Chapter 939 Ruthless Man

Before, this woman would be particularly resistant to Lin Xu's approach, but this time Xia Wei didn't resist at all, instead she deliberately faced the wind, which put Lin Xu in a good mood.

The man preemptively kissed Xia Wei's lips, and hugged her tightly with both hands. The woman's weak body was like a baby in his arms, which made the man feel very fresh. The first The first time I tried Xia Wei's cold temper, it was like holding Gong Qianxia in my arms, which made Lin Xu feel a little excited.

The good time on the weekend was very pleasant, Yan Zhaomu was lazily leaning on the sofa on the balcony, Gong Qianxia was walking back and forth in front of him in loose pajamas, he pulled her to her side.

Yan Chaomu carried her to the bed, her pajamas set off her charming body, Yan Zhaomu had seen her in pajamas before, but she was never as charming as today, he looked at him in surprise!
It's broad daylight now, Yan Xiaobai may come back at any time, their current appearance seems to be...

"Don't be afraid, relax." Yan Chaomu said softly in Gong Qianxia's ear.

The woman nodded, it was not the first time such a thing happened, but she did not expect this man to be so bold, the woman's hands tightened, and she hugged Yan Zhaomu tightly.

At this moment, Yan Chaomu also closed her eyes, since the two children were born, there seemed to be an invisible distance between her and Gong Qianxia, ​​their love has never been to the fullest!

At the same time, Xia Wei knew of Lin Xu's ruthless methods, but had no choice but to choose to join forces with this man, and did what she despised the most.

Suddenly Lin Xu opened his eyes, saw Xia Wei's intoxicated appearance, imagined that this woman was Gong Qianxia, ​​and the picture of her being with Yan Chaomu, Gong Qianxia also looked like enjoying herself, thinking of this, Lin Xu She increased her strength, and Xia Wei was not surprised when she felt such an effort.

Because Jasmine told her that these men will be with you willingly only if their desires are satisfied. Xia Wei thought of this, and she thinks that Lin Xu is also such a person.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Xu ignored Xia Wei, and suddenly his hands grabbed Xia Wei's neck.

"You bitch, why did you betray me? Why are you with that man Yan Chaomu?" Lin Xu looked at her with vicious eyes, beads of sweat dripping down his face.

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? I don't understand." Seeing his expression like this, Xia Wei felt very strange in her heart. She was fine just now, but now she seems to be a different person, which made her a little scared.

"Hmph, you are obviously my fiancée, but in the end you ended up with that man Yan Zhaomu. Why did I treat you badly? You want to treat me like this?" Lin Xu looked at her and said viciously.

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? I don't have one, I really don't." Xia Wei looked at him helplessly, her pajamas were thrown on the ground by Lin Xu, she could only hug her arms to cover, Lin Xu was arranging his clothes.

"Okay, I'm here to warn you, stop thinking about going back to the past, obediently do what I told you, otherwise..."

As Lin Xu spoke, he picked up the pajamas on the floor and threw them beside Xia Wei.

At this time, she was crying while picking up her own clothes. She didn't expect that Lin Xu had already known about the past, and now she was as embarrassed as an abandoned woman.

Before Lin Xu left, he slammed the door heavily.

Xia Wei saw Lin Xu leaving like this, and leaving like this after having a relationship with her, which made her feel aggrieved, but she dared not say it, Lin Xu will know about this sooner or later , but now she feels that she has no face to see Hua Wuyou again.

Recalling these things that happened to her, Xia Wei shed tears of regret. She has been pursuing what she has been pursuing. In the end, there are only endless scars and painful memories. It is not as simple as being with Hua Wuyou at the beginning calm.

She made up her mind to come back here and want to start again with Hua Wuyou, but this man already had other women by his side, Xia Wei knew that all of this was her fault!

(End of this chapter)

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