Chapter 981
The woman turned and left angrily, and Song Yan pulled Xia Wei to leave too. When passing by Hua Wuyou's side, the man looked at the man and the woman very proudly, but when Hua Wuyou saw their backs, his mood changed. It became very heavy, Xia Wei started to degenerate now, it turned out that she had been fooling around with a strange man all the time, Hua Wuyou's mood became very disturbed, he seemed to see Xia Wei's unwillingness to cry again Wanting to return to his side, and then hurt Su Qing and Yan Xiaobai again, he fell into deep contemplation. At this time, Su Mingfeng behind him called him, and he came back to his senses and turned around. Go ahead and drink with them.

Although it seems that Hua Wuyou drank a lot, his heart is always sober. He knows what Su Qing is worried about. Wei, I really don't know why she did this, whether it's a good thing or a hindrance, he intends to tell Su Qing about this, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that telling Su Qing about these things will only make her more serious. Hua Wuyou simply didn't want to tell her about it now.

At the same time, Yan Chaomu also drank outside alone because of his depression.

He drank some wine, and when he came home, Gong Qianxia had already fallen asleep in the room, but when he came in there was too much movement, the woman woke up at the slightest movement, she turned on the desk lamp and looked at him, the man obviously She drank a lot of wine, she looked at Yan Chaomu, "Why did you come back now and drink so much wine!"

Yan Chaomu looked at Gong Qianxia apologetically, "I'm sorry for waking you up, I'm going to take a shower now, you go to sleep first!"

After Yan Chaomu finished speaking, he staggered and walked towards the bathroom. Gong Qianxia looked at him weakly and almost fell down. In the end, she had to help him into the bathroom. The man glanced at the woman gratefully. , "Xia Xia, you are so kind!"

Gong Qianxia shook her head helplessly. Seeing his embarrassed appearance, she couldn't help worrying whether this man would fall asleep in the bathroom, but she had no choice but to stay by his side, she could only help him take a bath, The clothes on his body were all smelled of alcohol, the man was drowsy, and then reluctantly dragged him to sleep, Yan Zhaomu looked helplessly at Gong Qianxia in front of him, and she also looked at him helplessly. She forgot about her body when she was socializing, so she poured Yan Zhaomu a glass of water and put it on the bedside.

When Gong Qianxia was about to lie down next to him, she heard the man muttering about Yan Xiaobai, she wanted to listen to him continue with fear, but finally found that Yan Zhaomu had fallen asleep.

Gong Qianxia spent the whole night in anxiety. When it was dawn, Yan Chaomu turned over and found that the woman beside him had her eyes open, so he also opened her eyes and looked at Gong Qianxia, ​​"What's wrong with you, why aren't you sleeping?"

"Yan Chaomu, what did you say you were talking about last night?" The woman nervously looked at Yan Zhaomu in front of her, and his mood immediately improved a lot. Now that she saw Gong Qianxia, ​​she didn't know what else to say, she naturally said Can't tell Yan Chaomu, she has been worrying about this matter all night.

"What's wrong with you? Who did you hear this from?" Yan Zhaomu looked at her puzzled, Gong Qianxia didn't care about him, and just kept asking him to answer her question quickly. Thinking of such a thing, Yan Zhaomu's eyes His scalp started to tingle, he didn't seem to have mentioned anything to her, but why did she ask such a question, and finally couldn't stand Gong Qianxia's soft and hard palate, he still told her some things, and told her, Xia Wei The purpose of coming back this time is to take revenge on them, but Gong Qianxia tightly grabbed his hand, "Don't worry about that crazy woman Xia Wei, what I'm most worried about now is what you plan to do, Lin Xu is taking revenge on us! "

Song Yan pushed Xia Wei roughly into the car, and she followed behind him without saying a word. Of course, Xia Wei didn't dare to talk to him about what happened tonight. In order to keep this man, Xia Wei only Looking at him helplessly, she felt very anxious and wanted to talk to him, but she didn't know what to say to him.

It seemed that on this night, Song Yan's mood experienced the torment from heaven to hell. In desperation, Xia Wei could only secretly observe his face, but the man's expressionless face made it impossible for Xia Wei to guess. In his mind, these are the things she is most worried about now!
"Are you peeking at me?" The man suddenly spoke while driving, which made Xia Wei feel very worried. She looked at Song Yan in horror, to make sure that the voice just now came from this man's mouth. Unexpectedly, the man sneered at her again, but his smile was blind, Xia Wei looked at him coldly, "I didn't peek at you, it's just you..."

"Me? What's wrong with me, don't you admit that you peeked at me?" The man looked at Xia Wei blankly, and she was terrified, "The way you looked just now was really scary, I..."

The corner of the man's mouth snorted coldly, "Really, but why didn't you tell me about all the things you did?"

Xia Wei was at a loss for words, she looked at him hesitantly, "The previous things have passed, how can I tell you, after all, those are not good things, how can I tell you?"

The corner of the man's mouth sneered, "Yeah, so you thought so, but fortunately, Lin Xu told me everything about you, otherwise, how could I not be angry? Do you think I was really Did you just know, just being humiliated face to face by that man, I absolutely can't bear this tone!"

The man looked at her indifferently, Xia Wei looked at him helplessly, she was not so scared at this time, "You mean you knew about these things a long time ago, but why were you so angry just now, why did you still kidding me?"

On the contrary, Xia Wei felt a little angry now. She looked at the man's face that deserved a beating, and didn't know how to argue with him. He just smiled, "Don't talk about it, just like you said, these things Isn't it already over? Don't you still doubt it now?"

The man looked at her indifferently, and Xia Wei's mood immediately improved a lot, "No, I dare not doubt it!"

This man is her backer now, how dare she doubt this man, it's just to achieve each other's goals, it seems that they all understand this truth.

"It's just for fun. I think you should know better than anyone else, so you just need to be obedient. As for other things, it depends on my mood!"

(End of this chapter)

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