Chapter 919 Look at your performance

After a fierce battle, Gong Qianxia was held in the arms of a man, she wanted to break free, but this man had great strength, she struggled and stared at him, "Yan Chaomu, what are you doing, I'm tired and want to rest!"

"Honey, we haven't been so intimate for a long time. You are really more and more attractive, and we are husband and wife now. Things between husband and wife should be normal, you..."

What Yan Chaomu said was so logical, Gong Qianxia was speechless, she knew she was no match for this man, so she simply kept silent in front of him, and at the same time told this man with her actions that she is still angry Woolen cloth!
"Gong Qianxia!" Yan Chaomu turned her head impatiently. He had been talking for so long, but he didn't expect that this woman is still angry and always turns a blind eye to him. He is obviously her husband. But this woman is always indifferent!
The woman stared at him with wide eyes, but Yan Chaomu immediately changed her tone, "That wife, can I tell you, can you respond to me, anyway, I am your husband, but you are like this, I... "

Gong Qianxia smiled, and he wanted to respond, she raised her foot and kicked him while he was not prepared, the man was kicked out of bed by her unexpectedly, standing by the bed and looking at her angrily, "Gong Qianxia, ​​what are you doing?" What's going on, can we still chat happily?"

The woman smiled, Yan Chaomu looked at her happily, the woman's gloomy face unexpectedly smiled at this time, Yan Chaomu also laughed, "Honey, you actually smiled, so you are not angry?"

"Yan Chaomu, don't do this. It's not so easy for me to forgive you. Everything in the future depends on your performance. Well, if..."

Yan Chaomu immediately came to her side in a fawning manner, no matter what method he used, as long as the woman smiled, even if he looked very embarrassed now.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, everything depends on my performance, wife, just wait and see!"

When Yan Xiaobai got up, he saw that this man Yan Chaomu not only got up early, but he was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. He thought he was wrong and rubbed his eyes.

Yan Chaomu turned around and looked at him unwillingly. Now that even his own son was doubting himself, he walked to his side, "Xiaobai, you are not mistaken, I have already promised my mother, look at my performance!"

Yan Xiaobai glanced at him. In his memory, this man seemed to have never been in the kitchen. Now that he was asked to make breakfast, he didn't know if this man could do it.

"Yan Xiaobai, what does this expression mean? You mustn't doubt Dad!"

He got up and went to the kitchen, his full confidence was blown by him like this. Even so, Yan Zhaomu still didn't want him to be underestimated, and brought breakfast to the table. Yan Xiaobai couldn't believe his eyes, this The man actually made a decent breakfast.

"Yan Xiaobai, you've seen it all, don't be envious!" The man sat across from him with air, Yan Xiaobai's expression had already betrayed him, he was obviously surprised and curious, when did this man learn to cook , and it looks pretty good.

The child took a dissatisfied glance. Although it looked good, it would be a failure if the taste was not good. He tasted the breakfast, and it tasted really good. Yan Xiaobai couldn't believe his eyes, this man actually He can do anything, and he looked at him adoringly, "Dad, how did you do it?"

Yan Chaomu studied abroad when he was very young. Because he was alone, he learned to live independently early on. Washing clothes and cooking are simply commonplace for him. However, this man has been busy with work since he returned to China. Opportunity to play!

Yan Xiaobai looked at him, there were still many advantages in this man that he hadn't discovered, which made him curious, especially at this time.

When Hua Wuyou arrived and saw Yan Xiaobai staring at him blankly, Yan Xiaobai's attitude towards this man was completely different from the previous attitude, he actually looked at him with adoration, shouldn't it be disgusting?
Yan Xiaobai followed him out, and halfway there he suddenly remembered, "Uncle Hua, can you cook and do housework?"

Hua Wuyou was stunned for a moment and turned to look at him. Who wouldn't do such a simple thing, and these are the most basic and daily things, I believe everyone can do it, he doesn't understand why Yan Xiaobai would do this question.

"Today's breakfast was made by my dad, he seems to know everything!"

Hua Wuyou sneered, what kind of logic is he doing? Does making breakfast make him worship that man so much? He has made breakfast for many years, and he has lived alone for so many years. Doesn't he worship him?
Now Yan Chaomu just made breakfast, Yan Xiaobai is so admired, he really can't understand, Yan Xiaobai's IQ!
"Yan Xiaobai, are you okay, it's just a breakfast, if you live in my house every day, I will make breakfast every day, your father just made a meal, you will worship like this, I really lost to you! "

Hua Wuyou shook her head helplessly, she didn't want to continue discussing with him because of this issue, where is there such a father and son.

Yan Xiaobai proudly followed behind Hua Wuyou. In fact, Yan Chaomu became a lot more approachable when cooking at home, and it also made him see his hard work for this family and for them, so he was naturally very happy.

"Is Yan Xiaobaini too easily moved? I treat you so well and do so many things for you every day. Why don't you show off my kindness everywhere, but always scold me instead!"

"Uncle Hua, have you forgotten that I won a wedding room for you, such a thing is rare, and not everyone can make me pay like this!" Yan Xiaobai looked at him with air, But this man was so ungrateful, which made him very dissatisfied!

Hua Wuyou nodded, he did not forget these things, but Yan Xiaobai can't always talk about such a thing, he is Yan Chaomu's son, he has so much wealth, helping him is just this once .

"Yan Xiaobai, you only helped me once. Besides, I don't know what Su Qing means now. If you can help me catch up with Su Qing, maybe I will..."

Yan Xiaobai knew that this man wanted something from him, but I heard that it was his lifelong event, so Yan Xiaobai would not neglect it, but this man is so stupid that he can't even handle his feelings well, even the woman he likes. Maybe, Hua Wuyou is the only one in the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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