Chapter 645
Thinking of this, I can't help but feel very helpless, I have never felt that things are so complicated, Gong Qianxia's heart has become very heavy, I never knew why Yan Xiaobai became like this, let alone him What is the purpose of doing this, is it just because he is in a bad mood, and she just blamed him at this time?

Gong Asaxia seemed unable to accept such a reason.

Looking at her back in a hurry, Yan Chaomu couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Gong Qianxia had thought about this kind of thing countless times, but now after the incident happened, she was still a little caught off guard.

Thinking about it, it shouldn't be a big deal, Yan Xiaobai's IQ is so high, he should have already thought of the consequences of running away from home.

Although she comforted herself like this in her heart, she couldn't help but become very anxious at this moment, no one could handle such things calmly.

Why does this child who has devoted everything to him, why do he still do this? Hasn't he understood her painstaking efforts for him?

Thinking of when Yan Xiaobai was born, Gong Qianxia's face was already full of tears, she didn't know what to do to appease her mind that was thinking wildly now, seeing that the road ahead had gradually turned dark, Although she was very disturbed, for the sake of her child at this time, she had to move forward bravely regardless of anything.

After all, at this time, Gong Qianxia doesn't have time to be sad. What's more, she needs to look for Yan Xiaobai carefully, because the road ahead is full of traffic, and there are many cars and people there. Xiaobai may become even more unsafe when he gets there.

Thinking of this, Gong Qianxia ran forward with all her might.

Yan Xiaobai looked at the busy traffic here, and it was indeed much more challenging than the environment he had come into contact with before, or in other words, it was much more interesting than the life at home.

But now when Yan Xiaobai sees such an environment, what makes him feel nostalgic the most are the cars on the street. Hearing the sound of the cars whizzing by his ears, his heart bursts with excitement and excitement, and finally Get rid of that cage like a siege, and now I can do something I want to do.

Time passed quickly, Yan Xiaobai gradually began to doze off, so he subconsciously said to the person beside him, "Mom, I'm going to sleep."

Yan Xiaobai originally thought that someone would hug him gently at this time, and then put himself on the big soft bed, but when Yan Xiaobai's eyes were almost closed, he didn't feel Gong Qianxia's tenderness. The figure appeared beside him.

He woke up with a shiver all over his body, he was on the street now, and he was the only one!

The cars in front of him kept flowing, and he couldn't see the road ahead at all. Yan Xiaobai almost had an accident, so he cheered up.

Although he has outstanding abilities, he is a child after all, and he can't get rid of the child's restrictions.

Seeing people coming and going on the street, but no one he knew or was familiar with, gradually a kind of homesickness began to slowly spread in his heart, maybe everything has become Very fragile, or everything is not important to Yan Xiaobai at all, what is important now is that he wants to go home, wants to go back to his own home, and when he has his parents by his side, he can always Feel comforted.

But now he ran away from home by mistake, and he didn't know when he would see Gong Qianxia next time. His mood gradually became depressed, and he never knew that such a thing would happen to him.

Mom, mom, Yan Xiaobai kept calling her in his heart, but at this time, in such an environment, how could there be Gong Qianxia? Yan Xiaobai had already left the place where they lived, and now he Already alone, he felt a little scared, a kind of fear he had never felt before, and gradually began to spread in Yan Xiaobai's heart after dark.

How Yan Xiaobai wished that Gong Qianxia could suddenly appear in front of him like the one on TV, but he closed his eyes hard, hoping that when he opened his eyes again, he wanted to see Gong Qianxia appear in front of him before.

When Yan Xiaobai repeated it countless times, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he tried, when he opened his eyes, Gong Qianxia Ai would never appear in front of him. Yan Xiaobai He couldn't help being afraid, but his self-esteem didn't want his fear to be exposed, so he bit the bullet and wandered on the street.

Yan Xiaobai's lingering gradually attracted everyone's attention, but none of the passers-by had seen such a young child appearing here alone, and they were even more at a loss for what happened to him, so everyone could only surround Yan Xiaobai. In the middle, looking at the people in front of him, he also felt very panic. So many people surrounded him, which gave him an urge to run away.

Tears swirled in his eyes, but Yan Xiaobai never shed tears. He thought it would be unmanly to cry.

Although he couldn't see Gong Qianxia's figure, Yan Xiaobai felt very uneasy in his heart. He didn't know why he was so impulsive at the time, but now it's better, and he let himself end up like this, and he couldn't see Gong Qianxia , and did not have the courage to go home.

Maybe now Gong Qianxia and Yan Chaomu must be together very warmly. Did they not realize that they had run away from home? Yan Xiaobai suddenly found a very serious problem. Even if they left, they could not choose this time. After all, they would definitely think that he ran away from home out of anger.

, I should have stayed at home, even if I left, I should have left in a cold rage, why was I the one who ran away from home in the end, wouldn't it be unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiaobai felt aggrieved. He suddenly rushed away from the crowd and ran out by himself. He didn't know how long he had been running. At this time, when Yan Xiaobai turned around again and wanted to see clearly When I was alone, I realized that at some point I had arrived at a place without lights, it was very dark.

His heart skipped a beat. Seeing the leaves in front of him seemed like ghost shadows, he closed his eyes and ran again. After running for an unknown amount of time, when Yan Xiaobai opened his eyes again, he saw the shadows in front of him. It's still a brightly lit place, but I still can't see the person I want to see, Gong Qianxia.There was a burst of disappointment in his heart, he is not a god, even if he is smart, so what, wishes will not come true after praying.

(End of this chapter)

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