Chapter 915 Don't Know Her Well

Yan Chaomu drove around the city to search, in fact, he should have noticed Gong Qianxia's strangeness the night before, or he should have explained it all the moment he planned to confess, at least Gong Qianxia would not leave in such a sneaky way!

The man searched hard in this city. He didn't know where else Gong Qianxia could go. In this city, her relatives treated her badly. This was the saddest place for her, so she simply broke off with her. The contact with adoptive parents, I thought I could live with him quietly, but I didn't expect to suffer a lot and suffer a lot of grievances by Yan Chaomu's side. In the end, Yan Chaomu still hurt him!
The man looked out of the window guiltily. Everything made him feel very sad. If he had confessed Jasmine's identity to her earlier, maybe this would not have happened. Now Yan Chaomu really hated Lan Chuchu to the core. If it wasn't for that woman's big mouth, He wouldn't be like this now, the man was so angry that his mind was full of Lan Chuchu's figure, he hated her!

Lan Chuchu cried out in fright, Su Mingfeng looked everywhere, but did not see Gong Qianxia, ​​so Yan Chaomu would definitely spread all his anger on her, she pulled Su Mingfeng nervously "What to do, what to do, Xia Xia can't be found anywhere, he will hate me to death!"

Su Mingfeng tried his best to comfort the woman. It was the first time that Lan Chuchu felt that she had done something wrong, and she sat beside him in fear, "Lan Chuchu, don't mess yourself up, you are her best friend, believe me You should know her better than Mr. Yan, so think about where she might go back?"

Lan Chuchu shook her head, she didn't know where else Gong Qianxia could go, her relationship with her adoptive parents was not good, since she became independent, she seldom returned to that home, but now she took her daughter with her again Where can I go, Lan Chuchu couldn't help crying.

Yan Zhaomu's car was parked by the side of the road. He nervously looked at the passers-by outside, fearing that he would miss any message. After waiting for several hours, the sky gradually darkened. Yan Zhaomu suddenly thought of Yan Xiaobai, that The woman left with her daughter, but she didn't think of Yan Xiaobai. He now regards Yan Xiaobai as his last hope. If Yan Xiaobai stays by his side, maybe Gong Qianxia will still have a chance to return to him. The ones around, after all, that woman dotes on the child so much.

The car quickly drove to Yan Xiaobai's school, school had already ended, Yan Chaomu immediately drove back to the villa worried, but fortunately Hua Wuyou waited at home with Yan Xiaobai, seeing him coming back, Hua Wuyou looked Looking at him, "It's fine if you come back, Xia Xia is not at home, Xiaobai looks very unhappy and happy, where did Xia Xia go?"

Yan Chaomu was speechless, he walked over and took Yan Xiaobai with a weak sigh, Yan Xiaobai also wanted to know where Gong Qianxia went with her daughter.

"Father, where is mom? Where did mom and sister go?" Yan Xiaobai could see the helplessness on the man's face. Gong Qianxia seldom went out at this time, but the atmosphere at home today was a bit wrong. Yan Xiaobai seemed Already feel something.

Hua Wuyou had never communicated with him very much, now that he saw Yan Chaomu's silence, he didn't care, he planned to leave just like that, but Su Mingfeng and Lan Chuchu also rushed over at the same time, especially Lan Chuchu was crying profusely.

"What's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

"Where is Xiaobai, is Yan Xiaobai here?" Lan Chuchu asked him crying while grabbing his sleeve, Hua Wuyou really didn't understand what these people were doing, so she told her that Yan Xiaobai was inside, and Lan Chuchu asked him in tears. Chuchu immediately ran in crying, "Yan Xiaobai is really you, it's great to see you!"

Yan Xiaobai looked at her puzzled, Lan Chuchu was still crying, and looking at Yan Zhaomu's face was livid, Yan Xiaobai knew something must have happened, he calmly walked in front of Yan Zhaomu, "Dad, you Did you quarrel with mom, why isn't mom at home now, do you know anything?"

Lan Chuchu cried and wanted to explain, but was stopped by Su Mingfeng, who told Yan Xiaobai in front of Yan Chaomu that his father was having an affair with other women outside, and what Yan Xiaobai would think of his father.

Lan Chuchu shook her head, she understood what Su Mingfeng meant, and it would really embarrass them all if this continued, Hua Wuyou couldn't understand what happened between them, "I'm sorry, what's wrong with you guys?" , Why are you all somber and silent, did something really happen?"

Yan Chaomu didn't want to continue to hide it. Since he caused the trouble, he should dare to bear it now. "Xia Xia took her daughter and ran away from home!"

Hua Wuyou was stunned, Yan Xiaobai also felt incredible, obviously their family is so harmonious, but today...

Yan Chaomu didn't want to continue to hide it anymore, he looked at Su Mingfeng, no matter what, the most important thing now is to find Gong Qianxia and explain everything.

"Get rid of that woman, Jasmine, and Lin Xu, I don't want to cause any trouble to our family because of these things, and drive them out!"

Su Mingfeng nodded. Originally, Yan Chaomu planned to give Lin Xu a serious injury, but what he didn't expect now was that this man didn't need to think so carefully. It seems that he has now made up his mind to drive Lin Xu away, and never Not as gentle as before!
Su Mingfeng nodded, he took Lan Chuchu and left the Yan's villa, Hua Wuyou looked at Yan Xiaobai, Yan Chaomu closed his eyes silently, this man must be in great pain now, Gong Qianxia disappeared, they don't know Where to find it.

Yan Xiaobai was even more sad, Gong Qianxia took away his sister, could it be that his son is not important to her, he hid back in his room sadly, tears were already rolling in his eyes, Hua Wuyou stood Looking at everything inside from outside the door, although he seldom talks to Yan Zhaomu, he is afraid of the majesty of this man, but now he has to have a good talk with Yan Chaomu!

"Mr. Yan, you and that woman must be serious, in fact, I think..."

Yan Zhaomu glanced at him disdainfully. I believe he has explained this matter and this woman very clearly before. He has nothing to do with that woman, but he just intends to use her. With so many troubles happening, now Yan Chaomu had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit by himself, he sighed helplessly.

"Mr. Yan, I'm not talking about you, although Xia Xia doesn't say anything, you should know what she's thinking, she's not those women!
(End of this chapter)

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