Chapter 695 I will protect you

Yan Xiaobai looked far away and then looked at Gao Yating beside her. Usually she was always wearing her beloved gauze skirt, but today Gao Yating was wearing outdoor gear with a backpack on her body. It was a particularly bad feeling, but Gao Yating was willing to, and she had to suffer a lot on the way forward, Yan Xiaobai admired her for this.

He gently took Gao Yating's hand, and looked at her firmly, "No matter what happens, I will protect you!"

Gao Yating nodded, what she was waiting for was probably Yan Xiaobai's words, and these words were very precious to Gao Yating, he seldom said these things, it was rare to hear such warm words from him , Gao Yating was very happy along the way!
After walking for half a day, the sun was shining brightly. They had already approached the edge of the rainforest, and they took a rest outside for a while, surrounded by weeds as tall as a person. Everyone gathered together to rest. Hua Wuyou watched their two children Chatting, the mood suddenly improved a lot. The weather was hot along the way, and they had to wear long-sleeved clothes to avoid being bitten by insects. Everyone had to carry heavy backpacks. Hua Wuyou thought that Gao Yating was Unable to bear these things, she never expected that she would come here with them. She doesn't have any airs of a young lady, this is what Hua Wuyou admires the most!
Yan Xiaobai was researching the map with his legs spread out, Gao Yating sat beside him quietly and prepared water and food for him, Hua Wuyou smiled gratifiedly seeing their love, if Yan Zhaomu and Gong Qianxia saw Seeing them like this doesn't know how they will feel!

While Gao Yating was helping others, Hua Wuyou sat next to Yan Xiaobai gossiping. He looked at Yan Xiaobai curiously. At this moment, he was seriously studying the map, and he didn't notice that there was already someone around him. Changed people.

"Tingting, give me the marker."

Hua Wuyou handed the things to him, but Yan Xiaobai didn't notice it at all, because they had made sufficient preparations before the expedition this time, so now Yan Xiaobai didn't want them to have any accidents, and they were elegant Ting is by his side, so he attaches great importance to the safety issue this time!

"After entering the rainforest, there will be many tropical plants, some of which are poisonous, so you must follow me when the time comes, and I will protect you!"

Hua Wuyou looked at him blankly, "What about Uncle Hua?"

"Uncle Hua, we don't need to worry. He has learned a lot of common sense of adventure before. He can handle these things. Even if he can't handle a person his age, he should know how to protect himself, so now we should worry. What matters is ourselves, how to ensure our safety!"

Hua Wuyou was stunned for a moment, then sat silently beside Yan Xiaobai and suddenly got up, this guy actually only thought about themselves at such a dangerous time.

"Hey, Uncle Hua, why are you here? Do you have something to do with Xiaobai? Let's talk first!"

Yan Xiaobai realized why he looked up at Hua Wuyou beside him, he smiled awkwardly, and in the next second Hua Wuyou had already exploded.

"Yan Xiaobai, is there anyone like you? I have accompanied you all the way here, and you don't care about my safety. You said what should I do if something happens to me? Do you really have the heart to watch? I……"

Yan Xiaobai closed the map and looked at Hua Wuyou earnestly. When he saw that he was angry, he couldn't help laughing, and patted him on the shoulder like an adult, "Uncle Hua, you are such an old man, I believe you You can definitely protect yourself with your ability, so we have no choice but to promise that we won’t cause you any trouble, and we will definitely protect ourselves!”

Hua Wuyou was speechless, Yan Xiaobai said so, what else could he do, he could only watch in silence as he got up and went to other places, muttering something in his mouth.

Yan Xiaobai immediately chased after him dissatisfied, "Uncle Hua, you always speak ill of others like this, it's not good, and we are all good friends, Uncle Hua, are you thinking too much?"

Hua Wuyou laughed playfully, Yan Xiaobai meant that there is no silver 300 taels here, he just smiled and didn't continue talking, if this continues, it seems that they are really likely to become a couple!
"Xiaobai, what are you talking to Uncle Hua, you seemed very angry just now, and you were a bit rude to Uncle Hua 7."

"That's right, Xiaobai, look how well-behaved and sensible Tingting is, you really scared me just now!" Hua Wuyou took the opportunity to add, Yan Xiaobai gave him a dissatisfied look, at this time in front of Gao Yating let him Embarrassment, probably only Hua Wuyou can do it, he clearly did it on purpose.

"Uncle Hua, you should go and see our equipment. I am worried that Tingting is a little tired, so I plan to ask you to help her carry the backpack. I don't think you will refuse us, Uncle Hua. After all, we are in your There are still children in front of you!"

Hua Wuyou was speechless, Yan Xiaobai actually gave him a high hat at this time, he had no reason to refuse at all, he could only hold back his breath and look at Yan Xiaobai sadly, "Yan Xiaobai, you did this on purpose. Yes, don't you know that's the most taboo thing when you're on an expedition?"

Yan Xiaobai looked at him and smiled, and told him that he only carried it until he entered the rainforest, and Gao Yating would carry the rest by herself. Hua Wuyou looked even more sad, obviously she was bullying him.

Gao Yating wisely prepared the backpack and handed it to Hua Wuyou, "Uncle Hua gave this to you, thank you so much, I will definitely be grateful to you!"

Hua Wuyou had no choice but to carry Gao Yating's backpack, and Gao Yating easily followed Yan Xiaobai's side. Occasionally, Yan Xiaobai would point to those rare tropical plants, and Gao Yating would raise the camera to take pictures. The two of them He was happy in the front, but Hua Wuyou wanted to increase the burden, he regretted it again, why did he fall into Yan Xiaobai's way so easily!
Yan Xiaobai looked back at Hua Wuyou occasionally, as long as the distance between them was a little farther, he urged people to follow them quickly, Hua Wuyou hurriedly followed with heavy steps, thinking that Yan Xiaobai has something important to do, but he doesn't want Yan Xiaobai to just tell him not to fall behind!
"Yan Xiaobai, are you okay? You don't even look at how many things I have brought, and you walk so fast, how can I keep up with you?"

"Uncle Hua, you are already an adult, but you can't even compare with us children, what else can you complain about!"

Hua Wuyou was speechless, every time Yan Xiaobai was always able to seize his weakness and launch a powerful counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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