Chapter 688 Complaints
His mother not only brought him up with painstaking efforts, but also gave him such a superior life. Su Yan has nothing to challenge his mother. It's just that everyone's attitude towards him recently makes him feel dissatisfied!
"How is it, Su Yan, are you okay? Where have you been for the past few days? It really made Mom worry to death. Are you still like this now? You don't listen to Mom's words at all. Look at you You have lost a lot of weight in a few days, you said that your mother can rest assured that you are with that Gao Yating, don't you, look at how she tortured you. "

Mother Su looked at Su Yan's small face carefully, and looked at him on the screen with distress. She didn't know what to say, but now it seemed that Su Yan had made up her mind to travel with Gao Yating , but thinking about it now, everything seems a little helpless, and I don't know what Gao Yating is thinking now.

"Mom, tell me, I hate you, don't you?"

Su Yan's eyes were flushed red. He looked at his mother as if he was looking at his enemy. This kind of thing really made Su's mother feel very helpless. The child who was brought up by himself has now learned how to Challenge yourself.

Thinking of this, Su's mother wept sadly, such a thing really made people feel a little sad.

"Su Yan, what's wrong with you? How can you talk to your mother like this? You have to know that your present day is all cultivated by your mother. Don't you remember your mother's good intentions at all? ?”

Su's mother looked at the person in front of her, and asked puzzledly, the Su Yan now is completely different from the previous one, but it's because he is now abroad and stayed with Gao Yating for a few days, and now he has changed a lot!
"Okay, shut up, I don't want to hear you talking about these things now, I want to tell you now, I will continue to stay here, I will definitely continue to stay, and I will definitely not let you look down on me! If you don’t believe me, just wait and see, I will definitely not give up.”

Su Yan stood up and stared at his mother. He really didn't know what to say, but he was often ridiculed when he was abroad. He, the young master of the Su family, was indeed a little bit wronged.

The main purpose of his coming here is Gao Yating, but what she cares about is actually Yan Xiaobai, this is the most unacceptable thing for Su Yan.

Did I do something wrong again?

Thinking of this, Su Yan felt very helpless, he knew that his mother had arranged all of this, and his stubborn behavior this time made Su's mother very angry!
"Okay, Su Yan, do you still want to be so obsessed with it? Do you really like that Tingting that much? You are still young now, but it's just some simple liking. You have to know that you are the future of the Su family. Your heir, when you grow up, you can choose a lot!"

Su's mother looked at Su Yan and seemed to have completely lost her mind, so she also stood up, and the two looked at each other through the screen, with a very vicissitudes of life in their eyes.

"Mom..." Su Yan's tone became very gentle, but this didn't seem to convince Su's mother.

"Okay, Su Yan, don't say anything more. Have you forgotten what you promised your mother? Have you forgotten that you said that you will come back in just a few days? I think you should come back quickly Let Tingting go where she wants to go!"

Mother Su's resolute tone made Su Yan feel sad. He always thought that he still had a chance to win against Yan Xiaobai, but he didn't want Gao Yating to come here and he would have already lost.

"Mom..." Su Yan wanted to say something else, but Su's mother abruptly blocked her back.

"Okay, Su Yan, you are no longer a child, mom, please stop playing childish temper like this!" After saying Su Yan, Su's mother left the study, and the screen in front of her suddenly turned black .

Su Yan looked at the blackened screen with unspeakable resentment in his heart.

"Okay, Young Master Su, don't be angry anymore." The housekeeper comforted Su Yan in the living room.

Su Yan looked at him, and couldn't tell what kind of feeling he felt in his heart. He just knew that he couldn't have any conflicts with the housekeeper under such circumstances, and he had always taken care of Su Yan for so many years. It seems impossible for the housekeeper to leave him alone, and now Su Yan is more sure that there must be a reason for Gao Yating to follow Yan Xiaobai like this
"Do you really want to go back?" Su Yan looked at the housekeeper helplessly, his eyes full of doubts. In his opinion, such a thing was impossible to achieve, but the housekeeper wanted Su Yan to return as soon as possible. Su's mother's side, so that at least the people of the Su family will not worry about Su Yan's safety outside.

But in Su Yan's view, these are simply impossible things, but now all these seem to be very clear to the housekeeper. Thinking of this, Su Yan can't help but feel very helpless. Interest is really a very selfish thing The housekeeper actually sacrificed his freedom for his own love.

Thinking of this, Su Yan wanted to leave the housekeeper's control even more, but this seemed impossible at all. The Su family's thoughts were a fact that he could not change at all, but Gao Yating, she followed Yan Xiaobai's Around, this is what Su Yan is most worried about now.

"Little master, please don't be like this. You have to know that you have never disobeyed your mother's intentions, including this time. You have to know that you owe them too much, and these are not enough to compensate them. So you better not do this now."

Seeing Su Yan's painful expression, the housekeeper really didn't know what to do. At this moment, he could only comfort him.

Su Yan pushed the housekeeper away angrily and left the room, but left him alone in the room. The housekeeper naturally understood his temper, so he let Su Yan leave the room.

He looked at Su Yan in front of him without even looking at himself, which made him very angry. Su Yan was not like this in the past.

Thinking of this, the housekeeper thought that all these changes were due to Gao Yating and Yan Xiaobai, and now he already hated those two children to the bone. After thinking of such things, the housekeeper decided This matter must not be delayed any longer and must go back with Su Yan as soon as possible.

So the butler called Su's mother in the room and reported Su Yan's latest developments.

(End of this chapter)

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