purpose was just this, "Well, what about you?"

Yan Xiaobai secretly laughed, how could Yan Zhaomu care about what he was doing most.

Soon Gong Qianxia was lying beside Yan Xiaobai in her pajamas, Yan Xiaobai told Yan Chaomu with a smirk that Gong Qianxia was back.

Yan Chaomu's belly tightened, this Yan Xiaobai was teasing him, and told him that Gong Qianxia was wearing pajamas, his heart was pounding.

"Yan Xiaobai, who taught you?"

Gong Qianxia stared at Yan Xiaobai's playful expression, combined with the roar on the phone, she pinched Yan Xiaobai's ear and gave him a look, "Xiaobai, don't mess around! It's time for us to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow to watch the sunrise Woolen cloth!"

When Yan Chaomu heard Gong Qianxia's voice, he felt the hot scene in front of him tempting him. He listened to the movement while suppressing his desire, and Yan Xiaobai called out in a low voice, "Dad, we are going to sleep!"

His tone was a bit weird, it was nothing more than showing off in front of Yan Chaomu, and it was conceivable that Yan Zhaomu didn't say a word to Gong Qianxia at the end, he called Yan Xiaobai's name, and finally heard Gong Qianxia's voice Voice, "Xiaobai is asleep, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Xia Xia..." Yan Zhaomu called her name when he heard a busy tone on the phone, and the woman hung up the phone mercilessly.

Yan Chaomu stared at the phone in a daze, she was really good-tempered, and she was still angry, thinking that Yan Xiaobai would sleep with her, Yan Zhaomu suffered from insomnia that night.

He stared at the phone in a daze, wanting to call again, but didn't know what to say, Gong Qianxia put away the phone, covered Yan Xiaobai with a quilt, and then fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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