Chapter 690
Thinking of this, Butler Su angrily dropped the luggage in his hand, and Su Yan ran away disobediently, which made him extremely embarrassed in front of everyone, and he was about to return home, but Su Yan ran away because of Yan Xiaobai.

This seemed to be a very bad thing. When he chased him out, Su Yan had disappeared, and Steward Su became even more angry.

Su Yan wanted to go out quickly and escape from Yan Xiaobai's pursuit, but what he didn't expect was that Yan Xiaobai saw him and chased him directly regardless of everyone's eyes, Su Yan felt very contradictory in his heart, It seemed that he should leave here quickly today, but why did he feel so reluctant, especially when facing Yan Xiaobai.

"Su Yan, stop for me!"

Yan Xiaobai's voice sounded behind him, but Su Yan didn't want to look back at him like this at all, because he was worried that as soon as he saw Yan Xiaobai, he would definitely be compared by Yan Xiaobai. Wouldn't that be worse? Is it bad, so Su Yan continued to walk forward without looking back.

Su Yan in front ran straight as if he didn't hear it. Yan Xiaobai's physical strength was good, so he speeded up, and finally grabbed Su Yan's arm when he was not careful, and the two men faced each other like this.

"Su Yan, I finally caught up with you."

Yan Xiaobai tightly grasped Su Yan's arm, Su Yan wanted to break free, but was held firmly by him.

"Tell me where you are going, why are you avoiding me like this, since you have decided to return to your country, why are you still...!"

Yan Xiaobai was obviously very excited. After seeing such a thing, he became very angry. After all, they were also in the same class in kindergarten, but Su Yan didn't seem to have a very good attitude towards him.

Su Yan didn't speak, but the expression on his face was a bit complicated, which made Yan Xiaobai see that Yu Xin couldn't bear it, and his hand slightly loosened.

"We shouldn't be together, Yan Xiaobai, why are you better than me!"

Su Yan shouted in front of him, venting his long-standing resentment and anger!

Yan Xiaobai pulled Su Yan tightly again, which he did not expect. It seems that Su Yan has always had a deep hostility towards him, and it finally broke out today.

"Do you think it's because our Su family is worse than your Yan family, so you can be so good, Yan Xiaobai, I am no worse than you!"

Su Yan shook Yan Xiaobai's shoulder vigorously, which made Yan Xiaobai feel helpless, he didn't know how to answer Su Yan.

"Okay, don't think of yourself as arrogant, don't I know, it must be that you joined the captain and what they said, you must have identified me, although I am leaving now, but now I want to tell you What's more, I, Su Yan, will not be worse than you in this life, Yan Xiaobai, let's wait and see. Then you should believe it."

Su Yan looked at Yan Xiaobai in front of him, and angrily pushed him away.

Yan Xiaobai didn't say anything, just looked at Su Yan silently like this, he couldn't understand how he existed in Su Yan's heart, his words seemed to have surprised Yan Xiaobai, such a thing in Yan Xiaobai's heart From Xiaobai's point of view, nothing seemed to make him more uncomfortable than now.

Yan Xiaobai nodded silently, as if promising him something.

"Su Yan, don't give up so easily in the future. If there is anything we can solve together, no matter how difficult it is, we can bear it together!"

Yan Xiaobai looked at Su Yan with a helpless look on his face. After getting along for so many days, it seems that both of them have lost a lot of weight, which is enough to witness the relationship between them, but Su Yan is extreme in some places Some.

Steward Su was abandoned by Su Yan before he left, which made him the last joke here. He saw the lips of those people in the crowd wriggling, and fell into a burst of panic.

As the housekeeper of the Su family, he must be a man of great reputation. The attendant wanted to go up to comfort him, but was rejected by the housekeeper Su.

He doesn't want to be seen by others, and even more so, he doesn't want to be known that he has been treated like this by Su Yan, but now when Steward Su is facing the mirror alone, he has already decided that he must take this revenge. Reported.

Su Yan finally settled the suspicion with Yan Xiaobai again, because at this time, the two of them have been together with all their hearts and souls. Nothing is more important than their being together. It's just that during this time together, Su Yan has been attracted by these people. Slander, when facing Yan Xiaobai again, he finally no longer escaped from his cowardice, but bravely accepted the challenge from Yan Xiaobai, but this is doomed to lose one person.

Su Yan made an appointment with Gao Yating, the girl who was always by his side when he was most frustrated, that is, the person he fell in love with deeply, but what Su Yan didn't expect was that Gao Yating would also come See him off.

When Gao Yating saw Su Yan's apologetic expression, she seemed to have realized what was about to happen.

He looked at Gao Yating, his eyes were filled with apology, "I'm sorry, you know that I have done so many things to hurt you, but none of these things were intentional, you know this, so I hope you..."

Before she finished speaking, Gao Yating nodded repeatedly, "I know, I know everything, don't worry, we are still friends!"

Gao Yating looked at Su Yan and said gently.

"I'm sorry!" Su Yan wanted to cry a long time ago, which made Gao Yating feel very distressed, but now there is no conflict between them.

Yan Xiaobai was sad because his excellence hurt Su Yan. At this time, Gao Yating was standing beside Yan Xiaobai, seeing Su Yan's painful and guilty expression, Gao Yating couldn't bear to hand him a napkin.

Su Yan took the paper and wiped it vigorously for himself, but he found that his tears still couldn't be stopped. She felt very distressed when she saw it, but at this moment, there was no Su family around Su Yan, which made them feel very sad. It's sad, Su Yan wants to leave but no one is by his side.

Yan Xiaobai felt very embarrassed, looked at Gao Yating beside him, fortunately she was always by his side, this made Yan Xiaobai a little moved.

He couldn't believe that all of this was arranged by fate, but he believed even more that all of this was arranged by God, perhaps to make up for everything he had suffered.

Su Yan looked at Gao Yating who was crying beside him, but he didn't expect that such a weak girl would cry for him. He had too much heartbreak and reluctance, but also deep guilt and self-blame feel.

(End of this chapter)

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