Chapter 1038
Lin Qingyan said, "Honey, I suspect it was done by my family."

There are also quite a few servants in the Gu family, and some of them have been working here for many years, so Lin Qingyan dare not draw conclusions on her own.

But think about it, if it was really done by the servants at home, it would be really scary.

Now it's just a contraceptive pill, and it's hard to say whether it will be poisoned one day.

"I thought so too, so now I asked Jing Nian to replace some of the servants at home." Gu Yichen kissed the girl's forehead.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyan, this matter was my negligence." Gu Yichen apologized all over his face.

"Some people do this deliberately, even if we don't neglect it, it will happen. Fortunately, we found it in time," Lin Qingyan said involuntarily.

"Baby, I'm hungry." Lin Qingyan didn't eat much last night, throwing up and tossing all day long, she really lost her appetite.

So after all, Lin Qingyan hadn't eaten for a day.

I don't know why, but the smell of winter delicacies can always float to every room, arousing the hungry appetite.

Lin Qingyan sniffed twice, "Baby Song Mama seems to have made steamed buns and noodles."

"Get up and eat." Gu Yichen got up first and walked around to the other side to help Lin Qingyan get a set of coral fleece pajamas, which can be worn at home.

The girl put it on her body three times and two times, and the two went downstairs together.

It was only when Lin Qingyan went downstairs that she realized that Gu Jingnian was moving so fast and was already changing servants.

The ones who have not been replaced are those who have been serving some elderly people in Gu's house all year round, and those who have re-investigated their innocence.

Gu Yichen's actions made some people panic.

But these people are usually very afraid of Gu Yichen, so none of them dare to ask.

Lin Qingyan came to the restaurant naturally, and Mama Song really cooked hand-rolled noodles and fresh steamed buns.

Just because others didn't dare to ask, didn't mean Song Ma didn't dare to ask.

Even Song's mother asked carefully, "Yichen, what happened? Why are you making such a big move."

Gu Yichen said coldly, "Some people have unclean hands and feet."

"It's best to replace dirty hands and feet. Although our Gu family has a big business, we can't stand the calculations of this kind of thinking people all day long." Song Ma couldn't help but criticize a few words.

Obviously, Xia's mother misunderstood Gu Yichen's unclean hands and feet for another meaning.

"Mother Song, your noodles are really delicious." Lin Qingyan used to cook noodles abroad, but she was once defeated by her own cooking skills, which made Lin Qingyan not very willing to eat noodles.

"Really? If Xiaoyan likes you, eat more. Before Jingnian, she was most willing to eat the noodles I cooked." Mama Song said very proudly.

As soon as Song Ma's voice fell, an abrupt voice sounded immediately, "Whether Song Mama has my share, I have worked hard all morning. I haven't stopped for a moment since I got off the plane, and I haven't eaten yet."

I have to say that Gu Jingnian's efficiency is really good, and the solution is almost done in just a few hours.

"There are plenty of them, you wait for me to serve them for you." Song Ma said, she had already run to the kitchen to bring Gu Jingnian a bowl, and put in a few extra pieces of beef.

Gu Jingnian stuttered, and he did not forget to say, "These two people only know how to enslave me to work together, Song Mama is the best for you, I love you to death."

"You child, hurry up and eat, it's useless to talk all day long." Song Ma couldn't help laughing.

Song Ma couldn't help sighing, since Lin Qingyan came to this house, this lifeless place has become much more lively.

(End of this chapter)

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