After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1049 True Than Real Gold, Whiter Than Silver

Chapter 1049 True Than Real Gold, Whiter Than Silver

"Of course it's true. It's truer than real gold and whiter than silver." Gu Jingnian nodded very seriously.

Gu Lingxi threw the things Su Yijin gave her directly to the ground, and did not forget to stomp on her feet to vent her anger.

Lu Furong, who is usually quite good-tempered, got angry directly, pointed at Su Yijin's nose and scolded, "I really didn't expect that you are not only a femme fatale, but also have vicious thoughts, what kind of intentions do you have in mind to want our Gu family to have no descendants? I really dare not imagine how terrible it would be for Gu Yichen to marry a woman like you."

"Auntie is all a misunderstanding, Yichen, Grandpa Gu, please listen to my explanation, this is definitely framed by someone, I definitely did not do such a thing."

"Grandpa Gu, you believe me, right? Lin Qingyan must have known what you were thinking, so she deliberately colluded with Gu Jingnian to frame me. She just wanted to occupy Yichen."

Su Yijin knelt down in front of the old man of the Gu family with a "puchi", hurriedly explaining, eager to get rid of herself.

Su Yan said angrily, "Even if Gu Yichen doesn't want to marry Yijin and let our two families marry, you won't use this method to frame our Su family. When did we ever do such a thing?"

"You know in your heart whether you have done it or not." Whoever dares to be an enemy of Lu Furong's grandson is to be an enemy of her, Lu Furong.

Gu Wenfeng also didn't believe that Su Yijin would do such a thing, and said, "Yijin, get up first, is there some misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding, last time, grandpa, you asked my brother to say that our Gu family owed the Su family, so we didn't pursue Su Yijin's kidnapping of Lingxi last time, but this is not an excuse to condone their crimes. I don’t believe my brother will pursue what happened before, it’s because they didn’t know how to repent and they did too much.”

Gu Jingnian was eloquent.

"Jingnian, do you have evidence to slander us like this?" Su Yan asked sharply.

The old man of the Gu family also seemed a little embarrassed.

After all, it is related to the descendants of their Gu family.

"Yichen, do you have evidence for what you say? Or was it fooled by that little star?" Gu Siyuan questioned.

In Gu Siyuan's heart, Lin Qingyan is just a small star in the entertainment industry who relied on Gu Yichen to get to where she is today.

On the contrary, he believed more in Su Yijin and the Su family.

"Grandpa, is my brother the kind of stupid person who will be deceived by others? Since we said that today, there must be evidence." Gu Jingnian clapped his hands outside.

Qin Hao entered the room with a girl.

The girl was thin and weak, and looked a little malnourished. Before that, she cleaned in Gu's house and stayed there for three years. Her salary has never been less, and her work is not very tiring.

Since the girl was arrested, although she has not suffered any physical torture, she is so vulnerable to being tortured by herself every day.

Her hair was a little messy, and she looked very embarrassed.

Ever since the girl was brought in by Qin Hao, she had caught sight of Su Yan who was standing aside, as if seeing a lifesaver.

Gu Jingnian looked at the girl, then at Su Yan and couldn't help but tease, "Brother Su, do you know this girl?"

Su Yan glanced at the girl, obviously a little guilty.

Deliberately raising your volume to make yourself appear less guilty "I don't know."

Gu Jingnian nodded, "Really? Brother Su, have you looked carefully? Don't be mistaken, but Brother Su, you don't know him, but he seems to know you."

(End of this chapter)

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