Chapter 970
Hua Wuyou immediately pulled Su Qing and Yan Xiaobai up, and the three ran outside together, because it was on a remote road near the school, and there were not so many people, Su Qing wanted to urge Hua Wuyou to go to the hospital quickly On the other hand, she held Yan Xiaobai tightly and fell a few times, Hua Wuyou had to stop and wait for Su Qing again, how could she care about these things, and shouted at Hua Wuyou, Let him go to the hospital quickly.

When they were crossing the road, they saw a taxi. Hua Wuyou ignored the passing vehicles and reached out to stop one. The driver stopped the car and looked at them suspiciously. He didn't mean to take them. Hua Wuyou You took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket and threw them to the driver, who immediately agreed for them to get on the bus.

Xia Wei watched in pain as Hua Wuyou took Su Qing away like this, her heart was full of reconciliation, although she didn't do a lot for Hua Wuyou, but now she sincerely wanted to return to him, but Hua Wuyou Wuyou told him that he loved Su Qing, how could Xia Wei be reconciled, fortunately they have left now, so they have no time to take care of her, let Xia Wei escape again, Xia Wei feels that she will take revenge in the future There may be many opportunities, so now she doesn't worry at all.

Hua Wuyou was sent to the emergency room. Su Qing lay on his shoulder and kept crying. Hua Wuyou patted her back lightly, but she didn't know that her hands were bleeding continuously.

It was Su Qing who finally found out, "Ah, your hand..." She couldn't believe what she saw in front of her. Hua Wuyou's face had turned pale. Wuyou was also injured, which made her very worried. Even if she wanted to leave this man immediately, but now seeing Hua Wuyou was injured because of saving herself, Su Qing naturally had no way to leave him.

"It's okay, don't yell like this, these are just minor injuries, so don't worry about it now!"

Hua Wuyou still wanted to comfort her, but Su Qing didn't listen to Hua Wuyou's words, she dragged Hua Wuyou to the emergency room, "No, this is too dangerous, look at how much blood has been shed Now, you must bandage it!"

Su Qing forced Hua Wuyou onto the chair, and called a nurse to bandage Hua Wuyou. When the nurse saw that his wound was bleeding so much, she had an unbelievable expression on her face, and told They, if this is a step too late, will definitely go into shock due to excessive bleeding, Su Qing looked at Hua Wuyou with lingering fear, "It's so serious, how can you say it's not serious, Xiaobai and I both need you Your protection, nothing will happen to you!"

Hua Wuyou's mood suddenly improved a lot. This was the first time that Su Qing spoke to herself in such an urgent tone. She had never been so dependent on Hua Wuyou before, especially when she saw Su Qing so much. With concerned eyes, Hua Wuyou really hoped that she would get hurt again, even if it was worth it.

"Xiaoqing, are you caring about me?" Hua Wuyou looked at her emotionally, Su Qing immediately turned her face away awkwardly, she couldn't face Hua Wuyou's burning gaze, "I'll go see Look at Xiaobai!" Su Qing got up and left the emergency room.

Hua Wuyou's eyes lighted up. Su Qing's concern for her is because she has her own in her heart, and now she has not alienated him because of Xia Wei's appearance. Hua Wuyou's heart is extremely complicated , also followed her and saw her standing outside the door of the operating room praying non-stop, Hua Wuyou suddenly felt her throat tightened, and he couldn't find any words to comfort her, indeed, the inside Although that was not her own son, Hua Wuyou had already regarded him as her own son from the moment he was born, and Hua Wuyou had no way to convince herself that everything would pass.

The door of the operating room was pushed open, and Su Qing looked over anxiously. It wasn't the doctor, nor Yan Xiaobai, but the nurse who came out. Her hurried footsteps made people feel that the situation was very dangerous, and then she saw the nurse again. Brought some things and hurried in, the whole process was so fast that before Su Qing had time to ask the nurse about the situation inside, Su Qing leaned helplessly against the wall, Hua Wuyou had no way to comfort her, she could only rely on the On the wall, waiting for the results in the operating room.

I don't know how long I waited, but the door of the emergency room has never been opened. Seeing that it was getting late outside and the stars in the sky were getting brighter, Hua Wuyou couldn't bear it anymore. Qing's side, "Xiao Qing, it's getting late, do you want to eat something, look at you, you are quite haggard!"

Hua Wuyou went out to buy some food and came to her. Su Qing sat in the corridor silently. When Hua Wuyou walked into her, she didn't realize that, yes, all her thoughts are now concentrated on In the emergency room, everything outside seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Su Qing didn't raise her head, nor did she look at Hua Wuyou, she just lowered her head silently, shedding tears continuously, the tears dried and flowed, flowed and dried again and again, a little tear stains appeared on her face.

Hua Wuyou sat down beside Su Qing, and patted her shoulder lightly, "Anyway, let's eat something first, how can you take care of Xiaobai with your appearance!" Hua Wuyou put the bread and water Handed it to her, Su Qing refused, she pushed Hua Wuyou's hand, "I'm not hungry, thank you!"

At this time, Hua Wuyou naturally didn't have any mood to eat. He went to buy food just to let Su Qing eat some, but now seeing her in such a distraught state, Hua Wuyou felt a burst of distress in her heart. She thought everything would be fine, but seeing Su Qing like this, Hua Wuyou really felt distressed.

"Xiaoqing, don't worry, Xiaobai will be fine, you can rest assured, it will be fine!"

Hua Wuyou hugged Su Qing in her arms to comfort her, but Hua Wuyou didn't know if Yan Xiaobai was in trouble, but saw that he was bleeding a little, which is very important for Yan Xiaobai's identity. , is already the biggest injury, if Yan Chaomu and Gong Qianxia know about this matter, they still don't know what will happen, Yan Xiaobai's injury has already made them feel enough panic!

If there is nothing major, why Yan Xiaobai has been in the operating room for so long and still hasn't come out? Hua Wuyou vaguely had a bad premonition in her heart, but she didn't want to tell Su Qing , because she was worried that she would not be able to bear such a blow.

(End of this chapter)

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