Chapter 917 Wife Comes Home
Gong Qianxia still looked like she didn't want to leave, but seeing Yan Xiaobai trying so hard to persuade her to go back, she knew that the relationship between them would definitely affect the child's mood, and when she hesitated again and again, Hua Wuyou had already secretly Notified Yan Chaomu!

Knowing where Gong Qianxia is now, Yan Chaomu didn't think too much about it, and immediately drove to the hotel. Seeing Gong Qianxia and the daughter in his arms, he felt extremely guilty, which could be explained clearly in just a few words The matter is going to get out of hand now, and his wife has misunderstood him, so he naturally felt guilty, walked over and squatted beside Gong Qianxia, ​​"wife, I'm really sorry for making you wronged, but please believe me Me, nothing really happened between me and that woman, she was sent by Lin Xu, so naturally I can't let them go so easily!"

Gong Qianxia nodded, she has been by his side for several years, she knows what kind of person he is, what kind of person Yan Chaomu is, he can be any kind of woman he wants, but this man can clean himself, This is the most gratifying thing for Gong Qianxia.

But she just wants to use these times to calm herself down. Yan Zhaomu has his own way of doing things, no matter what his purpose is, but Gong Qianxia doesn't want to see the man she likes with other women, no matter what Whether they are talking about business or thinking about other things is fine.

Hua Wuyou wisely took the children out of the room, and Yan Chaomu gently hugged her. He thought this woman would follow him to make a fuss, but what she didn't expect now is that she would only choose silence and forbearance, " Xia Xia, you must believe me, some things are not what you see!"

Gong Qianxia nodded slightly, leaning on his shoulder but couldn't help but shed tears, recalling their journey along the way, Gong Qianxia only felt very sad, if he hadn't been in a car accident at the beginning, they might have been together by now Can't get acquainted together.

It was not easy for her to find a man she could rely on, and she fell in love with this man deeply, but so many things happened between them, and now they are finally able to welcome two children, Gong Qianxia is naturally very happy Cherish their life now.

"Yan Chaomu, if you dare to betray me, do you still remember what I told you before? I think you should remember very clearly, I...I don't want to..."

Yan Chaomu nodded vigorously. Gong Qianxia's words made him very terrified. What he feared most was Gong Qianxia's proposal of separation. The man hugged her even more guiltily, "Honey, you will always be My wife is the mother of the children, and it is my fault that I have done so many things that misunderstood you, wife, let's go home now!"

Gong Qianxia lay on his shoulders, not knowing what to say. The man's tone was sincere, and his anxious expression didn't seem to be lying. Besides, Gong Qianxia also thought of Yan Xiaobai. Xiaobai has probably sensed the relationship between them by now.

"Actually, I don't want to do this either. After all, the children are still young. I don't want to hurt Xiaobai anymore. He is a sensitive child. I worry about him..."

Yan Chaomu nodded, he picked up Gong Qianxia and took her home without hesitation, Hua Wuyou immediately followed with Yan Xiaobai after seeing this!
The two of them got into the car and Yan Chaomu immediately started the car. Gong Qianxia was worried about the children behind her, but Yan Chaomu didn't worry about them at all. Naturally, Hua Wuyou took good care of them.

The man carried her out of the car and returned to the room. Gong Qianxia never lay down in Yan Zhaomu's arms all the way, this feeling of being pampered reminded her of when she was tightly against the man's chest, " Well, stop doing this, everyone is still watching, and you are obviously guilty of guilt in this way, do you think you are trying to curry favor with me?"

Yan Chaomu was speechless, at this time Gong Qianxia still had the heart to talk to him like this, Yan Zhaomu naturally understood that Gong Qianxia couldn't let go of this matter so easily, and didn't dare to ask too many questions, she carried her directly to the room, Hua Wuyou brought Yan Xiaobai up to follow, and seeing that the two of them had returned to their original love, Yan Xiaobai's mood improved a lot, but it could be seen that Gong Qianxia would not forgive Yan Zhaomu so easily.

He followed up and saw that Gong Qianxia was already lying on the bed, and Yan Chaomu was sitting beside her bed, his eyes met and saw the feeling of affection, but Yan Xiaobai did not believe that this was what he saw.

"Do you think mom really forgave dad? Or do you mean they will continue to fight? I'm really worried..."

Hua Wuyou then laughed, Gong Qianxia is not someone who is easy to let go, but if Yan Zhaomu had never done it, Gong Qianxia would choose to forgive him because she loves this man, so at this time Gong Qianxia is probably really forgave him.

Yan Chaomu was still a little terrified, but now in front of so many people, he took Gong Qianxia's hand, "Honey, since we're back, we'll live a good life, and I promise to confess everything to you in the future, absolutely I'm wholeheartedly devoted to you, this time it's my fault, so you just..."

Yan Chaomu didn't know how to continue with the next words, but now he could only bite the bullet and continue, "So whether you believe it or not, I swear to God, I really love you!"

Hua Wuyou and Yan Xiaobai looked at each other, it seems that this time Yan Chaomu realized many problems, the frankness between the husband and wife, and the test of the relationship between them all made him grow up, The more he is like this, the more guilty the man's heart is.

Gong Qianxia couldn't bear to see him like this, even though it was the man's fault first, she still liked to see him in high spirits, "Okay, okay, I'm already a parent now, why don't you I thought it was the same as you used to, the words you just said were not only for me, but also for yourself, you also know that life is not easy and marriage is not easy, so do it and cherish it!"

Yan Chaomu nodded, and hugged her tightly, Gong Qianxia forgave him, the man's heart was finally relieved, he waved to Yan Xiaobai, Yan Xiaobai carried his sister into the arms of the two, The four of them hugged each other, Yan Chaomu lay on Gong Qianxia's shoulder, "Honey, two children are not enough, I still have to have one!"

(End of this chapter)

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