Chapter 672 Comprehension
Lan Chuchu put the book on the table. She had read the book and learned a lot, but these things are simply useless for the two of them now. They are still in a cold war!

Lan Chuchu sighed helplessly, with a sullen look on her face, "I've finished reading the book, and I've learned a lot, but Xia Xia, you have a husband who can experiment, but I can't, I...we are in a cold war now !"

Gong Qianxia was stunned for a moment and opened her eyes wide. She looked at Lan Chuchuhao with disgust in her eyes. If this continues, no matter how many men are around her, he will scare her away.

However, Lan Chuchu's emotional problems hurt her heart, making her eyes dim, and she hugged Lan Chuchu's shoulder.

At this time, she was surprised to find that Lan Chuchu was really similar to herself. She was desperate for love, and occasionally secretly sad because of the imperfections in love.

Especially Yan Xiaobai's birth took up too much of her time. In order to protect this son from any harm, he deprived him of his happy childhood from the moment he was born. Even if he went out to play, he would only be left alone Play without letting him come into contact with any children.

Gong Qianxia didn't know until today why there was a gap between her and Yan Chaomu. The problem was that the man had been compromising all the time. It turned out that although they all got love, they would not be happy and would still be lonely in their hearts. They also need someone to accompany them.

"Okay, don't feel bad, you two are so grown up, why are you still having a childish temper, I said you can't live a good life."

"Oh Xia Xia, don't talk about me all the time. It's not that Su Mingfeng. He just works overtime when he has nothing to do. He doesn't even have time to spend with me and the children. What do you think such a man is going to do? And with that temper, temper Bigger than mine!"

"Okay, Chuchu, it's time for you to restrain your temper. If you are like this, you will have problems sooner or later. Do you understand? When two people are together, they must be humble and respect each other!"

Lan Chuchu nodded slightly, every time she finally had a meal with Su Mingfeng, but that man was always too busy, she complained like this, but Gong Qianxia's mood brightened all of a sudden: "Because you can't Immediately, he works so hard and overtime not for you and the child, he naturally doesn't want to rely on the Lan family to support him and his woman and child in the future!"

Lan Chuchu looked at her with round eyes, eyes full of longing: "I agree with what you said, but why can't he be willful for a while? Xia Xia, do you know how long we haven't treated each other well?" Are you together?"

Gong Qianxia touched her black hair, and smiled: "You are an adult, how can you still be as self-willed as before, try to understand more, maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

"Okay, well, since you said that, I try to understand him, but why doesn't he understand me very much."

Lan Chuchu showed the most unhappy smile, she didn't want her to work hard alone in their relationship, this kind of relationship would only make him feel tired!
After Gong Qianxia got up, rinsed her mouth and washed her face, she went downstairs with Lan Chuchu, "Restrain your daughter's temper, I think Su Mingfeng will thank God!"

Lan Chuchu was speechless, did she have a bad temper? Why did everyone criticize her? Could it be that the man Su Mingfeng had nothing wrong with her? , I listen to you."

"Wife, what are you talking about? Why are you so happy?"

Yan Chaomu, who had just returned home, went to the living room and gave Gong Qianxia a gentle hug. Lan Chuchu stood aside in a daze. Yan Chaomu was such a cold and ruthless man, but now, he has been completely beaten by Gong Qianxia. Xia Ge was conquered, and seeing the affection between them, Lan Chuchu was very envious.

His eyes moved to Gong Qianxia's neck, seeing the red strawberries on her neck, a flash of guilt flashed across her neck.

He really drank too much yesterday, and was provoked by Su Mingfeng again, that's why he couldn't control himself so impulsively, and he didn't know if yesterday's roughness hurt Gong Qianxia and the child, "Well, are you okay?"

Gong Qianxia didn't seem to remember what happened last night, she smiled sweetly: "What will I do, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare dinner for you."

"Mr. Yan, what are you worried about? Xiaoya was exhausted last night, why don't you go to arrange dinner and let Xiaxia rest for a while?"

"Why are you tired?"

After Yan Chaomu asked such a sentence, he became bewildered, and looked at Lan Chuchu again, he was already trembling with laughter, he touched his nose in embarrassment, this woman seemed to be purposely here to join in the fun!
The childish words instantly caused N black lines to appear on the foreheads of several adults, and they stood in place half petrified.

Gong Qianxia gave Yan Chaomu a hard look, she really wanted to conjure up a zipper and pull up Yan Chaomu's leaky mouth.

"I had a big mosquito yesterday and I couldn't sleep well, so I'm tired."

"Then I'll sleep with you today, and help you drive away the big mosquito." Yan Zhaomu shifted his eyes to Gong Qianxia's neck playfully, and his expression became serious when he saw the evidence on it, "That big mosquito is still there." It's really bad, it makes your neck turn red, well, you must punish him well tonight."

Gong Qianxia smiled awkwardly, why did he say that in front of Lan Chuchu, he was the big mosquito in her mouth.

Yan Chaomu didn't want to stay on this topic anymore, and immediately changed the topic: "Why don't we go make dumplings for dinner."

Gong Qianxia searched for a long time but couldn't find flour, and then realized that there is no such thing as flour in the kitchen of the villa, and every time the ingredients bought back are all freshly processed.

"Well, there is no flour at home."

Seeing Gong Qianxia's high pursed lips and disappointed eyes, Yan Zhaomu smiled helplessly: "I'll go shopping with you in the car."

"Yan Chaomu, you are so kind." Gong Qianxia gave Yan Zhaomu a big kiss on the face, Yan Chaomu immediately showed a silly smile, all the fatigue was gone, and he drove his sports car to the store.

The intimacy of the two of them is really enviable, especially Lan Chuchu, this is probably the love she longed for, watching them go out, she got in the car silently and went home.

"Look, that man is so handsome! He looks like a big star!"

"Yes, their family is really happy. That man is so considerate and handsome."

"Do you think this man looks like a human being?"

"By the way, it seems to be the president of a certain weekly magazine that made the headlines of the gossip news."

(End of this chapter)

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