Chapter 669 Unwilling

Su Mingfeng, who was lying on the office chair, opened his eyes full of anger, and the goblet in his hand turned into several pieces of broken glass due to his emotional agitation, and some of them stuck into his palm, and the bright red liquid flowed down the wrist.

"Are you hurting yourself?" Yan Chaomu, who opened the door and came in, immediately ran to him, found the medicine box in the office, and carefully took out the fragments stuck in his palms, "Your hands are so annoying to me. I'm so envious, how can you be as soft and tender as a woman, what is your secret recipe for maintenance?"

As if the bottom line had been touched, Su Mingfeng jumped up like a cat with furry fur, holding Yan Chaomu's lapel in one hand, at this moment he no longer cared about the so-called superior-subordinate relationship.

The maroon eyes were sullen: "Don't let me hear that sentence again, otherwise, I don't know what irreversible things I will do."

"Okay, okay, what are you doing so angry? Maybe it's because you quarreled with Lan Chuchu and you have nowhere to vent." Yan Zhaomu laughed. The person Su Mingfeng fears most is Lan Chuchu, so as long as this man is in a bad mood, Most of them have something to do with Lan Chuchu!

He frowned and smoothed the wrinkles on his chest, and muttered, "I'm going to the reception held by Lan's house tonight. I guess you don't want to go to Lan's house to see her after you quarreled."

The words "Lanjia Cocktail Party" entered Su Mingfeng's mind, and instantly made him feel overwhelmed. He walked to the window without saying a word, looked down at the people coming and going outside the window, as if he was looking for That familiar figure.

He thought of Lan Chuchu again. They hadn't seen each other for a few days, but it seemed like a long time had passed. He didn't know what kind of life Lan Chuchu was living after returning to Lan's house.

"The banquet held by the Lan family is really interesting. When will the banquet start? I will go with you."

The thin lips parted suddenly, and he spit out such an explosive sentence, which startled the man Yan Zhaomu next to him. He really suspected that there was something wrong with his ears: "You, you, you... say it again."

The corners of Su Mingfeng's mouth curled up in a strange arc, and he turned around, staring at Yan Zhaomu with his maroon eyes: "I said I'm going to the Lan family's banquet too, is there any problem? I also received the invitation card It's over."

As soon as the words were finished, Su Mingfeng walked quickly to the drawer, bent down and took out the golden invitation card that was meant to be discarded and threw it on the desk.

Originally, many unpleasant things happened between him and Lan Chuchu in the past few days, so Su Mingfeng chose to use work to numb himself. Unexpectedly, Lan Chuchu went back to the banquet and sent him an invitation card in a fit of anger. It was her intention. Lan Chuchu's purpose was to make him angry.

Yan Chaomu was blown up again by the bomb, he walked to the desk with difficulty, holding his legs that seemed to be filled with lead, picked up the golden invitation card with trembling slender fingers, summoned up all his courage to send it When it was opened, the flamboyant words on it made him feel as if he wanted to faint.

The golden invitation card represents Su Mingfeng's position in Lan Chuchu's heart. This Lan Chuchu is really crazy. Doesn't he know that doing so will cause a major accident in the Lan family meeting place?

Yan Chaomu imagined all the bad things that would happen at the Y banquet, and felt a chill in his heart. He put down the invitation and decided to find a reason to postpone the Lan family's banquet.

"Mr. Yan, you accompany me to this banquet."

Not for anything else, just to be able to go to Lan's house to see Lan Chuchu, that woman is probably determined that he dare not go to Lan's house, he is naturally not qualified to go as a special assistant, but the result will be different with Yan Chaomu here .

Su Mingfeng's words surprised Yan Chaomu a little. He didn't know what this man was thinking now, but Su Mingfeng's decision was really scary. Could it be that he was going to propose marriage?
"What's the matter, what's the problem, I can justifiably follow you after you are the big boss, so this time..."

Yan Chaomu instantly petrified. It seems that Su Mingfeng had already thought about it long ago. He looked at him calmly. This man has actually opened up. He knows that he will take the initiative to visit him. If he behaves well, the Lan family will take a fancy to him. Wouldn't that be better, he didn't have to worry about his affairs with Lan Chuchu being discovered by the Lan family.

So for Su Mingfeng's lifelong happiness, Yan Chaomu suddenly changed his mind, but these are conditional, "I can go, but you must promise me that after I come back, I will work overtime for a month, and I will go back to accompany my wife and children!"

Su Mingfeng looked at him sadly, it was already some time, this man still didn't forget to negotiate terms, but it didn't matter, in order to see Lan Chuchu, Su Mingfeng went all out.

Usually he always wants time to pass quickly, but now he wants time to pass slowly, it is best to stop time, thinking of going to Lan's house, Su Mingfeng's heart began to beat a small drum!

How could such an unrealistic idea come true? Yan Chaomu flipped through the celebrity magazine in his hand, and soon it was dark.

He looked up at the time, and then sneaked a look at Su Mingfeng's current state. Sure enough, the man was a little nervous now, after all, he was going to see Lan Chuchu's family this time.

He shook his head helplessly and walked over to knock on the door: "The banquet will start in an hour, don't you need to change your clothes?"

Su Mingfeng glanced at the silver-gray suit on his body, and raised his sword eyebrows: "Isn't this pretty good?" After he saved all the information in the company, he turned off the computer and dragged Yan Chaomu, who was unhappy, to the seat. Get into that cool sports car.

Yan Chaomu had originally agreed to go back after get off work to have dinner with Gong Qianxia, ​​but now because of Hua Wuyou's lifelong happiness, he still notified Gong Qianxia.

He really couldn't figure it out, they already had children, why did they still quarrel, and Lan Chuchu would run away from home when they quarreled, he was really going to lose to this woman, and Su Mingfeng always fell into a trap every time. In lovesickness.

Just as he was thinking, the car soon stopped in front of the hotel. The splendid hotel entrance clearly showed how big the Lan family's financial resources were.

Su Mingfeng adjusted his tie and followed Yan Chaomu with relaxed steps. In such an important event tonight, Su Mingfeng must perform well and try to impress the Lan family.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Su Mingfeng searched all over the banquet hall of the hotel, but couldn't find the familiar figure, and dragged Yan Chaomu, who was chatting, to the outdoor swimming pool of the hotel in anger: "Didn't you say it was the banquet held by the Lan family here? What about Lan Chuchu, why can't I even find her figure now?"

(End of this chapter)

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