After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1016 Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

Chapter 1016 Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

It's just pity for his brother, he won't see Lin Qingyan again.

For some reason, he felt that his brother and Lin Qingyan were like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. After all, there was no obstacle from Ma Wencai, and now there is still the obstacle of their parents.

Gu Lingxi stood aside, like a child who made a mistake, and said, "Cousin, I was wrong."

"Go back first," Gu Yichen said.

Gu Yichen is not in the mood to continue these irrelevant things here with Gu Lingxi.

Gu Jingnian said to Gu Lingxi, "Lingxi, go back first, don't think too much, you are not of much help here, just making trouble."

"I see, I'll go first." After Gu Lingxi finished speaking, she left depressed.

Gu Yichen asked, "How's your investigation going?"

"Brother, do you really want to know?" Gu Jingnian asked worriedly.

"What do you think?" Gu Yichen asked back, how could he not want to know about Xiaoyan who was related to him.

Gu Jingnian said, "It's an acquaintance. As for who it is, I sent it to your mailbox. You can see for yourself."

Gu Jingnian was still a little worried and told him again, "Brother, now Lin Xiaoyan is back safely, although you are not by your side now, you have to take care of yourself, otherwise how can you take Lin Xiaoyan back from Ye Lao?" , if you have stomach bleeding while skipping meals, it is estimated that your Xiaoyan will really belong to someone else."

Ye Feng didn't like their Gu family before, and wanted to match Lin Qingyan to someone else.

Gu Yichen said, "I know, Xiaoyan and I still have a lifetime to go."
Lin Qingyan lived very happily in Ye's house.

Although Ye Li is pregnant, she often comes back to see and talk to Lin Qingyan.

Now that Lu Jiawen has resolved the misunderstanding with Ye Li, he has completely become a wife slave, no matter where his daughter-in-law goes, she will follow her.

Even his own son is not half as good as his daughter-in-law.

Before, he always made fun of Gu Yichen, but now Zhenxiang immediately warned him to slap him in the face.

The Ye family is relatively quiet today, an old man is checking Lin Qingyan.

On the other side, Gu Yichen came over with some supplements. The men's suits and leather shoes had returned to the seven or eight points of the past.

In fact, Gu Yichen came to Ye's house almost every day, but he rarely saw Lin Qingyan, and even if he did, it was only in a hurry.

The butler walked up to the old man who was drinking tea and whispered, "The young master of Ye Lao Gu's family is here again, saying he is here to see the old man."

Ye Xuesong is old, but his heart is not blind. He said with a smile, "Where did he come to see me? It's clear that the drunkard didn't want to drink."

"Forget it, let him come in." Ye Xuesong waved his hand helplessly.

Gu Yichen was brought into the living room by the butler, and Ye Xuesong sat on the rocking chair.

"It's all here, let's play chess with the old man." Ye Xuesong had a chess set in front of him, and the chess pieces were placed on both sides.

"Good grandpa" Gu Yichen sat across from Ye Xuesong absent-mindedly, playing chess with Ye Xuesong.

As for chess, Gu Yichen was trained by his grandfather since childhood.

Ten minutes had passed, and Gu Yichen's heart was obviously not on the chessboard, but he turned his head to look upstairs from time to time.

Ye Xuesong dropped the chessboard, and said vigorously, "Young man, you must concentrate on your work. Since you are playing chess, you should concentrate on playing chess."

"Well..." Even if Gu Yichen was reminded by Ye Xuesong, if he loses a game of chess, he loses the whole game.

Ye Xuesong picked up the pieces and said, "The most taboo thing about playing chess is not paying attention."

(End of this chapter)

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