Chapter 959 You should thank me
Yan Chaomu couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that just a word of encouragement from his son would make his mood better inexplicably. When did he trust a child's words, but now he has to admit that he is enjoying it now!

"Since when did you start teasing your dad, what if I told you that this compliment isn't alluring?"

Yan Xiaobai looked behind him mysteriously, grabbed his schoolbag and ran towards the door with a smile, "Since my praise doesn't work, it's better to let my mother reward you!"

Yan Chaomu turned to Shanggong Qianxia with a gentle smile, he smiled and got up to meet her, "Why did you wake up so early, is Xiaobai making trouble?"

Their father and son's voices are so loud and noisy, she can't even hear them, but it's rare that the interaction between their father and son has increased, and she is in a good mood, "It's nothing, there is a lack of communication between you and Xiaobai, Look how good it is now!"

Yan Chaomu laughed. When he put his heart and soul on his family, he could feel different feelings from before, such as the compliment from Yan Xiaobai. This guy had been fighting with him before, and he had a stubborn temper. It's exactly the same as him, and now it's all right, he has learned to tease him, and the relationship between them seems to be pretty good!
Yan Xiaobai followed behind Hua Wuyou, seeing that the man was still smiling, he suddenly wondered what happened to this man?
Hua Wuyou took his hand, "Yan Xiaobai, do you think it's better to be a little brother or a little sister?"

Yan Xiaobai thought about it for a long time and didn't know what this man was talking about. As for his younger sister, he now has a biological younger sister and Lan Chuchu's daughter, so he probably doesn't want a younger sister, "I think little brother is good. , anyway, I have a younger sister now, I don’t have a younger brother!”

Hua Wuyou was immersed in his infinite reverie and couldn't extricate himself. Hearing Yan Xiaobai say that his brother is good, he immediately turned dark, "Yan Xiaobai, what's so good about my brother, I can't give birth to a son like you. Learned to call people idiots!"

He looked at the man sadly, it was he who asked the question, he just said it, and his thoughts were so obvious now, it was obvious that this man liked his daughter, yet he still asked!
Yan Xiaobai couldn't help ridiculing him for a while, but Hua Wuyou didn't expect that he didn't care at all, "That's right, but it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, they are all my children, but I might like girls more!"

Yan Xiaobai glanced at him contemptuously, "I said you'd better settle Aunt Su Qing first, otherwise you're just wishful thinking, or you want to have a baby with other aunts, oh my god, you actually moved Farewell to love!"

Hua Wuyou couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect Yan Xiaobai to have such a rich imagination, he took his hand, "You guys, don't talk nonsense, especially in front of Su Qing, let alone when I said Are you going to have a baby with another woman?"

Hua Wuyou looked at him and said angrily, and Yan Xiaobai was not angry either. In his opinion, it is a good thing that Hua Wuyou's relationship has a destination. He already has a sister now, and Lan Chuchu has one. My daughter is about to get married, and only the idiot Hua Wuyou is still single. If he doesn't hurry up, he will definitely be rejected by others.

"Okay, I'm at school. As for your own affairs, you have to take good care of them. Aunt Su Qing is a good woman. You can't give up so easily. Also, you need to use your brains more about that romantic proposal ceremony! "

Hua Wuyou nodded, a man his age was taught a lesson by Yan Xiaobai's child, he felt ashamed, but now what Yan Xiaobai said were all problems, he had to find a way to give Su Qing a perfect marriage proposal !

The whistle behind him awakened his consciousness, and Hua Wuyou stood on the steps instinctively, but unexpectedly the sound still sounded, he turned and looked behind him, Xia Wei was sitting in the car smiling at him, Hua Wuyou resisted and backed away After a few steps, there was no need for any intersection between them, so he didn't plan to have any more entanglements with this woman.

He walked forward, Xia Wei drove behind him, looked at the man in front of him, he was very different from the past, the former Hua Wuyou would definitely not turn a blind eye to her just because he saw her, But now when this man saw her, he ran away as if he had seen a ghost!
Unwillingly, Xia Wei got out of the car and ran all the way to catch up with Hua Wuyou, "Hua Wuyou, you can see me, but you have to know about Gong Qianxia!"

Sure enough, Hua Wuyou stopped in his tracks. He turned around and looked at Xia Wei. The man's face was full of loss and disappointment. In front of this man, only the mention of Gong Qianxia would arouse his interest. , she bit her lips in sadness.

"Tell me about Xia Xia, I don't want you to deceive me!" Hua Wuyou looked at her calmly, Xia Wei didn't think too much, she looked at Hua Wuyou quietly, Jasmine and Gong Qian Xia provoked, there is only one result...

Hua Wuyou clenched her fists angrily, how could this happen, he had already warned that woman not to allow her to get close to Yan Chaomu, but he didn't expect that woman Jasmine would not listen, it seems that she is really not afraid of death!

"Hua Wuyou, that's all I know, I hope I can help you!" She bit her lip and lowered her head in embarrassment, Hua Wuyou was not in the mood for such a grievance and distressing look, he was worried now Everything is in the mood of Gong Asaxia!
"If I remember correctly, both you and Jasmine should be Lin Xu's people now, tell me why you told me this, and what is your purpose?"

Hua Wuyou still doesn't believe that Xia Wei is not the simple woman she was back then, or that she was never such a simple woman, it's just that she disguised herself too well in front of him!

"Hua Wuyou, don't you see what I'm thinking when I'm already like this? I love you, and I want to return to your side. These are my sincerity, so I..."

Hua Wuyou Sihu didn't believe this woman's words. Xia Wei had done so many things that hurt him and finally abandoned him. Naturally, he wouldn't think that this woman really repented, so he was dubious about his words !
The man turned to leave, but Xia Wei suddenly stopped in front of him, "Hua Wuyou, I'm already like this, haven't you seen my sincerity? You doubt me now, but how did you treat me back then?" of?"

(End of this chapter)

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