Chapter 625 Strange Man
Lan Chuchu had no choice, knowing this man's stubborn nature, she put away the medicine box and went back to her room, leaving Su Mingfeng standing in the living room at a loss, this woman is really cruel, he stood up and looked at the woman The figure in his mouth made a barely audible voice, "Chuchu..."

Lan Chuchu held back her heartbeat, this man is like this every time, even if he did something wrong, he would never apologize, let alone say some pleasant words to coax her, only when Gong Qianxia disappeared, he hugged her to comfort her, Now it's back to that honest look.

Lan Chuchu was furious, pretending he didn't hear anything, and turned around to close the door, Su Mingfeng moved quickly, before Lan Chuchu closed the door, he stretched out his arm directly, and then frowned fiercely, Lan Chuchu opened the door nervously, "What are you doing, are you dying?"

There was unconcealable tension and worry in her eyes, which made Su Mingfeng slightly raise the corners of his mouth, "Why do you only care about me?"

Lan Chuchu pushed him away violently, and accidentally touched his wound, Su Mingfeng gasped, Lan Chuchu stood aside and looked at his uncomfortable look, "You deserve it, who told you to fight?"

"If you don't fight, your wife and children will run away with you!"

He muttered self-deprecatingly, and at the same time he looked a little aggrieved, Lan Chuchu snorted coldly, went back to the room and brought him a quilt and pillow, there is no extra room here. It was closed, only Lan Chuchu's room was dimly lit, and the expressions on the faces of the two of them could not be seen clearly. Su Mingfeng stared at Lan Chuchu eagerly, as if he wanted to imprint Lan Chuchu deeply into his brain Just as reluctant to move away.

Lan Chuchu looked at this man, although she couldn't bear it, she should teach him a lesson, so when Su Mingfeng was pitiful, she said good night and turned to leave.

When she returned to the room, her heart was still beating non-stop. She almost revealed her secret just now. Although the light was dim, she could still see the reluctance in Su Mingfeng's eyes. Jumping anxiously.

A sleepless night, Lan Chuchu suffered from insomnia due to the arrival of the dark wind, and did not fall asleep until dawn.

Su Mingfeng also couldn't sleep all night, but he couldn't sleep because of excitement, and Lan Chuchu actually left him at home overnight, which meant that there was still a chance between them, and according to Lan Chuchu's previous temperament, he might really go crazy.

He got up early to make breakfast for them, which was Lan Chuchu's favorite food. When Zhang Ma got up and saw that he had already prepared breakfast, she briefly chatted with him and told him that Lan Chuchu lived here alone. Happy, and there's never been another man here, he's the first.

Su Mingfeng felt even more excited, and felt more guilt in his heart. He stared at Lan Chuchu's room, "Thank you Mama Zhang for taking care of them, let her sleep for a while."

After that the man left here and went directly to the company.

Yan Chaomu took Gong Qianxia's hand and walked out of the elevator. Today's Su Mingfeng looked in good spirits, standing at the door of the elevator waiting for the big boss, "Good morning!"

Yan Chaomu and Gong Qianxia were stunned at the same time, the man's face was already stained, but he still looked happy, which made Yan Chaomu very puzzled, "Su Mingfeng, what's the matter with you, it's only been one night. Someone hit him?"

Because Su Mingfeng was happy, he didn't think so right at all, and last night Lan Chuchu personally bandaged his wound, he was reluctant to wash it off, the smell of Lan Chuchu seemed to still remain on those potions.

Gong Qianxia was also surprised to see him like this, Su Mingfeng's face was covered with bruises, and it looked like he was fighting with someone, "What's wrong with you, you didn't have a fever today, did you?"

Su Ming frowned unhappily, "Is it true that you two don't enter the house as a family? Do you talk like this? Who is as happy as me after fighting with someone?"

Yan Chaomu patted his shoulder worriedly, "Then tell me, what's wrong with you, isn't it because you couldn't bear the loneliness last night and..."

What he said was ambiguous, and a fool could understand what Yan Chaomu meant. Su Mingfeng grinned with pain in his shoulder, and he pushed the man's hand away, "Mr. Yan, how dare you do this in front of your wife? It seems that you have experience Richer than me!"

Gong Qianxia glared at him, turned around and went straight to the office.

Yan Chaomu glared at Su Mingfeng, now they were discussing about Su Mingfeng, but this man would spread the flames of war to him every time, which made Yan Chaomu very annoyed, "Su Mingfeng, you are not afraid that Lan Chuchu will know ?”

The man's arrogance softened instantly, but he did not do anything wrong, so now he is not afraid of Yan Zhaomu's threat.

The man looked at the expression on his face that didn't change his face and his heart didn't beat, and he immediately understood that Su Mingfeng has always been a taciturn person, how could he get involved with other women at 01:30, "Okay, Go to a meeting today!"

Su Mingfeng suddenly lost his temper and looked at Yan Chaomu sadly, this man is so domineering, following him to a meeting is bound to be social, he looks like this now...

Although he hasn't seen what his face looks like yet, it is certain that his current image must be very bad.

Yan Chaomu returned to the office disheartened, Gong Qianxia's face was completely dark, in her opinion, these two men were clearly working together, and this man didn't know how many bad things he had done with Su Mingfeng.

"Honey, that was just a joke just now, you can tell from Su Mingfeng's appearance that it was deliberately framed, so don't..."

Gong Qianxia smiled lightly, "Mr. Yan, I don't seem to understand what you are talking about!"

Yan Chaomu was so regretful that his face was livid, seeing Gong Qianxia's sullen face, he thought that this woman was angry because of what happened just now, and he suspected that there was no silver 300 taels here, so he patted his forehead sadly.


"Do you think of those flowers and plants outside, or do you miss the past?"

Yan Zhaomu's face turned embarrassed, "How can I, I am already satisfied with you by my side!"

"What's wrong with Su Mingfeng? She's so happy with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Is her brain flooded?"

Yan Chaomu doesn't think so, Su Mingfeng has always done things properly, in his opinion, he is really angry to be able to fight with people like this, but why did he go to war, the result is obvious, it must be for a woman!

(End of this chapter)

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