Chapter 952 Eye-opening
"Oh, it's nothing, I have to work." Said Su Mingfeng sat down quickly, randomly picked up a document on the table and looked at it, Lan Chuchu was very surprised to see Hua Wuyou like this , and also saw him hold the document upside down, "The document is upside down."

After speaking, Lan Chuchu shook her head, turned and left.

Seeing Lan Chuchu's leaving back, Su Mingfeng couldn't help feeling a little happy, and heaved a long sigh of relief. It seems that Lan Chuchu must be thinking about herself, otherwise how could she come up with an excuse!
Look at the time, it is very close to the time to get off work, at this time Su Mingfeng remembered what she said to himself, the time is getting closer, this makes him feel a little excited, he does not know how to face such The enthusiastic Lan Chuchu was very surprised.

Finally seeing that many people had already left work, Su Mingfeng felt inexplicably excited and excited, but at this moment he really didn't know what to do.

After hesitating in the office for a long time, he finally decided to go down, because the power in the company was about to be turned off, the man bit the bullet and came to the parking lot, but he didn't see Lan Chuchu's shadow, he shook his head helplessly, looking Lan Chuchu came here to joke with himself, which made him happy for nothing. He came to the parking lot alone, and saw Lan Chuchu's shadow beside his car, which made him overjoyed. Chu Chu unexpectedly waited for him here, and he happily went over to give her a hug.

"Chuchu, what a coincidence."

"What a coincidence, I came here specially to wait for you."

Seeing this, Su Mingfeng knew that Lan Chuchu was fulfilling his promise, so he didn't refuse, but quickly got into the car and started the engine.

"Chuchu, let's go home now." Su Mingfeng looked at the woman beside him, although he really wanted to, but in order not to let her see it, he deliberately pretended to be serious.


After a while, they arrived at the apartment. At this time, Lan Chuchu got out of the car and said goodbye to Su Mingfeng, but this man seemed to be very reluctant, still thinking about what she said, But now seeing that the woman is about to walk in, the man really wants to keep her, but he doesn't know how to tell her.

At this time, Lan Chuchu suddenly turned around and walked towards his car, "Do you want to go up and have a drink?"

After hearing this, Su Mingfeng got out of the car without even thinking about it, and walked into the corridor with Lan Chuchu.

When he came to the apartment, he saw that the house was kept spotless, and his daughter didn't seem to be here. He was a little displeased. Did this woman even ignore her daughter outside?
Is his mood a bit complicated, but after staying in the hospital for so long, he doesn't think so much now.

"Sit down first, I'll get you a drink."

Su Mingfeng sat down on the sofa of Tianyuan Suihua, and saw that the furnishings of the house had not changed from before. Lan Chuchu was a very pure woman, and this had nothing to do with her temperament at all.

After a while, Lan Chuchu came to him with a glass of juice and handed it to him. Su Mingfeng drank more than half of the juice to relieve himself and cool down.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help but feel a little funny seeing his actions.

"Sit down first, I'll change clothes." The woman got up and went to the room.

After a while, Lan Chuchu came to him after changing her clothes. It was a man's shirt, but it was a bit too big for her, and the collar was opened very low. At this time, Lan Chuchu was in front of him. The opposite sat down, with long hair in a shawl.

Seeing such a charming woman, Su Mingfeng couldn't help feeling a little strange, he didn't know where to put his hands, but now he still kept his reserve.

"Oh." The woman fell in front of him, and threw herself into Su Mingfeng's arms. At this time, the man's eyes had become blurred. He looked at her, and unconsciously wanted to reach into her. After looking inside the clothes, Lan Chuchu pushed his hand away, "No, I want to take a shower first."

Speaking of which, Lan Chuchu got up from the man's arms and went to the bathroom. At this time, he was completely fascinated by Lan Chuchu, and he also got up and went to the bathroom.

Looking at the woman, she had just taken off half of her clothes. Seeing Su Mingfeng, the man hugged her from behind and kept biting Lan Chuchu's ear. The woman saw from the mirror how he treated her like that. Fascinated, Lan Chuchu smiled, then pushed him out the door, "Go to the room and wait for me!"

Lan Chuchu's voice was so clear that Su Mingfeng's whole body trembled.

After the woman took a bath, she just came out with a bath towel on. At this time, the man saw her, and he stretched out his hand, trying to pull her into his arms.

Lan Chuchu came to his side, the man stroked her skin, it was so white and smooth, the woman pushed his hand away, feeling very embarrassed, "Wait, I'm going to turn off the light."

Su Mingfeng nodded, and Lan Chuchu got up and went outside to turn off all the lights. At this time, the room became very dark, and I couldn't see anything clearly, but at this time Su Mingfeng could feel the warmth of a woman. The body was getting closer to him, and at the same time he could feel that the towel had been removed from this woman's body. He could feel her soft body, her slender hands, and her beautiful hair. On such a night, in such a Under the circumstances, what will happen to a man and a woman, this is the result that everyone will know.

The woman crawled slowly from Su Mingfeng's feet to his side. During this process, Su Mingfeng could feel every inch of this woman's skin, so smooth and soft, he could feel every inch of his body. Every inch of her skin has her smell and body. He didn't feel this kind of feeling. He was a little nervous at first, but gradually he discovered the specialness of this woman. He lay on his chest and kissed frantically. Around his neck and pectoral muscles.

(End of this chapter)

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