Chapter 638 Really Like A Couple

Yan Xiaobai felt that his self-esteem was being worn down by Gong Qianxia

Obliterated, he shook his head, he can still do such a simple thing as going to the toilet by himself.

A person went to the bathroom, followed by love
Went with a kid.

When Yan Xiaobai came out, he saw a little friend standing opposite him. The little guy's face was red with anger, and he walked past him helplessly, "Yan Xiaobai, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Don't you rely on your family
Yan Chaomu's father deliberately bullied us! "

Yan Xiaobai didn't bother to explain, after all, in such a situation, Yan Xiaobai didn't think it was their fault, but instead thought that this boy was stupid, and what he did would only bring shame to their family.

Yan Xiaobai went to the door but was blocked. He looked at the person in front of him calmly, "Since you are here, it seems that you haven't realized your family's mistake!"

The little boy stared at him in disbelief. He is the treasure of the Li family and has always been held in the hands of the adults. But now, because of Yan Chaomu, he was not only scolded by his parents, but also kept saying that he was Beast, if all this is not Yan Xiaobai, he might still be the young master of the Li family.

"Yan Xiaobai, just say that you are bullying others. It is obviously a trivial matter, but your father insists on killing our family. I hate you!"

Yan Xiaobai glanced at him indifferently, there has never been such a thing as bullying or not bullying in the business field, he believed that Yan Chaomu had his reasons for doing so, Yan Xiaobai ignored it, "If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. It's just a false lesson for you, if you continue like this, I think the result may be something you don't want to see."

Yan Xiaobai walked past him and left, the little boy turned around and stared at his back angrily, "Yan Xiaobai, wait, you will regret it."

When Yan Xiaobai came out, she found that Gao Yating was already waiting for him at the door. Seeing that his winning streak was ugly, she approached him concerned and asked what was wrong, but Yan Xiaobai just shook his head, "Tingting, why are you here? "

"Yan Xiaobai, I saw your father just now, the real person is much more handsome than the magazine, no wonder you are so handsome!"

Yan Xiaobai looked coldly at the little girl beside him, unexpectedly that Gao Yating was also a flower thorn, and actually thought that Yan Chaomu was prettier than him, he immediately turned cold, "Gao Yating, don't be an idiot, please!"

The two returned to Gong Qianxia together, and found that Yan Chaomu was chatting with Gao Yating's father, and Gong Qianxia was chatting with their mother. The two children walked over and found that the adults of the two families were chatting happily. The child was also in a good mood, so Gao Yating pulled Yan Xiaobai to take a picture.

Yan Chaomu looked at Gao Yating who was standing beside Yan Xiaobai, her white dress was clean and tidy, she looked like a little princess at first glance, feeling a little disappointed in her heart, it really is a good thing to have a daughter.

"Xia Xia, this is Yan Xiaobai's target. It looks good. You think we should be as cute as her if we have a daughter?"

Gong Qianxia glared shyly at the man next to her, and then looked at Gao Yating who was taking pictures, she felt that this girl was extremely cute, she was moved by Yan Chaomu's words, if she had a daughter, she would dress her up like this.

"Mr. Yan, then you have to work hard."

"Xiaobai, look at how loving your parents are!"

Yan Xiaobai was in a good mood, he never liked to take pictures, he took a few more pictures with Gao Yating, Yan Zhaomu's gaze was always on the little girl.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

He raised his eyebrows, "Such a cute girl, it seems that the relationship between you two seems to be very good, you..."

The way he looked at Gao Yating was like looking at his future daughter-in-law, Yan Xiaobai gave him a look of contempt, "Dad, you think too much!"

Yan Chaomu nodded knowingly, "Well, that girl looks very cute, you said it would be great if your mother gave you such a younger sister!" Gong Qianxia clapped his hand shyly, this man is actually in public Just saying that, it's embarrassing, "Mr. Yan, can you stop saying this in front of the child, it will make the child laugh."

Yan Xiaobai looked at Gao Yating and then at Gong Qianxia, ​​"If mother gave birth to a little sister, Tingting would definitely be cuter."

Yan Chaomu laughed out loud, Gong Qianxia lowered her head shyly, this idea is not bad.

Yan Xiaobai is also in a good mood. If he has a cute younger sister, it should be good too. He looked at Gong Qianxia who was on the side, and there was a little expectation in his heart.

Gao Yating appeared beside Yan Xiaobai appropriately, at this moment, he looked at Gao Yating as if he was looking at his own sister, his eyes couldn't help but softened a lot.

Gao Yating smiled sweetly, feeling that Yan Xiaobai seemed to be a lot gentler in an instant, she smiled contentedly, "You are so kind."

Yan Chaomu was in a good mood, looking at the two children with his long arms around Gong Qianxia's shoulders, he always felt that Yan Xiaobai seemed a little different now, as if he was very different and gentle with Gao Yating.

"Honey, do you think this little girl will become our daughter-in-law in the future?"

Gong Qianxia froze for a moment, she looked at Yan Chaomu in a strange way, how old is Yan Xiaobai now, how does he know what emotion is, I think it's because you think too much! "

Yan Chaomu looked at the woman beside him displeasedly, he had heard this twice today, whether he misunderstood or Yan Xiaobai and the others did it on purpose, the man looked at the woman beside him coquettishly, "I'm sorry about Yan Xiaobai's matter." No matter, but you must give me a daughter as soon as possible."

"Mr. Yan, you are too domineering, I can't guarantee this!"

There was a slight smile on Yan Chaomu's face, it was rare that they looked extremely happy today, Yan Xiaobai suddenly walked in front of them and smiled happily, he took a camera to take a group photo of Yan Zhaomu and Gong Qianxia , the man couldn't resist a little bit, but fortunately the woman beside him was Gong Qianxia, ​​Yan Zhaomu honestly put his arm around her shoulder and smiled sweetly.

This is the first time that Gong Qianxia took a group photo with Yan Chaomu. She was a little excited, even a little bit shy, her face blushed unconsciously, Yan Xiaobai pressed the shutter, "Mom, are you Shy?"

Gong Qianxia's face was abnormally red, and Yan Chaomu smiled dotingly on one side, Yan Xiaobai couldn't help laughing, the family of three enjoyed themselves happily, but Mr. Li's mood was not so beautiful, seeing Yan Chaomu smiling happily, he held tightly He clenched his fist.

"Yan Chaomu, since you won't give me a way out, then don't blame me for not giving you a way out!"

(End of this chapter)

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