Chapter 621 It's none of my business
Su Mingfeng fell silent suddenly, staring at Lan Chuchu's back in a daze, he never asked her about her current life, although he wanted to know about Lan Chuchu's life, but the dignity of a man did not allow him to do so!

Su Mingfeng's face darkened, Gong Qianxia seemed to be able to hear his sigh, and then he turned the steering wheel vigorously to turn the car, and left resolutely.

Seeing the change in his face, Gong Qianxia shook her head helplessly, "Don't be like this, you both care about each other, why can't you be together well, I don't believe that you two have any deep hatred, it's irresponsible of you to behave like this. "

She complained loudly to Su Mingfeng, when Gong Qianxia was excited, she couldn't help but stare at the man in front, Su Mingfeng was silent at first, and let the woman behind him criticize him, he remained silent all the time.

Gong Qianxia was angry, but finally told him the truth. Lan Chuchu was crying in the corridor because she went to the hospital alone for a checkup. Su Mingfeng suddenly stopped the car. He turned his head and looked at her excitedly, "Is that true?"

Gong Qianxia glared at him, "When did I ever lie to you!"

Su Mingfeng nodded and then started the car like a gourd. His excitement only showed the moment just now. The moment he started the engine, he returned to his usual appearance, as if nothing had happened.

Gong Qianxia couldn't understand this man more and more. After waiting for a long time, Su Mingfeng didn't speak. She couldn't bear it anymore, and patted the seat in front, "Su Mingfeng, what kind of attitude do you have now? But to put it bluntly, seeing that Chuchu's stomach is already swollen, are you really indifferent?"

"Ma'am, isn't she good at blind dates? With the strength of their Lan family, they should be able to find a good husband, so..."

Su Mingfeng tightly gripped the steering wheel to express his dissatisfaction, and at the same time hated his own incompetence, he had nothing to do under the influence of the Lan family.

The car stopped at the entrance of the Yan Group, and Yan Chaomu was already waiting there. Seeing that the faces of the two were not looking good, Yan Chaomu immediately walked over. It seemed that Su Mingfeng had already met Lan Chuchu, and the result was still not happy. And the scattered ones.

"What's the matter, with a straight face, who are you throwing face at?"

Su Ming gave him a cold look. This man now has a wife and children, and he doesn't care about other people's lives. He even deliberately rubbed salt on his wounds, "Mr. Yan, today's joke is not at all. funny!"

Yan Chaomu was embarrassed, it was the first time to be criticized in public by his special assistant, Yan Chaomu turned to look at Gong Qianxia, ​​thought that Gong Qianxia could comfort him, but unexpectedly Gong Qianxia still stared at him.

"Xiaxia, I..." Yan Chaomu followed her side aggrievedly, what did he do to make them hate him so much, "Honey, what exactly happened?"

The answer is obvious, Yan Zhaomu asked Su Mingfeng to pick her up, he should have thought that they would meet, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this matter was planned by Yan Zhaomu, Gong Qianxia stopped and poked his finger on his chest, "Yan Zhaomu , you got into trouble, do you know?"

"Is it wrong to give them a chance to meet?"

Gong Qianxia was speechless, he asked them to meet before he understood what Su Mingfeng meant, he didn't know about Lan Chuchu's violent temper, if two stubborn people could get back together, it would be hell .

Yan Chaomu sighed helplessly, he was the most respected big boss, he couldn't bear to see him because of feeling uncomfortable, so today he pushed him by the way, unexpectedly it backfired, the two broke up unhappy.

Yan Chaomu took Gong Qianxia to the restaurant for dinner, Gong Qianxia poked the rice but couldn't eat it, "Can you think of a way to help them, or..."

** Mi kept silent all the time, Su Mingfeng didn't even know what he was thinking, how could they help?

Yan Chaomu's office was shrouded in a silent and oppressive atmosphere throughout the afternoon, Su Mingfeng did not take a step out of the office.

"Xia Xia, please be quiet, I can't work like this." Yan Zhaomu stared at the woman walking back and forth in the office in distress. Gong Qianxia seemed a little persistent in this matter.

Gong Qianxia was still a little irritable sitting on the sofa, but Yan Chaomu was calm and focused on processing the documents. Gong Qianxia didn't know where the courage came from and pushed open the door of Su Mingfeng's office, "Su Mingfeng, I want to talk to you talk!"

Su Mingfeng sat calmly on the seat, he was not surprised by Gong Qianxia's arrival, on the contrary, he accepted it with pleasure.

"About Chuchu, I want to hear your opinion? It's really hard for her to be alone, I think you should know better than me..."

Su Mingfeng listened quietly to Gong Qianxia's words with normal expression, frowned slightly, but he chose to remain silent.

I have deep feelings for Lan Chuchu, but helplessly, that woman's family is not an ordinary family, especially now that she has been arranged to go on a blind date, not to mention whether she is revenge against him, Lan Chuchu's future will definitely not be spent with him passed.

Gong Qianxia looked at Su Mingfeng nervously, waiting for his reply, but the man kept silent, after a while he picked up the file and stood up, "Sorry, I have to go to a meeting with the president!"

Su Mingfeng left just like that, Gong Qianxia stood at the door angrily and cursed him viciously.

Yan Chaomu and Su Mingfeng met at the door of the meeting room, and when he saw Yan Zhaomu, he gave him a sympathetic look, "Mr. Yan, that wife of yours is so annoying!"

Yan Chaomu smiled helplessly, "You haven't yet!"

Su Mingfeng's face turned dark immediately, this man is simply a winner in life now, but as for him, he can't even be with his own woman and child, such a gap makes him unacceptable.

"Mr. Yan, you are so unkind!"

Su Mingfeng was sullen and dissatisfied with Yan Chaomu. He had been criticized by Gong Qianxia just now, and now he was ridiculed by Yan Chaomu. Su Mingfeng only felt that his life was gloomy, "Your husband and wife are really a natural couple!"

"You take care of yourself!" Yan Chaomu looked at him with a smile on his face, Su Mingfeng was actually a stubborn guy, which made him speechless, "Hey, it's really hard. My wife wants to match you all. I don't know what's good or bad, it doesn't matter if it's not expensive, you can continue to go on blind dates."

Su Mingfeng's eyes widened, it turned out that Gong Qianxia was so irritable because of him, he immediately wanted to please the man around him, but Yan Chaomu was already sitting upright, as if he was not close to strangers.He regretted wanting to bite off his tongue!
Yan Chaomu looked at him regretfully, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, this man was so stubborn and coquettish, but Yan Zhaomu still found out his small thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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