Chapter 901 The Unexpected
"Husband, look at this little dress, it's so cute, and the material is very comfortable."

"Buy it if you like it."

The man's casual answer made the ex-girlfriend feel very uncomfortable, and the things she originally liked became unpleasant. After she put down the jumpsuit in her hand, she saw a pair of baby shoes that had been picked up.

"I also think these shoes are cute, wrap them up for me."

"Sorry ma'am, this pair of shoes sold very well this year. This is the last pair. Otherwise, you can go and look at other shoes. There are still many styles in our store."

Xia Wei didn't listen to the salesperson's words at all: "I don't like the others, I want this pair, and besides, this lady didn't pay for it."

"Yes... No payment." The salesperson looked at the gold card in his hand, it was about to be paid, and you just inserted it.

"Since I haven't paid, I want to buy these shoes, what's the problem?"

Xia Wei raised her neck, her eyes were full of disdain, she looked at Gong Qianxia up and down, they knew each other, and they had a good relationship before, but she knew Gong Qianxia's temperament, she would not snatch things from others!

"Since the lady likes this pair of shoes, let her buy them. Hua Wuyou, let's go and look at other styles, maybe we can pick better ones."

Gong Qianxia smiled slightly, handed the shoes in her hand to Xia Wei, and then followed the salesperson to look at other styles without looking back.

This feeling made her feel alms. She pinched the shoes in her hand, took out her wallet and swiped her card. Except for this pair of shoes, she moved back all the other things in the store, whether she needed them or not.

She had this feeling in school before, and thought that finding a man could change this feeling, but what she didn't expect was that she would never escape such a fate!
Although the staff in the store felt contemptuous of such an attitude, since Gong Asaxia was willing to make concessions, they had nothing to say, as long as they didn't make trouble!

After sending Xia Wei away, she glanced at Gong Qianxia, ​​who was not in good spirits. It must be because of what happened just now, so Gong Qianxia was deeply touched. She clearly recognized Xia Wei, and probably that woman also recognized her. Without her, the most painful one is probably Hua Wuyou.

"Ma'am, why are you crying?"

Sister-in-law Wang tried her best to cover up this matter, but unfortunately, Gong Qianxia saw this scene. She must be hurting like a knife now. The scar that was about to heal was ruthlessly torn apart. It must be very painful. .

"It's nothing, I'm just squinted by the sand." Gong Qianxia shook her head slightly, she sympathized with Xia Wei, and her heart ached for Hua Wuyou, she changed the subject in a low voice, "I'm picky about so many clothes, Hua Wuyou, help me I choose!"

"I think this dress embroidered with pink care is good. It suits your daughter very well."

"But she already has a lot of pink clothes, let's look at others!" Gong Qianxia dragged Hua Wuyou's sleeves and walked back and forth in the store. I saw it, but he just stood in the corner without saying a word!

Hua Wuyou suddenly grabbed the pink dress and showed it to her. His suggestion was to sell it to Yan Xiaobai. Gong Qianxia was stunned for a moment. Yan Xiaobai had never worn pink clothes before, "Do you think he would wear it? I think he must not hate you to death!"

"Actually, I think this dress is really good. Boys are handsome in it, and girls are smart in it. Who stipulates that boys can't wear such pink clothes." Hua Wuyou's mood was not affected at all by just now, which made Gong Qian Xia was very surprised, she still clearly remembered how sad this man was when they broke up.

Mrs. Wang has long seen the way Hua Wuyou looked at the woman just now. There was something wrong, but she didn't expose her. It seems that Hua Wuyou is a man with a story.

Hua Wuyou didn't know what she was thinking, but she changed her normal routine, as long as Yan Xiaobai didn't want to, didn't like it, or didn't accept it, he planned to ask him to try it, and even almost lost her temper with Gong Qianxia.

Mrs. Wang sympathizes with this man's experience. She actually thought the same as this man when he chose. It may be a good thing that Yan Xiaobai can try different colors and different styles.

Hua Wuyou was stunned for a moment, this housekeeper-like woman agreed to his proposal at this time, no matter what her intentions were, since she was willing to trust him now, why not do it.

"Actually, I like this dress too, and the beige one is also good, so let's buy the two together."

The magnetic male voice came from behind, which stunned the three people present, and the familiar voice made Gong Qianxia show a fearful expression, his face was pale and bloodless, and he didn't have the look of hesitation just now.

Hua Wuyou's scalp was numb. When did this man who was not easy to mess with come over? He didn't even hear the footsteps. He immediately cheered up.

But anyway, he and that man had met once, after all, he was the man who saved Gong Qianxia and Yan Xiaobai before, so naturally he wouldn't treat him too badly.

Thinking of this, Hua Wuyou showed a smile like a spring breeze, not to mention how sensual the compliment was.

"Mr. Lin, why are you so free to come here today?"

"It's probably fate. I happened to be discussing business with customers in a nearby restaurant, and I happened to see you, so I came in to have a look, and picked up some small things for Xia Xia's son and daughter."

"Thank you."

"Choose whatever you like, as long as it's Xia Xia's child, I like it!"

Hua Wuyou was very surprised to see Lin Xu who was so generous. Lin Xu and Yan Chaomu were very different people, but Lin Xu still seemed to have ulterior motives towards Gong Qianxia. You naturally have to bear the responsibility of protecting them.

"No need, Mr. Lin, my baby and I thank you for your kindness. If there is nothing wrong, we will leave first."

Lin Xu crossed his arms, pinched his chin with one hand and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, his eyes shone with joy: "It seems that Xia Xia is still very afraid of me. Every time you see me, you can't help but hide?" He shook his head and sighed, making people feel nothing at all. Dangerous, "It really makes me sad, although I used to treat you... but now you and Xiaobai still have some fate in the past, Xia Xia, you won't..."

Gong Qianxia shook her head, she didn't want to have too much involvement with this man, after all, now that this man reappeared in front of her, it frightened her!
(End of this chapter)

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