Chapter 697 Despised
"Yan Xiaobai, do you really think that I was scared? I also have common sense, okay? And you actually treated me like this. We agreed at the beginning that everything you have to listen to when you enter the dangerous area !"

Hua Wuyou was very dissatisfied with his current appearance, with Gao Yating by his side, everything seemed to be fine, and he didn't listen to Hua Wuyou's suggestion at all, this was the thing that worried him the most.

"Uncle Hua, please don't be like this, Xiaobai doesn't have any malice, and we need you too!" Gao Yating came out to ease the relationship between the two, and Hua Wuyou secretly laughed. A hungry child still couldn't complete this expedition, and he didn't really intend to give up, it was just to scare Yan Xiaobai, who didn't expect that Yan Xiaobai would not follow his tricks at all!
Everyone continued to walk forward, Yan Xiaobai and Gao Yating continued to walk in front of them, Hua Wuyou looked at their backs and smiled helplessly, it was just two young children who were going out to explore, he was really very happy Want to know what's going on in their heads?

The team entered the hinterland of the rainforest one after another, and a large number of plants that they had never seen before began to appear. Gao Yating kept taking pictures, and Hua Wuyou quickly followed. He kept reminding them to be careful and not to touch them casually. those unknown plants.

Suddenly the vines under their feet blocked their way, Yan Xiaobai took out the dagger he had prepared with him, but Gao Yating had already fallen to the ground, Hua Wuyou and Yan Xiaoba ran over at the same time, Gao Yating looked at Yan Xiaobai aggrievedly. Xiaobai, this is the first time for her to wrestle on flat ground. She looked at Yan Xiaobai with some embarrassment. Seeing him worried, her heart felt warm, and the tears that were about to flow were suppressed forcefully. She shook her head, "I'm fine, really fine!"

Yan Xiaobai inspected the wound all over her body and found that her wrist was slightly scratched. Yan Xiaobai immediately asked Hua Wuyou to take out the disinfectant tissue and wound medicine, and Hua Wuyou helped him treat the wound together. Xiaobai went to observe whether the plants were poisonous.

After Gao Yating's wound was cleaned up, Yan Xiaobai also came back. Fortunately, the vines here are not poisonous, otherwise I really don't know what to do here.

Hua Wuyou had learned simple medical knowledge before. Although it is not poisonous now, it may not be sure that it is not poisonous. He asked Gao Yating to report her physical condition every half hour. , there are many flowing streams below, the scenery is very good, Gao Yating forgot the pain to take pictures.

"Hey, I really don't know what you kids are thinking. Wouldn't it be good to stay at home? You have to go out to explore. Just now I saw that girl almost cried. Don't you feel bad?"

Yan Xiaobai glared at him very dissatisfied, since Hua Wuyou started to talk about discouragement, he didn't know what happened to Hua Wuyou, but when something happened to Hua Wuyou, it was still safe to leave the building, This made Yan Xiaobai appreciate it!

"Uncle Hua, can you tell me what you are here for? You are not here to see the scenery, and the scenery here is very unique!"

Hua Wuyou came here purely to take care of Yan Xiaobai, who told him that his parents didn't have time to accompany him? Although the conditions are a bit rough, the scenery here opened his eyes, and he didn't think he was at a disadvantage .

Because they like to explore, everyone attaches great importance to this adventure. After walking for a whole day, no one complained that they were tired. It was not until it was getting dark that the captain called everyone to build a tent together, and then everyone had dinner together at night!
Hua Wuyou and Yan Xiaobai lived in the same tent, and Gao Yating wanted to live with other female members. When the tent was set up, the captain had already lit a fire and set up a cauldron. When they are ready, everyone starts to cook together. This is the first time for them to experience such a scene. It has a special flavor, especially watching the meals they cook themselves, it is particularly fulfilling for the children of these wealthy families!

Yan Xiaobai noticed Gao Yating's silence, he walked to her side and saw her alone in a corner in a daze, "Tingting, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

Hearing Yan Xiaobai's voice, Gao Yating raised her head in surprise, she looked at Yan Xiaobai pitifully, and she didn't know what to do when everyone was busy, as if everything was in the way , This made Gao Yating feel a sense of frustration and powerlessness!

Yan Xiaobi understood what she meant and didn't comfort her, but took her to another place. There were some dry branches around. It happened that their teammates were cooking and needed a lot of dry firewood. Yan Xiaobai took Gao Yating to pick up a lot of them. When the dry branch came back, the teammates were overjoyed and praised the two of them one after another. Gao Yating's face showed excitement and hatred.

"Xiaobai, thank you!"

Yan Xiaobai shook his head, and while everyone was busy, he explained a lot of truths to Gao Yating. Her adoring eyes followed Yan Xiaobai. Walking to Yan Xiaobai's side, seeing his smug appearance, he immediately teased, "I see, this expedition is simply your way of popularizing science for Yan Xiaobai, just picking up dry branches makes her worship you so much , I really don’t know what ecstasy soup you poured into others!”

Yan Xiaobai was busy with his own affairs without looking sideways, and sneered at Hua Wuyou's words, "Uncle Hua, you think too much, if you can, I hope you can tell Tingting, don't be disappointed because of these things, but it's a pity that Tingting She probably won't want to stay with you!"

Hua Wuyou caressed her cheek in confusion, her appearance is not so fierce, at least she can be called handsome, how could she be so unapproachable?
When he wanted to ask Yan Xiaobai, he found that Yan Xiaobai had gone far away. Looking at Gao Yating again, he walked over, "Tingting's performance today is very good. She picked up so many dry branches and returned. A good example!"

Gao Yating smiled gratifiedly, as if she had found the meaning of her existence. At this time, she became more energetic, as if she had endless energy, and she was always working non-stop. You continued to ask her if she needed help, but Gao Yati ignored him and buried herself in arranging the dry branches, which made Hua Wuyou very embarrassed. Could it be that he didn't dare to imagine!

(End of this chapter)

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