Chapter 912 Betrayed
"Mr. Yan, don't take you. It's obviously because you said that it would be useful to keep that woman, and that woman seems to be more interested in you. I believe you know this better than me. If your wife finds out about this, what do you think? Why don't you explain it, and this lonely man and widow, if you say that nothing happened between you, who will believe it?"

Su Mingfeng wanted to take revenge on Yan Chaomu completely. Just thinking about it, Yan Zhaomu became a little worried, and even blamed Su Mingfeng for being indiscriminate. Every time he met that woman, Jasmine, he always went with Su Mingfeng to avoid suspicion. Yes, but now if Su Mingfeng takes such a bite, Yan Chaomu will be speechless!
"You don't come here, it seems that Lan Chuchu has punished you a little less recently, that's why you are so complacent, I think about how to tell Lan Chuchu, let you, a man, stay away from your wife and children a little!"

Su Mingfeng was also embarrassed, he didn't expect that this man would do anything to achieve his goal, and he would do it now, he shook his head, "Mr Yan, how could you do this, Lan Chuchu and I are still living together now, don't you If you want to just watch us like this, isn't your heart too cruel?"

Yan Chaomu couldn't help laughing, since Su Mingfeng cared so much about Lan Chuchu's words, why did he still want to do this now? Wouldn't this be causing trouble for himself? He walked up to Su Mingfeng's side and patted him on the shoulder , "Since you know this, and since you want to marry Lan Chuchu as soon as possible, then you are not honest, otherwise I will not be able to help you!"

Su Mingfeng was speechless, these things were not all caused by Yan Chaomu himself, and now they were all blamed on him, he was naturally dissatisfied, "But I don't think this matter seems to have anything to do with me, it's completely It's all your business, Mr. Yan, can you stop dragging me into the water!"

Yan Chaomu doesn't care so much, since the relationship between him and Gong Qianxia is not handled well now, then he can pull Su Mingfeng together, anyway, this is not the first time he has done such a thing.

Lan Chuchu hurriedly came to Yanjia Villa with her daughter in her arms, Gong Qianxia was born with her daughter in her arms, and Yan Chaomu came back from a business trip for a few days. Shouldn't they be closer? Why did their relationship change? Even more alienated, even because of Yan Zhaomu's joke, they were silent to each other.

"Xia Xia, what's the matter with you, why are you so dazed in broad daylight?" Lan Chuchu looked at her, with a hint of worry in her brows, Gong Qianxia was not like this before, why does she seem to have changed now? Like people, this made Lan Chuchu very worried!

Gong Qianxia shook her head helplessly, and when she saw Lan Chuchu, she smiled softly. After all, this woman came here at this time, probably because she was worried about her, or complaining about their relationship, "Why are you here? Could it be..."

Lan Chuchu shook her head, this time she chose to sit beside Gong Qianxia, ​​and was thinking about how to tell her, but unexpectedly Gong Qianxia had already said, "You, if you want to say something, just say it, if you don't say it Come out, I'm afraid you will be very uncomfortable."

"That... Xia Xia, don't be angry if I tell you. Actually, I don't know if it's true, but let me tell you, pay more attention!"

Gong Qianxia listened with great interest, but she didn't expect this matter to be about her, so she couldn't help being a little surprised, she just listened to it as if listening to a joke, but she didn't expect Lan Chuchu to say something that Gong Qianxia didn't want to hear Regarding the matter, she said that Yan Zhaomu might have other women outside.

Gong Qianxia was stunned for a moment, she looked at Lan Chuchu, she didn't look like she was joking, and as Su Mingfeng's bedside person, it wasn't surprising that Lan Chuchu and Su Mingfeng knew about Yan Chaomu, it was just because What she said, and thinking about Yan Zhaomu's silence the night before, she suddenly felt that things were not as simple as she thought.

Lan Chuchu couldn't be sure that all of this was true, after all, Su Mingfeng didn't say that these were all true, and his words were evasive, which made Lan Chuchu suspicious, so she chose to say so.

I thought Gong Qianxia would cry and fuss, but this woman was unusually calm. I don't know if it was because she was already mentally prepared or because such a blow made her too uncomfortable, she couldn't accept it now!

"Chuchu, where did you hear this? If you don't have any basis, don't talk nonsense, and I don't think he is that kind of person, so..."

Lan Chuchu nodded, and naturally understood Gong Qianxia's temper, "Xia Xia, don't think too much, these are all casually said by that guy Su Mingfeng, I don't trust you, so I will tell you now!"

Gong Qianxia nodded, the previous conversation had already made her aware that Yan Zhaomu did not give a reasonable explanation for his ambiguous words, from his silence, she could already perceive what happened to him outside, but these Gong Qianxia didn't want to think about it, she knew that things would happen sooner or later.

"Xia Xia, what's wrong with you, don't be angry, don't be sad, I'm just reminding you now, after all, we don't know if this is really the case, why not..."

Gong Qianxia shook her head, she didn't want to talk about it now, even if it was true, Gong Qianxia hoped that Yan Zhaomu would admit it herself, then she would have given up, at least she wouldn't be sad because of these things.

Lan Chuchu looked at her in horror, Gong Qianxia's actions were a bit weird, and at this moment she was holding her daughter silently, thinking of what Yan Chaomu had said to her before, Gong Qianxia didn't dare to think about it. Believing that these are true, she hugged her daughter, "Chuchu, thank you, it's not that I don't know some things, but I don't want to think about them, I hope he will tell me personally, or in this way I can completely understand Give up, but now I..."

Lan Chuchu immediately realized that she had said something wrong, she was a little scared, and shook Gong Qianxia's shoulder, "Xia Xia, don't do this, what you just said may not be true, Xia Xia, don't be sad, I'm talking nonsense!"

Gong Qianxia is still smiling all over her face at this time, as if the matter Lan Chuchu said has nothing to do with her, Lan Chuchu doesn't know what to do, she can't understand Gong Qianxia's temper .

Lan Chuchu didn't dare to stay any longer, she wanted to inform Yan Chaomu as soon as possible, seeing Gong Qianxia's current state, she was terribly worried, so she found an excuse to leave the villa!
(End of this chapter)

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