Chapter 905

Gong Qianxia sighed helplessly and turned around to look at the man behind her. She was always very curious about what they talked about in the study just now. Could it be that this man hates Hua Wuyou very much?According to what she knew about him, Yan Zhaomu probably wanted him to leave.

"By the way, what were you talking about in the study just now?" She looked at him, Yan Chaomu came back without warning this time, which made her feel a little strange, "By the way, where is your luggage when you come back this time?"

Yan Zhaomu hugged her gently, and her deep and sexy voice rang in her ears, "Actually, the work is not over yet, I miss you so much, so I came back to see you and the child."

Gong Qianxia nodded, and stared into his eyes seriously, she couldn't tell if he was lying, but she just thought it was strange that Yan Chaomu came back this time, "Then when are you leaving?"

Yan Chaomu smiled and kissed her on the lips, she had guessed his meaning in his silence, Gong Qianxia didn't understand why he came back suddenly.

Yan Chaomu was threatened by Jasmine, that woman always threatened him from time to time, wanting to tell Gong Qianxia of her existence, thinking of Hua Wuyou, Yan Zhaomu hurried back, he really wanted to thank Hua Wuyou for not being there Only by talking nonsense in front of her did he have the chance to talk to that man.

"Okay, I'm on the plane tonight. Be good. Hua Wuyou will stay at home and take care of you. Call me if you have anything to do."

Gong Qianxia nodded, he rarely had business trips before, this time he was very surprised, "Can you tell me what happened to the company, why did you travel so suddenly?"

Yan Zhaomu didn't continue to speak, he continued to kiss her cheek, then turned and left.

Gong Qianxia looked at his back in a daze, she felt weird, when she was wondering, Hua Wuyou had already come downstairs.

"Hua Wuyou, do you think Yan Chaomu is a bit weird? Why do I feel that he has become a little strange now? Do you think he has encountered some trouble? Lin Xu suddenly appeared here, I always feel weird Yes, you said they should not be..."

Hua Wuyou hesitated for a moment, Gong Qianxia was so smart to see the difference in Yan Chaomu, fortunately Hua Wuyou had talked to this man before, no matter what he said was true or not, he chose to trust him once and protect Gong Qianxia.

"Xia Xia, don't you think too much? Think about what your husband does and what kind of trouble he can encounter. If he really encounters trouble, he will definitely solve it by himself. He is better than you in business. Understand!"

Hua Wuyou comforted her, he was almost unable to help that man lie, but fortunately he said a few more words, Gong Qianxia nodded weakly, "Okay, I understand, I don't understand his work, but I Worrying about him, Lin Xu appeared, and you also know what Lin Xu's appearance means?"

Hua Wuyou nodded, but after analyzing the strength of the two of them with her, Lin Xu had already been defeated by Yan Chaomu twice, so the appearance of that man would naturally not affect him.

Gong Qianxia looked at him suspiciously, "Don't lie to me, and what did you say in the study, you tell me honestly!"

Hua Wuyou wouldn't talk so much, so she asked Yan Zhaomu curiously, Gong Qianxia stomped her feet, "You two are really going to piss me off, he won't tell you if he doesn't tell you, Hua Wuyou, we still Not the best friend anymore, and you didn't tell me, which side are you on?"

Hua Wuyou has no words to answer, this woman always talks about their friendship, he might be very scared before, but now Hua Wuyou doesn't care so much, and he doesn't say it out of course to protect Gong Qianxia of.

Gong Qianxia said for a long time that Hua Wuyou didn't respond, but in desperation she turned around and went upstairs, Hua Wuyou chased after her, "Xia Xia, why do you have to know, some things are worse than knowing. Be nice."

Gong Qianxia nodded clearly, Hua Wuyou's preaching was full of truths, which made her afraid, what she and Lan Chuchu hated the most was Hua Wuyou's preaching, did not expect this man to be here waiting for her .

The woman raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay, let's not talk about me, let's talk about yourself, what are your plans?"

Hua Wuyou shrugged his shoulders innocently. What else could he have planned? Now that he has a house and a formal job, he should be satisfied, but ever since he met Xia Wei, his heart has changed. Don't you know what's wrong with you?
"I think I may be sympathetic to her, for the sake of money..." The man looked embarrassed. It wasn't that he couldn't let go of the relationship in the past, but the hurt in the past.

Gong Qianxia looked at him and nodded, seeing Xia Wei this time, she was too different from before, she was arrogant and domineering, which she was not like before, probably it was because of Xia Wei's change that Hua Wuyou became After thinking so much, the two of them smiled at the same time, "Well, the past is over, and Su Qing is not bad, and it can be seen that you really like her, so why don't you get married quickly?"

Hua Wuyou smiled, now everyone seems to be eagerly looking forward to his marriage with Su Qing, Hua Wuyou is naturally looking forward to it, but thinking of what Su's father said to him, Hua Wuyou still doesn't know what to do. How to speak, how can he give Su Suqing happiness.

The communication between the two had no results, Gong Qianxia looked at him helplessly, in the end she got up and left, Hua Wuyou also lost sleep completely.

The next morning, he got up early to prepare for Yan Xiaobai to go to school. Yan Xiaobai couldn't help but wondered at his dark circles, "Why did you go last night? You pig lost sleep?"

Hua Wuyou was speechless, he took Yan Xiaobai to go out perfunctorily, Gong Qianxia stood on the balcony and looked at the backs of the two with a feeling of distress, Hua Wuyou's relationship is still a mystery until now, she and Lan Chuchu All worried.

Although she talked to Hua Wuyou many times, her relationship with him never came to an end.

"Xia Xia, you seem to have a lot of things on your mind recently, and you always look outside in a daze." Gong Qianxia turned to look at Hua Wuyou, he had come back from school, Gong Qianxia had been standing on the balcony for a long time before she knew it, she turned around Looking at him, "Xiaobai went to school, thanks for your hard work!"

Hua Wuyou waved his hand, he is free in the villa.

Lan Chuchu aggressively drove to the villa, and before she got out of the car, she started shouting Yan Chaomu's name. Hua Wuyou smelled the excitement, and moved to her side curiously, "Chuchu, how dare you call Yan Chaomu's name directly? Aren't you afraid?"

"Hua Wuyou, you also mentioned his name just now, I guess he has heard it, he will die together!"

(End of this chapter)

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