Chapter 682 False Mercy

Aggrieved, Su Yan walked to Gao Yating's side, seeing the girl he liked walking with Yan Xiaobai at such a close distance, and now she was not friendly to his so-called good friend, he stared at Yan Xiaobai angrily. From the back of Xiaobai, he stretched out his hand, "Give me something to eat!"

"Tingting, this is for you, you must be very tired after walking for so long, you sit down and rest, I..."

Gao Yating looked at Su Yan behind him with dissatisfaction, he still looked like a young master, and it was only a two-kilometer test at this time, Gao Yating felt that she was not so delicate yet, "Su Yan, you still Alright, I don't think Xiaobai can help you anymore this afternoon, you should behave well!"

Su Yan froze in embarrassment, was he completely defeated by Yan Xiaobai? He was not willing to lose like this, and reached out his hand again.

"Master, this is..."

"My backpack, I don't believe I can't beat Yan Xiaobai, isn't it just a two-kilometer walking test, let's wait and see!"

Su Yan angrily walked forward with his backpack on his back, because he was despised by Yan Xiaobai and the others, so Su Yan tried his best to show himself now, he walked forward in anger, and the two followers behind him also tightly He followed up, "Young master, don't be like this, it's easy to get separated from the big army!"

Su Yan turned back and stared at them dissatisfied. Now not only Yan Xiaobai and the others despised him, but even his two followers were also dissatisfied with him and began to teach him a lesson. He sat down on the rock beside him angrily, "Hmph, you are all against me, what did I do wrong, why am I so unlucky!"

The two attendants looked at each other in blank dismay. His appearance was really disgusting now, but instead he stayed angrily by the side of the road and did not leave.

Gao Yating was silently worrying that if this continued, Su Yan might soon be invited by the team leader to have a conversation. At that time, no matter how much money their Su family had, it would be useless!

"Xiaobai, you said that he would be hated by everyone. Hey, I don't know what this Su Yan is doing. You said that he made everyone feel uncomfortable!"

Yan Xiaobi kept silent, after all, Su Yan had misunderstood him just now, he misunderstood what Gao Yating said was caused by Yan Xiaobai, so at this time Yan Xiaobai had to keep silent to prevent Su Yan from misunderstanding!

Gao Yating just looked at him quietly, she felt more sympathy for Su Yan, and she didn't know if he listened to what he just said, but seeing how angry Su Yan was, presumably Su Yan didn't have too many thoughts!

Yan Xiaobai suddenly took Gao Yating's hand and walked forward, telling Gao Yating not to worry about Su Yan anymore, after all, Su Yan should also understand the stakes, he knew that Su Yan would understand so much!

"Look at Xiaobai, Su Yan is following us with his backpack on his back, I think he must know that he made a mistake, anyway, it's his own business, and it has nothing to do with us!"

None of these people spoke. Su Yan looked at the few people walking together in front. An adult and two children were walking happily together, but he was accompanied by two big men at the same time, but Su Yan and the others were not so happy. He didn't understand, there was something between them that always made them so happy.

Su Yan quickly followed them, almost catching up with them in one breath, walking beside Gao Yating, completely ignoring the other two people, Hua Wuyou and Yan Xiaobai, he looked at the road ahead angrily, " Tingting, what's wrong with you, why are you unhappy, are you..."

Gao Yating felt a lot better watching him catch up, but she hasn't reached the destination yet, Gao Yating just smiled at him, "Not bad, it would be great if you can stick to your backpack from now on, after all, it's right A workout of its own!"

The group arrived at the destination and rested for 10 minutes under the arrangement of the team leader. Yan Xiaobai and Hua Wuyou sat and chatted together. The two were just discussing the future arrangements. Gao Yating sat beside him quietly. Su Yan took out water and food and handed them to them. Unexpectedly, Gao Yating didn't like these. She rejected Su Yan's kindness and took out the water bottle from her backpack.

"Su Yan, have you forgotten that we have our own food, and we can't drink water from our companions during the expedition!"

Su Yan drank on his own. The difference between Gao Yating and Yan Xiaobai is that Gao Yating speaks softly and at the same time explains, but Yan Xiaobai doesn't know how to do things. This makes Su Yan the most angry, but since Gao Yating Ting has already explained, Su Yan is also more comfortable!

Hua Wuyou and Yan Xiaobai were talking about Gong Qianxia, ​​Yan Xiaobai was in a good mood, he had been sending them emails for the past few days, and the communication with Yan Chaomu was also going on, Yan Zhaomu told him , Gong Qianxia's health is good recently, and she also mentioned Yan Xiaobai recently, worrying that he can't take care of herself alone outside.

Hua Wuyou looked at him enviously, "You know how happy you are to have such a mother, your mother took care of your father a lot when she was young, he lost his memory in a car accident, but your mother bit by bit Take good care of it, and when you were a child, a lot of things, but your mother gave birth to you alone, so..."

Yan Xiaobai nodded, and he lifted his chin proudly at Hua Wuyou, "Uncle Hua, you say that as if I'm not filial, and I'm also very good!"

Hua Wuyou smiled and nodded, Yan Xiaobai was beyond his imagination, this is inseparable from Gong Qianxia's education, he suddenly seemed to see Gong Qianxia's face, "You, don't be so good in the future Impulsive and willful, your mother is a good person, she is looking forward to you growing up soon!"

Yan Xiaobai nodded slightly, and the relationship with Hua Wuyou has grown closer. It seems that he knows a lot about Sui Gongqianxia's past, but Gongqianxia seldom talks about the past. Gong Qianxia has never opened her mouth about the suffering she has endured, and now she will not tell Yan Xiaobai easily.

"I know that my mother is very hard. My father once said that my mother is the greatest mother in the world. My mother gave birth to a child abroad alone. This is enough for me to admire, but sometimes my mother seems to be too strong! "

Hua Wuyou smiled, what kind of family Gong Qianxia grew up in, Hua Wuyou knew everything she had experienced, but Gong Qianxia stubbornly refused to bow to Yan Chaomu.

(End of this chapter)

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